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Love Hastings

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Posts posted by Love Hastings

  1. Undoubtedly the argument has moved on, but Pie suggested something which deserves a response.


    For all the time I argued with Pep, I never once saw him come anywhere close to wishing cancer upon anyone. He posted many things I may have found objectionable, but never that.


    Also, anyone mentioning cliques has forgotten their history. The term is FIC. It's always FIC, regardless of context in an SL forum!




  2. Phil Deakins,


    I presume you are searching the old archives looking for evidence that Pep wished cancer upon someone.


    You might (or might not) recall that I was directly involved in the "cancer" incident. Ah, good times!


    Anyway, sorry to burst your bubble, but it was Rhonda Huntress who wished cancer upon Pep. In fact, she subsequently clarified that she really really meant it.


    Pep had recently lost a friend to cancer (and Pep is the first to tell you not to believe everything you read on the internet, but let's assume it's true)  so it seems rather unlikely that he would be wishing cancer on others.


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