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Aeryckah Seifert

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  1. Please allow me to apologize if this issue already has a thread (I did not see one).... When I try to right click --> "sit here", I typically get thrown to a corner of the sim where I am stuck until the game decides to put me back where I previously was. The same problem arises when I try to stand after being able to finally sit on said object. No one else seems to see this happen, I've been told that I appear to be there and sitting normally the entire time. Also, items that it seems I should be able to just "touch" to sit on, do not do anything when touched...these are usually the objects that "throw" me. I have had this happen with the regular SL viewer ( and with Firestorm ( It was also happening with my previous version of the SL viewer ( or, I'm not sure which)
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