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Vincent Nacon

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Posts posted by Vincent Nacon

  1. Clearly you don't even understand what's goes on in SL.


    1: Concurrency won't change because of the real world cocurrency... It's nothing Linden Lab can do about it.

    2: It's not like we need more Land Ownership/Grid Size or less to improve... anything?  However, there are two new things that came with Mesh's update release. Encroachment system will help out a lot of people who had abuses and prim count management to keep what's their, not others. Also, there is a new scale limit, raised to 64m instead of 10m. It's going to boost smaller parcel ownerships because now they can have a simple home without eatting up their prim count so much.

    3: There's a very good chance that mesh can improve economy in SL because it create more 3D modeling jobs for the customers who demands better looking contents.

    4: ...what? Did you just add "Retention Rates" to the list to make it sounds like it's just another thing we need to improve?  Linden Lab can't do anything about that either. That's up to you (users).

    5: Another non-sense.


    Might be a good idea to tell what you think is the real issue with SL.  Also... yes, there are ways for residents to "buy" a Homestead sims without buying a full estate and this has been going on for quite some times now.  Either way, most people want full estate than homestead because of its performance and low prim count. It's no brainer.


    Even I had some doubts about SL's future growth but I don't like the idea of spreading "doom" without some logical structural reasonings.  And doing so would only make it worst than helping.

  2. Ralph, she didn't say about reselling them... However.

    Chelsea, but then you'd have to deal with UV mapping down to 8 material per object or less, optimized for less prim count and provide a proper physic boundary.  While SL's viewer does provide their optimization tools, it's not the best versus Blender's or any of AutoDesk's softwares. Much as it need some handling than letting it alone be shipped in.

  3. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    The templates from Chip Midnight and Robin Wood are in SL the standards on which skins and clothes are designed. I'm not aware of any other 'standards', but I would like to hear from you which standards you mean.

    I think we might be confused between few things about "standards".

    As you should know, Chip and Robin didn't create UV mapping for SL's avatar, as it can't be changed.  Linden Lab created the UV map, however... wouldn't call it as standard for that matter either. They made it simple and dumbed down for anyone to create texture for clothes. They left behind a too much voids that could have been used; like independent arms and foot.

  4. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    Thanks for your feed back. I see comments from people with a critical eye more as a present then as an attack.

    When it comes to efficiency of using texture space, you are right.
    But on the other hand skin- and fashion artists work with non effecient used texture space for years already. So it is a kind of format the community is used to.

    But with the sticks you have a point. It would even make it more easy to apply a wood texture to them when all sticks are lined up next to each other.

    Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    Yes, you are right. This is not a final model I will put for sale, because the model is still too prim heavy. The final model uses less polygons and has a prim count of 3.

    But this is what I just had for hand to show people who don't know anything about mesh or texturing mesh how a UV map might look.




    Helping is nice but being taught by someone who isn't quite professional yet isn't the best idea. As for the format, yes it does happen a lot but I wouldn't call it a "standard" to be fair. Which is why it happens in the first place.

  5. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    Here is an example to show a mesh template. In mesh land they are not called templates but UV maps.


    Not trying to be mean or attacking you but.... your UV mapping and texture size is making me cringes.  You really should think about using up all of the unused spaces in a texture. and simpfity texture's DPI to the least instead of most.

    For a example, line up all of the wooden sticks straight and stack them next to each others. Flatten and straighten out the fin-paper into rectangle to add more pixels into the area for more details. This way you can take up about 95% of the UV's area instead. If you're worried about the dissorten of the image for the fin, you could apply Photoshop's spherize dissort or polar coord. filter to rectangle.


    On other hand, if you're thinking about your customers and make it easy for them to texture their own?  While it's a nice idea, but it scream a big no-no for me. Full perm is even worst for the market and your own sales.

  6. @Shockwave Yareach:  I beg the differ.  I have been using ATI's much as I used Nvidia's.  Sure, there has been some graphic bugs but that doesn't make any difference than Nvidia.  Both companies release new cards with graphical bugs, get patched later on.

    Personally, I wouldn't choose videocard based on how buggy they get, it's a common thing for newer models.

    However, Second Life does not support any videocards more than 512mb of RAM, thus all newer cards are forced to throttle in 512mb limit. In this case, you want to look at number of SPUs (Stream Processing Units) and memories clock speed.

    I'd recommend at least more than 200 SPUs and memories clock speed of 1,333 MHz (for DDR3) or more. The card you're looking at will work but I've found one that is closer to your budget and my recommendation, bigger bang for the bucks.


    I've tried looking for Nvidia's counterparts but they are way overpriced (over $140).  Before buying anything, make sure your motherboard can accept the card.  There's more than one type of PCI-E slots and versions.  This ATI card is PCI Express 2.1 x16.  Your TV is 1366 x 768 (advertised as 720p), thus this card will support it; up to 2560 x 1600, can support a 1080p TV if you upgraded it as well.  You will also get DirectX 11 support, which Second Life will soon require for the new features coming after Mesh update.

    I know the card is fanless but I would slap a small fan on the heatsink to prolonging its lifespan. ...and can't hurt to overclock a bit. :smileywink:

  7. Can you provide your information about your computer?

    OS, Anti-virus, Anti-Spyware, Firewall, web broswer and or any download management programs.


    My feeling is that you may have something interfering with your system, possible spyware/malware trying to induction its own file to log your data. End up with a failure and cause your installation corrupted. The update is downloaded from the same URL address for anyone to install without having a viewer. Thus I do not think it's related to Second Life.

  8. Cerise Sorbet wrote:

    Hi, I just tried Ctrl+Alt+F1 on Phoenix and it does still show and hide the UI. It is possible that some other program is "stealing" keystrokes, try in the menu under Advanced>Rendering>Features.

    Whoa whoa... bad idea, expectly when you can't use the hotkey to bring it back. Best to figure out what's stealing the hotkey first.

  9. jjccc Coronet wrote:

    ok i may have done some thing wrong found a cloud i want turned it into a tga clouds2 file in windlight folder started pheonix viewer and it crashed over and over so i put it back to how it was and it work again,  but i still want to do this. like i want to be able to go into my back garden take a pic of the clouds that day up load it to second life and there it is on screen clouds done, :smileymad: but no i have to wait till it becomes possible 

    The requirement for Cloud2.tga is 8-bit channel Grayscale with image size to square of time 2.  ex; 32x32 or 256x256 or 512x512 or 1024x1024. Image with any Color channel mode will cause the viewer to crash on start up.

    However, Windlight process the image differently as posed to be basic texture layer.  White pixel have prolonging statement than black pixel to stay appear in sky. (Basically like a heightmap texture.)

    PS: Sorry that I didn't reply soon as possible.

  10. It's never a good idea to rush something so good that would change everything about Second Life itself.

    Let it brew till it's done, so stop asking.  People like you are getting on developers' nerve and mine as well. If you want it now, go write codes yourself, then you'll realize it's not that simple as picking out a release date by throwing a dart on a calendar.

  11. I've updated First post with two more cloud textures.  Enjoy!

    PS: No response back from NOAA but I've managed to get some data pointers from NASA's Earth Observatory department after explaining them what was my small project was about. Surely enough, my brain was overloaded with everything they gave me.  Too bad I couldn't do more with them as Windlight's shader is extremely limited to one flat layer.

    • Like 1
  12. EDIT:

    At first, I was expecting to see some gradual color changes, it seem too strong on their color tone as if it's only two-color toned theme.

    Basically like from red to orange to yellow to lime to green.


    I've watched the video a few times and... I think your scoring system is off by a bit.


    What's the break down in the score?

    Texture size

    Alpha-contained textures

    Prim type/cut (polygon count)

    Shader effects (Glow and Shine)

    ....what else?

  13. Thanks Torley, doesn't surprises me that you'd have tried something other than clouds. (I figured you would had sky filled with watermellons.)


    I've decided to redo the cloud texture but correct them in a proper layer. The way Windlight intercept the value shading from Black to White but they have two sliders to change the range and coverage. So I'm thinking that I could set up layers that reveils more "pluffy" clouds as you increase the coverage before it become a full coverage.

    From bland to big pluffy clouds.  At least I'm hoping...

    PS: Still waiting for a reply back from NOAA.

  14. I may plan on some reversion of this as the more I realize it could be improved by putting layers of clouds at their own shade level.  Problem is getting image result of a actual cloud in depth mapping instead of some photograph of a cloud applied in grey-scale.  ...which is what I've had done.


    Only way to get an actual depth map of a cloud in clear details by talking to NASA or NOAA folks for some fancy laser/radar data.   Hmmm...

  15. Now available in Firestorm Viewer ( Version 4.4.0 )

    No need to manual install, just apply setting via "Firestorm" Tab > "Windlight" Tab > drop down menu for Cloud Textures.


    Big thanks to Cinder Roxley who did the code work.


    Natural Clouds                                                                                                                                     

    A great way to improve your Machinima videos and snapshots.



    I've been meaning to do this for a while and finally got the time. During Windlight Beta testing, I couldn't help but notice there's a TGA texture file called "cloud2.tga" in

    "C:\Program Files\(any viewer installed)\app_settings\windlight".

    I've been hoping LL or any other Third Party viewer developer make a in-world editor input to change this texture, like the water texture. I dunno why that never happened, but there's a very good reason why there should be one. Take a look at the picture below.


    The texture in red (left) box is the default cloud, which actually look more like something generated from a cheap height map editor.  It's ridiculous.


    After replacing it, it may not come out perfectly with any existing sky settings to be honest, but some do work pretty well with it. It may require a little tweaking between "Cloud XY/Density" and "Cloud Coverage" sliders to avoid light peaking through the gaps between cloud's "pluff" section.  Messing with Cloud color may improve as well from dark to light.  As you may notice I've created my own cloud texture more horizonal than having it evenly spread across the area. Because the skydome (or skybox if you like to call it that way) is hemisphere and the texture scroll across. Seem to work well when it's "blowing" in the right direction as to cloud having its common shape you see in the sky.



    Along with some updates in many different viewers, the cloud texture can be broken because Linden Lab have not worked on it for a while, few codes was changed. Quick work around, just change sky to something else and back. Repeat till it come through.


    Link: Clouds #1: Basic Series of Cumulo-Nimbus Formations.



    Two more textures are up for grab!

    Altocumulus cloud formation.


    Link: Clouds #2: Altocumulus.


    Layered Formation of Clouds.  With type of formations, Cumulus, Nimbo-Stratus, Cirrus, and Cumulo-Nimbus.


    Link: Clouds #3: Layered Formation of Clouds.


    PS:  You can also grab my Natural skies and daycycle here.

    • Like 8
  16. In another words...  You must be this tall (I.Q. level of 110) to ride safely on the net.


    Masta Thor wrote: I read that you should also make your passwords at least 12 characters long and include symbols. It's hard to remember but it will make you safer. 

    It's not matter of how hard is it to remember, the more you use it, the better you remember it anyway.  Not just symbols but use numbers and Capital letters. However, as time passes, we would be required to have more than 12 characters and it'll keep on growing.  I remembered things used to start out requiring 4 characters...  Went from 4 to 6 to 8 to 12 so far.

    My advice is... pick a password that you can remember, even if it doesn't make any sense...  but longer than 22 characters long instead. Why more than 20?  because it would take a computer over a trillion years to crack it.

    Give it a try. http://howsecureismypassword.net/

    Even it would take a computer thousands years to crack a stupid 20 characters long password like this "12345678901234567890"


    Go long!



    Emma Geraln wrote:  "... also think about turning down the quality a little... maybe you don't need to run on ultra all the time. "

    That's not related to loading/rezzing issue the person was asking.


  18. Also, since you're on Phoenix viewer... see if you have "Enable progressive draw distance stepping" checkbox on with slider at about 8 or so

    in Preferences > Phoenix tab > Page 1 > TP/Login tab. At the bottom.

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