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Jewels Silverblade

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Posts posted by Jewels Silverblade

  1. Im not advertising falsley.  I stated the price on my notice of the $295 tier.  However, an older sim also can state because of its location.  This sim remains in the location from six years ago on a mainframe server located next to the new resident telehubs.  Thank you for the concern though.  I mentioned all details and reasons in my original post meters, location in regards to server, fps, tier, and price of sim.  I am aware that once sold it does not hold its grandfather status according to the tier price of 190 per month, however I clearly stated the tier to be $295 for this purpose and was referencing the location of the sim and its effect on lag.  All grandfathered sims lose that status once sold this current day.  It is my understanding that these days, the grandfathered tier fee of $190 is not transfered over the sim is sold and automatically is jumped to the new tier status.  So regardless of its official name, in the sale tier would be bumped up to $295 regardless.  However a lot does speak for the original location of these sims that remain close to the telehubs and receive higher maintenance than other servers, because of their original creation location. 

    It is my understanding that if I was the original owner and am now selling it would still lose its grandfather tier advantage regardless, so there is nothing misleading.  It is an excellent location and remains one of the original start island sims, because in my purchase as  its second owner ever, I did not move the sim and therefore remains a prime location due to high LL maintenance for the servers.  This sim on the map is one sim over from over 20 new resident telehubs.  This gives the advantage not only of high server maintenance, but new resident discovery.  All disclosures otherwise were made.

    I apologize for any confusion and reference my original post to the details specified for this particular location.  Anyone interested in viewing the sim please do I'm and you will be able to see what we refer to.  Thank you much.

  2. What it means still is location is prime.  It had the original owner that passed on the estate to me and I did move the regions, so it remains in its original location.  In this case it makes it a prime server.  The maintenance is fantastic because we are near the new avatar telehubs, thus the sims experience very low lag despite good use with scripts and avatar counts.  We have put this to great use and hate to see this location go to waste.

  3. Grandfather Estate/Full Region on a great server near the noob telehubs.  Very low lag and high maintenance by the Lindens.  Its a great area with open waters to grow.  We usually have tons of scripts and are able to handle with minimal lag. 45 FPS  64,704 Sq.m.  14,956 simulator primitive usage.  Sim is going for $200.00 USD.  Tier is due by the 16th for $295. USD and is not due till January 16th.  Please contact Jewels Silverblade for more information.  This is a great buy for a fantastic region!  We hate to see it disappear from the grid.

  4. After carefully thinking on this and doing some more investigative work I have a new question.  If the individual buyers are purchasing merchaindise with real money brought into the game on a product that has been uploaded by means of infringement does this mean that the buyers also lose all that they have invested.  After all thousands of dollars are spent in second life by consumers on products that appear to be breaking copy right laws.  Would it be fair for a person to lose all that they have invested.?  Would this not be a means for LL to take more stricter stance on preventing imports that are clear infringment and how do they protect the buyer?  Would this mean that an item that has been sold in literlally thousands to consumers of a particular brand would be wiped in thier inventories as well?  Would a person whom invested hundreds of dollars from that particular creator lose all that they ligitemly paid for?  Is this a buyer beware situation and if so what about the products they have already invested in?

  5. Oh just had another one.  Was talking to friends at our place.  Somehow I just dozed off.  Im the owner of a popular sim, but I forgot to close my mic.  All night people came up to me to say hello, which I did not hear till early in the morning when one of my seargents yelled out,, "Jewels Close your mic.".   She woke me up to realize.  All day long I got the revisits  hehe  I was hear earlier but you were snoring.....gasps  OMG! Snoring on open mic all night long.  eh gads 

  6. Three weeks ago visiting my sl husband and RL boyfriend on a trip to Epcot we were so exhausted and looked at the park ahead of us.   We had full desire to want to explore and take it all in but it seemed soooooo long.  We both looked at each other in and instant and sighed, simultaneously said "I wish we could just TP there".   Shocked by the actual phrase being exact we burst into laughter.  Still something we giggle at.

  7. Now while there has been improvements lets not forget the things that make us want to pull our hair out....


    Viewer crashes or incompatibilities with older PC's

    Mesh physics clash with sim walls

    Third party uploads drowning out the individual creators

    Teens on grid now a greater risk to adults

    With less griefers also been a good thing its a reflection of actual drop  in over all traffic as well and a downslide on the economy

    My favorite is the replacement of the grief with the immature child whom now lurks behind an aonymous avatar causing more havoc than  a griefer

    Sl market providing a far reaching service  is good but the fees imposed also create a huge gap in the same vendors shoes that seems hardly worth the pennies on the dollar

    The arrival of sculpts was frightening and exciting at the same time.  For the already developed creator this was an instant opportunity to expand the market, however for the inexperienced 3d artist this was a nightmare and a race to keep up.  Death to many Sims and creators who just could not compete.  In the time since it continues to be an uphill battle for most while some clearly have the advantage.  However this seems to take some of the fun out of it.  The opportunity for someone to learn and create given to the experienced designer whom is just programming and not inspired to actual creations.   Its a touchy situation because I can image that the more developed creators in sl tend to have experience in both but I speak of the future creators.  The lost potential of someone who could have offered inspiratonal ideas but would need a PhD in graphics designs by the time we are done with them just to make a poke at the market.


    I love SL, the creativity that we drive daily to change our world.  I truly hope that it is left to the minds of those who can think up the next dimension and not just a select few to drive the universe.  It would be a shame to limit our resources that way, since it has been SL true driving force.


  8. Well I can agree and disagree on one thing.  Sl market was both a blessing and curse.  Now able to be visible at any location it became flooded with worthless items being resold from individuals that are freebies elsewhere.  This overflood shadows out the true designers who continue to plug away and improving the sl world.  Second problem is the availablity of everything online can be a sim killer for small businesses.  It far more convenient to shop online than to hop around from sim to sim.  People rarely do, so unless someone has a place to store their magic box or actually invest prior to making money they reallly dont stand much of a chance to growth rather quickly.  It also makes for new designers to be lost in the massive amounts of search and go unnoticed before ever having the opportunity to make even one sale.  Its bad enough for those of us whom have been around for some time and have a name with clients that can be somewhat recognizable, but for new comers its nearly death before it was ever born. 

  9. Thats an interesting point of view.  I have an original avatar dating back to 06 and have seen many things change in SL as it has grown and expanded throug the years.  Certainly there has been many sims to come and go.   Saddly some of the most beatufiul designs have long perished in the virtual worlds to the challenges they have faced.  While clubs still top my list becasue I love to dance and enjoy all sorts of music, I have found that getting involved with non profits through SL is fullfiling in many ways. 

    Imagine that people around the world can still impact in small ways right from our homes to benefit someone in need.  This is one of the differences between SL and many other games.  While I am no phsycologist I can find the time in getting to know someone who could use support or perhaps through other means be in time, talent, or monetary, anyone can become part of something they would like to see advanced in our real world.  Breast Cancer awareness groups and educational universities are just a few you might look into.  You never know what might spark an interest.  Learning to be a buildrer and passing it on to others can also be quite rewarding.  

    However, my true passion has come in the last two years when I discovered the advancements  that have been made in combat and aviation in the SL.  Banded together by the passion for adventure and honor SL aviation has won a spot in my heart.  The roaring of the jets across the skies, acrobatics of streaming smoke, or watching them dance amongst the stars.  I tell you there has been no greater romance for my SL hubby and me than to dance beneath the skies of SL with the graceful movements of these simulated crafts.  There are many places to experience this delight and many offer anything you can find anywhere in sl such as fishing, fashion or dancing.  However it is centered in the environment of the seas and skies.  Give it a try and see you might find something to boost your spirit and renew your taste for advenutre in SL.  Good Luck!


  10. Full region: Island 62896 sq. m.  Great server, near noob telehubs.  Tier due on the 16th of 295 US.  Region for sale for 400 US dollars with transfer fee included.  Please send message to Jewels Silverblade.  Owner must sell due to illness.

  11. Yes, thank you so much everyone for your responses.  Another question that pops into my mind upon reading your responses is what is the appropriate response to material content that is clearly been uploaded to SL from sites such as these that have been brought into SL and are in a clear violation of the creator's or sites terms of service policies?  Also, would the process be intitiated directly fromt he external creators or initiated from Linden Labs directly?  I am unfamiliar with the DCMA policy for Linden Labs, would it be possible for anyone to provide me with a link?  It is inspiring to see the talented creators that come to SL and shape this world in the everchanging environment that we enjoy so much.  After six years of participating in this world as both a resident and creator, it is its over all longevity and the concern for confusion over the contents that is a concern to us all.  With the initiation of mesh we have opened up an avenue which takes SL into a dimention of creativity that is refreshing, however with it comes greater responsability.  We take great pride in shaping the images that we are inspired to create.  Perfecting the love for a world that is fashioned by the imagination of its citizens is something we should truly value in our virtual worlds as well as protect.

  12. It seemed like a wealth of information for users to upload these products for sculpted and mesh items.  However, after some close obervations of the Terms of Serices for these websites I ran into a few questionable statements that I feel will cause numerous issues for some users.  While these programs are intended for users to enhance their own builds by creating new products, which they then import in world via sculpt or mesh it is the use of another creators items that is in question.  In particular when creators in second life resell the products from these sites without the written expressed permission from the content creators.  It could be leading the use of these products in Second Life to a cataclysmic result according to their copyrights.  According to Turbo Squid the following statement can be found in their terms of service



    End User License Agreement (EULA)
    John Boudreaux
    posted this on May-11 2010 10:50

    End User And Seller Agreement

    II. License Agreement Between Seller and  Member
    A. License Grant for transmission of Content from Seller to Member

    Such use or republication, including sale or distribution of Content that is not Incorporated Content is prohibited. For illustration, approved distribution or use of Content as Incorporated Content includes, but is not limited to:

    (i) As rendered still images or moving images; resold as part of a feature film, broadcast, or stock photography.

    (ii) As purchased by a game’s creators as part of a game if the Content is contained inside a proprietary format and displays inside the game during play, but not for users to re-package as goods distributed or sold inside a virtual world.

    (iii) As Content published within a book, poster, t-shirt or other item.

    (iv) As part of a physical object such as a toy, doll, or model.


    Google sketchup states the following:


    Welcome to Google!
    The Google 3D Warehouse is a place for people to gather and share 3D content, including models that are intended for use in Google Earth. Users may directly upload 3D models in the SketchUp and Keyhole Markup Language (KML) formats. Additionally, the 3D Warehouse is the storage repository for Building Maker models. Geographically positioned realistic models of current real-world items may be included in Google Earth and other Google properties.

    1. Your relationship with Google

    5.5 Unless you have been specifically permitted to do so in a separate agreement with Google, you agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade or resell the Services for any purpose.

    8. Content in the Services

    8.1 You understand that all information (such as data files, written text, computer software, music, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images) which you may have access to as part of, or through your use of, the Services are the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated. All such information is referred to below as the “Content”.

    8.2 You should be aware that Content presented to you as part of the Services, including but not limited to advertisements in the Services and sponsored Content within the Services may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by the sponsors or advertisers who provide that Content to Google (or by other persons or companies on their behalf). With the exception of Content generated by you, you may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on this Content (either in whole or in part) unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by Google or by the owners of that Content, in a separate agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, you may modify, distribute, and create derivative works of Content uploaded by other users in 3D Warehouse.

    22.7 The Terms, and your relationship with Google under the Terms, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the Terms. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.


    My concern and question then relate to the distribution and sales of creators in second life of materials that are obtained from sites such as these without the express written consent from the developers.  It is your belief that this oversight could be compromising the very existence of our virtual world if not carefully looked into for a proper interpretation of these statements made by their terms of service.  I would definately like to hear from the legal department of Linden Labs regarding their position of these terms and anyone whom has knowledge of copyright laws.  Is there anyone that can interpret what these statements truly are refering to and provide some clarification for the concerned builders of Second Life whom would otherwise use these resources?

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