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Zewe Major

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Everything posted by Zewe Major

  1. Penny, thanks for your deliberate treatment of what is an unnecessary problem within SL. I couldn' t agree more with you article and especially appreciate that you brought up the finite land issue. Meisterbastler and its neighboring sims (hereafter MBK) also adhere to the 1:1 scale philosophy you've described. One of my biggest frustrations is with vehicles. We try to make MBK a car friendly place but I remain frustrated that even some of the best and most prolific carmakers out there insist on using a 1:1.3 scale when making vehicles. As a result, lanes must be wider curves take wider radii and garage-type buildings must all be larger to accommodate the larger size cars. Of course it is no surprise why the cars must be larger - go to MBK and grab a free ccurately scaled German sports car, and the typical avatar's head will stick through the roof. We also understand why carmakers want to protect their product and make them No Mod. But really, how hard is it for makers to build to scale and when complete, copy it and stretch the vehicle 30% then put no mod copies of both in the box for sale? Back to the land, We have to pay a great deal for a 256m x 256m piece of virtual turf - I won't stand for having it reduced to 197m x 197m because the average avatar is 120% of normal height and drives around in a car that is 130% of normal size. Recently I reduced all my roadways from 10 m for a two lane to 8 m - it is still larger than the typical RL lane width of 3m, but the savings in space was amazing. Another problem is that a lot of the freebie and gigantic body shapes out there are no mod, so new avatars have to adapt all their stuff to an oversize shape and changing when they figure out how becomes too hard. To help deal with this we have set up some freebie full perm body shapes that are typical for RL males and females, plus some tips on how to retain face shapes and such while not distorting the height with the 4 critical sliders (height, neck length, torso length, & leg length) finally we liberally distribute Sathirali Yoshika's Height Calculator, which is the only height calculator I know of in SL that consistently measures height correctly, and is easily verified with a prim size. Ok. End rant. Thanks for reading. Cheers, Zewe Major, Burgermeister of MBK
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