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Millie Jarvinen

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Everything posted by Millie Jarvinen

  1. So, I find myself in the need of someone who can rig a avatar, Its rather simple avatar i purchased but the model itself is not standing in a full T pose, but rather a half t pose. It also has a tail, https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/fantasy/burned-demon So, I am currently looking for someone who can rig this, It does not need to be any complex rigging but somewhat alright, Bento is not required for this job. Please Contact me inworld Millie.Jarvinen
  2. Hello! I am currently looking for a scripter who is comfortable with creating a virtual inventory system for a roleplay sim i am currently creating. The Base concept -Players are to have a inventory system that keeps track of items, And quantity and value(Example: 3x Silver Ingot (15copper) -These items are created by me as a owner and my admin staff, and preferable should be able to operate out of a webinterface outside of second life, but it is not a requirement just a wish. -Players should be able to "specify/link" their inventory to another player as i intend to implement comodity items to prove ownership of said item as it ties into a seperate system we have. -Players should be able to trade items to each other -If possible players should be able to "vendor" their items to a random NPC and in return from the NPC get tokens, In this case as an example.(Player 1 vendors 3x Silver Ingot, In return they get 45 copper tokens) these we will manually go into the players inventory upon request and convert them into the currency system we have witch is now running seperately, -Players should not be able to manually add stuff to their inventory themselves -Players should be able to find "Loot" that i set down in the world, Lets say a bag witch i decide in a notecard what it consists of, whenever a player clicks it, it disappears and adds the loot to their inventory, Preferably it should keep track and only allow a player to be able to click it once, -No requirement for fancy hud elements, i can most likely figure them out on my own. -No current timeline as it needs to get done and im not picky with features, i want a rather simple inventory system to keep building on the already existing system we have. IF you feel up for the task please contact me inworld and we can discuss the idea and arrange a price
  3. Since the scripter i last got hold of has gone awol im putting this up there again. Greetings fellow scripters. I am currently in the middle of building a high fantasy (Flintlock fantasy) sim, for this project ive intended to use a hud, now i am very familiar with building and so on but when it comes to scripts i am not really any good. so i turn here in hopes to find someone willing to assist me in this project. The whole idea is to have a dicebased system where every 3 levels will grant you 1+ to the dice, Max level 100 (for now) So basically the functions i wish to exist is -EXP system with levels, preferably to be able to earn EXP while on sim -Currency, Preferably i can name the currency myself but it will exist in 3 varrieties, Example, (Copper,Silver,Gold) Earn currency for time on sim "Footnote:Both these will be fairly low for balance and prevent camping somewhat, the main income from both sources are player/admin created quests" -Health system, Now this is fairly simple. it will be measured in hits, baseline 3 hits, (3 blobs of health) -Item creation, with this people in the admin staff can create items, items should have a adjustable value. Example . Iron bar (5 silver) -Trade system, A trade system for players to be able to transfer to each other, of course currency should be included in this segment, but trading is limited to the sim area, So short said no off sim trading, this is to prevent banned users from transfering their gear to their alts. -Vendor system, Because of the sheer amount of "items" that will be in rotation for different means players should be able to dispose of their unwanted items. Prefered if this was a script i could stick in static statues as an example. So if you feel up for the task and help me get the project off ground, i am more than willing to compensate you for your time, Please contact me inworld or comment here if you are interested and ill explain more in detail what i want but in short this is what im looking for. Sincerely Millie.Jarvinen 
  4. Greetings fellow scripters. I am currently in the middle of building a high fantasy (Flintlock fantasy) sim, for this project ive intended to use a hud, now i am very familiar with building and so on but when it comes to scripts i am not really any good. so i turn here in hopes to find someone willing to assist me in this project. The whole idea is to have a dicebased system where every 3 levels will grant you 1+ to the dice, Max level 100 (for now) So basically the functions i wish to exist is -EXP system with levels, preferably to be able to earn EXP while on sim -Currency, Preferably i can name the currency myself but it will exist in 3 varrieties, Example, (Copper,Silver,Gold) Earn currency for time on sim "Footnote:Both these will be fairly low for balance and prevent camping somewhat, the main income from both sources are player/admin created quests" -Health system, Now this is fairly simple. it will be measured in hits, baseline 3 hits, (3 blobs of health) -Item creation, with this people in the admin staff can create items, items should have a adjustable value. Example . Iron bar (5 silver) -Trade system, A trade system for players to be able to transfer to each other, of course currency should be included in this segment, but trading is limited to the sim area, So short said no off sim trading, this is to prevent banned users from transfering their gear to their alts. -Vendor system, Because of the sheer amount of "items" that will be in rotation for different means players should be able to dispose of their unwanted items. Prefered if this was a script i could stick in static statues as an example. So if you feel up for the task and help me get the project off ground, i am more than willing to compensate you for your time, Please contact me inworld or comment here if you are interested and ill explain more in detail what i want but in short this is what im looking for. Sincerely Millie.Jarvinen
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