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Syle Devin

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Everything posted by Syle Devin

  1. Hmm, sounds like I could do it tht way but hte only problem is that it involves having a set amount of items and there names. I want this to work with multiple items regardless of the quantity or names. One reason, but not the only, being that the objects will be modifyable and so the name might change. That sensor is pretty interesting though, didn't know sensors were possible.
  2. So I just accomplished creating an HUD that will select the different sections of an object for you and change there color. Right now it is made to work with furniture and the furniture listens for the HUD. This causes a problem when you have more than one furniture piece out because the HUD effects all furniture set up to work with the HUD. I can only think of one way to do this and it is not prefered. I don't really want to make people click on the furniture but if I can somehow have a random channel be created when you click on the furniture and the HUD will read that and replace the channels that effect the color changing then I would be fine adding something like that. Is do able without much extra work and adding to the scripts I already have? Though this can also be a problem because you can click on the furniture and choose what face you want to change the color of. I imagine with a click channel changer the channel would be changing constantly while your choosing your face. Would this be bad? If it isn't bad I might look into a click change but I'm trying to see if there is a better way to set up the scripts. Any suggestions on how I should go about making the HUD work seperately for different objects?
  3. It was actually quiet a dumb thing on my part. While searching around for why it might not be working I had a reason to check my running and mono and they were unchecked. I just can't believe I didn't notice. The script runs fine now, Thank You!
  4. Thank you so much guys! This has been so much help and learning. While it seems the script should be working the listne now doesn't seem to be working and I am not sure why. I did change the listen channel to one that should work. I added in a couple of llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, " "); to check where the script might be going wrong and nothing happens except with the first script. Here is the script that says something. default{ state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(-5256, "chaircushions"); llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "chaircushions"); }} but when I set the other script it does nothing. Here is the script that listens. string color;default{ state_entry() { llListen(-5256, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } touch_start(integer num) { color = " "; llSay(-5257, color); llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, color); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if(llToLower(message) == "exit") { llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); color = " "; } else if(llToLower(message) == "chaircushions" || llToLower(message) == "chairlegs" || llToLower(message) == "chairbody") { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); color = "red"; llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "color found"); } }} EDIT: How possible is it for a script to be corrupt? I got the script working but I had to copy and past the code into a new script. Previously I had jsut edited the code but nothing was working and there were no errors.
  5. No the script is not trying to listen to itself. Everything runs on the same channel but it is not listening to itself. I have one box that you click and it will send out a message. The script, that I posted in this thread, then looks for that message and depending on the message this script is allowed to send out a message when clicked. Is it not possible to only have the touch start work based off of a listen message? I don't want the listen to work based off the touch start which I could do but instead the other way around. The thing is if touch and touch_start don't work in a listen even since they are events also I would have to figure out another way, which I don't know, to go about achieving what I want.
  6. Ah I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around this one. My brain probably needs to relax but I want to get this script done. So basically I have to have the sLASTMESSAGE equal the listen even but how would I do that? I thought I knew how to go about doing that but after just now trying a few different things I got no where I basically am just trying to get the script to say something on touch only once other messages have been said. The touch shouldn't work if there are no messages which your codes seems like it would do. From what your saying I understand that I have to have the sLASTMESSAGE = the code for the (llToLower(message) ="") but I havn't really figured out how to make integers equal a section of code yet. Or could I have the sLASTMESSAGE be set by another integer that is set by the listen messages? Learning all this code is tougher than I expected but thanks for the help.
  7. So I am trying to put touch in an if statment but it isn't working. I also can't find anything on the wiki to explain why it isn't working. I get a syntax error before the touch. I am sure there is something I am missing that isn't a syntax error. The script is supposed to be set up for an HUD. You click on block and it makes the color choices visible. Then when you click the color change block it will send out the message to change the object color. else if(llToLower(message) == "chaircushion") { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); touch(integer total_number) { llSay(-5872695687565, "red"); } } Or should I be doing this some other way? Here is the whole code. default { state_entry() { llListen(-5872695687565, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if(llToLower(message) == "exit") { llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); } else if(llToLower(message) == "chaircushion") { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); touch(integer total_number) { llSay(-5872695687565, "red"); } } else if(llToLower(message) == "chairlegs") { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); touch(integer total_number) { llSay(-5872695687565, "red"); } } else if(llToLower(message) == "chairbody") { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); touch(integer total_number) { llSay(-5872695687565, "red"); } } } } Thanks for your time and help :) Edit: Also I seem to be having trouble with the listen but I don't see anything wrong and I have a very similar script that is working fine.
  8. When you added the material with the texture of the pants you created did you set the mapping to UV instead of generated? You have to do that or else Blender won't use the uv map to apply the texture but do it's own thing instead.
  9. I've been working on a color changer for one of my products and was trying to decide if I am offering to many colors. I was wondering if anyone else has come across deciding how many options to include with a product? How do you do to make sure your product isn't to overwhelming with options on colors, textures, and more? I am still trying to figure this out myself and have yet to experiment in my own items. I was just curious if anyone else has experience on this matter. Thanks for your time and I look forward to reading responses :)
  10. Does removing the return change how the script runs? Knowing HTML more than I do lsl it sounds like one of those things that is ok but is looked badly upon because it would be unnecessary code. If it really is unnecessary for the effect I want. If i don't need it there then I'll remove it, less code to worry about, but if it changes the script then I will leave it.
  11. I was doing it wrong then I did try to change the global variable but that was already correct. I again removed what you said and it worked! Thanks much! Do you mind me asking why I might not need integer infront of face when it is after the touch start? In the test script in the lsl wiki they have integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); but then again they don't have a global variable in that script. Is that what makes the difference?
  12. Ah so I wasn't actually telling the whole script what the integer face equaled? I tried what you suggested and couple of other things to no avail. When I switched the integer face; with the face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); I got a syntax error right before the =. I can think of a different way that the script can be done but it would require a lot more code. I hope the script can still be made to work the way I have it.
  13. I have a script that changes color from an HUD. It starts listening on click and will detect what face you touched so it knows where to change the color. The problem is that I cannot get the face integer to do anything, it will detect what face you touched but still only change the color of face 0 and not the one it said you touched. integer face; integer listen_handle; float gap = 30.0; default { state_entry() { } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_COLOR) { llSetTimerEvent(gap); //llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Inactivity Timer Reset"); } } touch_start(integer total_number) { key owner = llGetOwner(); key touchingAvatar = llDetectedKey(0); integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "You touched face number " + (string) face); if (owner == touchingAvatar) listen_handle = llListen(-5872695687565, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); //llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Started Listening"); llSetTimerEvent(gap); } timer() { // llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Due to innactivity the script has stopped listening."); llListenRemove(listen_handle); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); return; } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if (llToLower(message) == "finished") { llListenRemove(listen_handle); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); return; } if (llToLower(message) == "green1") { llSetColor(<0.22353, 0.70980, 0.29020>, face); return; } if (llToLower(message) == "green") { llSetColor(<0.00000, 0.58039, 0.11765>,face); return; } if (llToLower(message) == "green-1") { llSetColor(<0.00000, 0.36863, 0.12549>,face); return; } } } My script works but it doesn't change the correct face color. Is there anyone that would be able to help me figure out how to have the integer read? I've searched and tested to the best of my abilities and still not able to figure it out. Thanks for your time and if you are able to help :)
  14. Yea I figured it wouldn't be a secret I am quiet late actually to working with mesh in SL. I've always worked with mesh outside of SL but haven't started learning optimization for SL until recently. I always create my own LODs which is why it was hard to get low LI. I was trying to make that LOW lod have such a good look that I didn't realize that the object really didn't need to show up if your that far away. So I basically got rid of it. Thanks for the advice all.
  15. Ah ok thanks for the info. It doesn't sound like I'll have to worry then. Text based clients wouldn't be able to see the item using the script so it shouldn't be an issue?
  16. I was just curious if it is safe to use llDetectedTouchFace in my script? I want to use it on a color changing script for a mesh. The mesh used to be multiple objects so you could just click each object to make the script work but I combined the mesh into one object to lower LI. I want to have it so that you can click a face and the script will do certain things. Is it safe to use it for these purposes? I ask because I saw this in the LSL wiki for llDetectedTouchFace and I am just curious if it is possible some viewers might not support it? llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Sorry, your viewer doesn't support touched faces.");
  17. I seem to be posting a lot here but I am really testing with mesh and coming across a lot of things. Though others have probably come across this too. For anyone who might not know I am noticing that the lowest level of detail seems to weight heaviest on the Land Impact. I have a model that reads as such with triangles: High: 188 Medium: 188 Low: 66 Lowest: 15 • Land Impact : .936 When I change just the medium the land impact barely is affected. Medium: 66 • Land Impact: .930 Though if I leave medium back to the way it was at 188 and change lowest lod things seem to be drastic. Lowest: 4 • Land Impact: .5 And that is only because of hte server weight. The download weight has gone from .936 to .085 due to 9 faces in the lowest LOD. This is just what I am seeing and if anyone has any insight or comments. I am debating on whether or not I will get rid of my lowest LOD because what I am making is furniture that doesn't need to be seen far away and it will keep my Land Impact super low. Any advice or thoughts?
  18. Well the object is two seperate meshes, each having a script in them. I don't know about joining the meshses because right now they are set up for color change and I want each section to be able to be a different color. If I was to join the meshes I would need to set up my color HUD to some how have the color changer choose between different faces to change the color. I might be able to do that but need to work it out. As suggested in this thread I will keep testing and see if I can get it back down to 1 LI.
  19. So this is quiet annoying. It seems that my mesh that I spent time making 1 LI cannot be 1 LI if I want to add scripst into it due to the server weight. I do not understand why it works as such. I understand what it is doing as I read up on it but I don't understand why. On top of physics and mesh they added a third server weight. Maybe it is just me but having 3 different weights with the highest being what the game reads as land impact seems odd. What are your thoughts on this? Maybe I am a bit late to this topic but I've just come across this myself. Also is there a way to lower server weight at all? Currently, with scripts, my object has a 1.5 server weight. I figure if I can get the base mesh server weight down even .1 I will lower that 1.5 to 1.4 and it will only count as 1 LI which would be amazing! :D That is if it is possible to lower server weight of a mesh.
  20. I am wondering if there are ever any animators out there willing to collaborate to create animations for items for a % of sales? Or is it not worth it to look for someone who would be willing?
  21. What are you thoughts on animations in furniture and other items? Is it better to go the custom route and try to get someone who would work together to make exclusive custom animation for a % of sales? Or would it be better to just use the animations that anyone else can put into their items? Would you rather buy something with custom animations if you knew or does it not matter?
  22. Thanks for the feedback. :matte-motes-big-grin: I always do my best make sure that all items I sell are the best quality I can make them and spend my time on items which is why I am spending so much time figuring out how to sell them. I can put just a bit more time and make those same items have animations and other things to sell them on my own or I can just leave them as textured non interactive objects and sell them fullperm for others to create with. I've sold items both ways and enjoyed it so I have no preference. I enjoy creating so how I sell my items doesn't really bother me. Not to advertise, especially since i have no items for sale yet, but I am trying to make low perm mesh furniture, 1 land impact if possible. Currently it's a matter of what the market needs more of or what my do better $L wise since I have no preference otherwise. When I asked, "How do you go about selling fullperm item?", I meant, "What is your way of selling fullperm items for creation?". As in what does someone, who sells fullperms items already, consider when creating items for fullperm or why they chose to sell items that way over another.
  23. I understand the quality of work. In my own mind i am not to worried about quality as I feel mine is good enough to sell full perm and sich. I can also make textures but they take more time than shadow maps and the fact that there are so many possibilities with textures, for example different colors, patterns, and textured materials. If I have put so much into a product I am trying ot figure out if it would be better to sell an item as fullperm or go ahead and add animations and other interactions to just sell it on it's own. Maybe I am just unsure if there is a need for full perm mesh vs premade items that are fully interactive. It has been a while since I've been in the market of fullperm creation items.
  24. So I am working on making mesh to sell. I used to sell fullperm sculpts with just ambient occlusion textures but stopped quiet awhile ago due to time. Now I have more time and am thinking about selling mesh but not sure if selling a fullperm mesh with just some basic textures would be good enough as it has been awhile since I've ventured in that market. Would investing more time and selling working items that aren't fullperm be better? There is so much fullperm mesh but does it sell better than mesh furniture and props that are already set up with textures and animations? How do you go about selling fullperm items? Fullperm Mesh? Fullperm Sculpts? Thanks for your time **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />
  25. Thanks for your reply I'll probably go post this in the business forum also then, thanks for the suggestion. I am sure mesh sellers are in the mesh forum though, or atleast I would hope but maybe. With my business atleast I don't really create things for my own use. I am kind of aiming more towards selling fullperm mesh since I like to invoke creativity through my creations but I am curious what people usually package their mesh with and such. Anyways gonna go post this in the business forum also. Thanks
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