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Jewels Silverblade

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Posts posted by Jewels Silverblade

  1.  Join us in a fun rp going on now for anyone interested    LuthaisZ Resident: ATC (Air Traffic Control): All units be advised we have an initiation of an inflight emergency. Armaments unknown, pilot call sign diver, fuel time one hour, nature of emergency engine fire. Aircraft is a f-18 fighter jet type and will be landing on runway 18. All Emergency units of Oceana Fire Department  respond immediately.
    [2013/06/11 18:06]  LuthaisZ Resident: (Others may join in as well) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Oceana/106/45/37

  2. Join the rp tonight 6-8 at the oceana crime family terrirory http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oceana/79/190/3001    Club Entourage for some mystery and mayhem.  Police, Fire, misfits, mafia, gang members or other roles.  Tonight the mafia's home turf has an event for roleplayer to drive the play at Oceana.  Join us for drinks, learn about the current murder investigation or become a suspect.  Come dressed in your best mafia outfit and join the contest of the evening in addition to the roleplay for Linden rewards.  Roleplay ongoing investigation so come as you are.



  3. Audition June 14th stating at 9:00 am slt at the Oceana club is looking for talent of all sorts to perform at a regular basis at the Oceana Club Entourage.  Oceana is a roleplay and combat community with revolving city live.  We strive to bring new talent to our community to integrate their flavor as part of the roleplay community.  For more information contact Jewels Silverblade.

    The following positions are being sought:

    Comedians, dance performers, live singers, DJ's, new reporters, piano players, and more.  Bring us your special flavor of talent. 


    Performers work minimum hours per set and for tips.

  4. Saturday 4/6/2013 at 1:00 pm slt

    Two years at educating combat and roleplay in second life.  It's a huge party with several of SL aviation and combat groups doing renactments including Vietnam and WW2.  Join the fun with us as we party the afternoon.  Enjoy some of the largest aviation and VICE combat communities demonstrations.  A beautiful flight and commemorative day giving tribute to good friends.  Learn about mutlitple groups whom you can participate with and enrich your second life. 

    Stop by and enjoy the extended region we have added and reformated just for this special occasion.  Thank you to all our friends for sharing our SL.  See you there!



    Enjoy the video of the groups last three years in SL and friends whom have shared making education in combat and roleplay so much fun for us all.


    Youtube Video of Collage memories of OCEANA




    Stop by and enjoy the extended region we have added and formatted just for this special occasion.  Thank you to all our friends for sharing our SL.  See you there!



  5. Full Region sale 202, 110, 3001 15,000 prim support 300 USD plus Linden transfer.  Tier is every 16th and is paid up until April 2.  Transfer must be completed by tier day in order to avoid additional charges.  This is a popular region with several combat and roleplay communities.  Love of a group that has been cultivating its community over three year period and must now sell the land.  The current location of the region is near the new rez zone for second life residents and has plenty of surrounding areas to expand.  Please message Jewels Silverblade if you are interested in purchasing.

  6. Dark and Tasty Bloodsuckers

    Shadow Silhouette Dancers grace the stage of the Oceana Air Base with a dark roleplay show.  This is an RP event which can be enjoyed by anyone to just sit and watch or participate as an active roleplay.  The stage is set for you to enter in as your favored role.  Active meters on sim are Spellfire, DCS, and VICE.  Para RP is encouraged. 


    Tempting to have just one bite...They lurk in the shadows waiting for their next soul victim to entice with a smile.  Curves of appeals, smiles of delight, eyes of seduction will make you theirs

    2:00 Roleplay discussion RP burnout

    3:00 pm slt Shadow Silhouettes present "Love Bites"

    4:00 pm slt DJ Jam Xurina

  7. 3/13/2013


    Thee Kittens and Tigers at the Oceana Airbase 

    3:00 pm slt. 


    If you enjoy roleplay this is the perfect opportunity to engage with other players the atmospheric performances in a city theatre.  All combatants should also enjoy the abmient of sitting back in the chairs with a cocktail in hand recalling moments of triumph in this presentation of WAR in dance.  Animations that have been specificallly prepared to present movements coordinated dance in a storytelling style and celebration of musical expression.  A good show for anyone.  If you need any information contact Jewels Silverblade

  8. The Spicy Kittens and Tigers Cabaret 3:00 pm slt

    Sneaks in past the curtains and peeks behind them to see the gathering of dancers bustling about preparing for the show.  The lassies and lads runing about, recanting their lines, and practicing their stretches.  The excitiment in the air is buzzing and we can hardly wait to see what performance they have for us today.


  9. 2/10/2013 at 3:00 pm slt -Dueling Dragons is a modern VICE Combat tournament with jet planes.  Planes will be provided for those who need one.  Competition will be level based from beginners, indermediate and advanced.  Instruction for those who would like to learn will also be provided for interested parties.  Join the fun of flying in SL and in some lively fun to the accompanyment of music 60's-70's Era Music.  For more info contact Jayson Zorric



  10. Come to the Oceana Docks at 6 PM SLT 2/10/2013 and fish in our weekly tournament hosted by Ronin McGinnis. 1000L Pot prize to be divided and awarded to 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th, and 5th place. Along with Custom trophies and a bounty hunt for lindens awarded as well. Donation will be accepted to increase the over all pot prize. Tournament will be one hour and BAITED. Child, Furry, tinys and all AVI types welcomed



  11. Upscale LIGHTS and special effects, Complimentary Cocktails, 2/9/2013 7:00 pm slt

    DJGizmo Static lights up the city with an elaborate set of lights to his special line up of music.  Relax VIP style to friendly chat and cool scenes as he launches on behalf of Oceana, Celebrity Nights. Come as you are, or in  your best RP character.

    EVENT Not recommened with individuals who have history of seizures.





  12. 2:00 pm slt  1/19/2012 Oceana City VICE/DCS/Spellfire

    We will begin our first class for roleplay in the post modern city.  Lean how you can develop into a more rounded character in a modern world whether you are doing military, mafia, or judge.  Simulated vs RP, using different huds, combined play between the both, roles and more. 

    3:00 relax chat and dance at the club.  nothing fancy just a little social time. 



  13. 1/15/2013 1:00 pm slt DJ Furyo

    Urban city celebrates the taking down of the illegal activities in the club by the local council. Party to your RP at the club.

    Goes walking around, a smirk on his face as he carried under his arm a box of freshly printed fliers and a roll of duct-tape. Every so often he'd plaster one up on a nearby surface or hand it out to random strangers who would take one, mumbling: "Come on by.. it's gonna be great.. No Gambino's gonna steal the show on my watch.. Bring friends.."

  14. Join the Team contact Jewels Silverblade



    It's 2025 and the war has left the world in turmoil. The nations have gathered themselves in the South Pacific to start a new way of life. Corruption runs rampid and the world' militaries try to contain the violence. Tensions between the government, russian and nato forces is almsot daily. Crime lords have risen to rule the city. It seems there is no one to trust. Wiccans and religious officials try to ease the citizens through prayers and chants.

    Oceana has been an educational facility for promotion combat and roleplay for nearly two years.  The staff branches in SL over 7 years and brings a wide variety of ideas and friendships.  We welcome anyone to become part of the team.  Drop and IM to discuss available leadership roles or general roles for players.  We work off many combat systems and styles.



    Police Chief

    Weapons/Blackmarket Dealer

    Club Mafia Boss

    Red Light Distric Mafia Boss

    Chancellor-judges, lawyers, Jag Prison Warden

    Educational Facility Director

    Wiccan Store Manager

    Hospital Director Church Ministor

    Yakuza (Japaense Mafia)-runs the gardens and massage parlors/weapons dealers

    Oceana Government Militia General



    Roleplay INTERVIEW FAIR starting at 12:00 pm slt 1/5/2013

    Interviews for Leadership Roles:  Interview will take place in a roleplay manner for the leaders role.  Be prepared to offer a notecard with your qualifications from prior experiences or if you lack experience why you would be fitting in this particular role.  Your notecard must be in roleplay fashion and descriptive to give us a idea of your style of RP.  It is important for leaders to be able to 1. roleplay effectively through the media of text.  2.  Create scenerios for your division 3.  plan activities that are original and create interest.  4.  Manage the roleplayers in a tempered tone and with impartiality.  It isn't always easy but give dedication anyone can do it. 

    You roleplay must match the arena for the particular role you are seeking.  Please include what specific abilities your character has, hisotry of your AV, expectations of your time schedules (casual, hardcore, weekly, daily, as your schedule permits), leadership roles or commitments you may hold to other regions, expectations for your character in this region, expectations for your roleplay, preferance of combat style, preferance of your roleplay style, class, race and any other pertinant information.  Make this a good discussion and be ready to engage in a converstaion that entails the details above.  Please notecard your information and name it (your name), class, race.  This will help us keep track of what your prefereances are.  


    Oceana is ruled by a local governement and malitia somewhere in the south pacific in the year 2025. It has been several years since the war broke out and destroyed a good part of the major cities.  Only a few areas were left untouched to become the prefered areas to inhabitate and restablish a new world.  Much seems the same to the immediate eye, but things are very different.  Food, water and natural resources are now  a precious commodity as they become scarce.  Many have taken to working in jobs they might not otherwise engaged in or just developed undesirable lifestles.  There is a working government, however the corruption is so rampant it has taken the coalition of several militaries to keep the area safe from the turmoil outside our boundries and within.  I doesn't even seem that they can be trusted to keep the peace as the tensions between the militaries and the goverment rise.  Militias, underground clans, and even the black marketers have formed alliances that go undetected most of the time.   

    Our newly formed goverment has become unstable due to the rise in crime and has sought assistance from the Nato Coalition Forces (SL), lead by General Jayson Zorric, in order to stabalize the region.  As a form of goodwill the Russian Federation Armed Forces, lead by Vassilii Resident, intially offered assistance as well.  However, with all three now having their own interests in overtaking the territory it will give no surprise to anyone that war is emminent.  There are days when the mind wanders back to a simple time and hope starts to rise thinking you will wake to find yourself back in the comfort of what you use to know, when suddenly the sharp glare of the military jets passing overhead give you a good reminder of the reality of the day.  Outbreaks of violence in the city and small military skirmishes on the battle grounds have made situations arise that call for fierce interventions from all department heads to collaborate towards peace negotiations.  It is looking like there can be no concensus as the tempers flare and the cries rise to war.  Everywhere you look there are reminders of the military presence and a fresh reminder that we no longer live in a simple world.

    Initially small clans formed but through the years are now families who have muscled their way into many parts of the city.  These have taken control of many areas of the city including the casino and club drivinig the arms dealers into a seedy blackmarket that controls the weapons shop.  Ordinary citizens have resorted to looting and scavaging the local markets in order to survive.  It is clear the the local police has suffered some corruption that is tearing it in two, leaving not even the men in blue someone you can trust.  With the prison filling with so many undesirables law abiding citizens are taking matters into their own hands and defending themselves. 

    We have never seen such a sudden rise in injured making the medical resources scarce and difficult to deliver to the hospital in order to save lives.  Although if is far better now than several years, back.  The Plagues ran rampid for a time from the deaths after the toxic spills and raditiation fallout.  Much has been cleared out to make it safe to live here, but you can still see the effects in the mutations of the people.  Most of the community has grown accustomed to inhabitating with the geneticly altered  humans, while some still remain very prejudice claiming that in order to preserve our species we should do away with them all.  If the struggles of our world were not enough the inner ones surely could wipe out the rest of our species.  There are rumors of scientist performing unnatural studies of some of these people, while some claim there are secret societies that practice rituals within those altered clan members.     

    There is few to trust in the city.  While there is still hope as many have banneded together to keep the streets clean as they go about their daily routines, some have taken to dabling in alternation spiritual sources to bring healing to the city through meditation, prayer, or even the dark arts.  It's a war zone like no other we have yet seen and still it draws us in to find our place in this world. 

    Our sim is a educational facility and we welcome mentors, educators, and instructors to assist others in all areas of their second lives including roleplay, equipment use, and battle skills.

    Open Role Rule-These are roles that may not be defined as listed in this notecard.  We are open to developing your character role within the theme of this region.  Notecard for us your Title role, the capabilites (abilites, weakness and strenghts) of your character and submit it in a notecard requesting it to be reviewed as added to the list.  Your request will be considered and you will be advised if it is accepted.  Understand that it may not be added or modified in its abilities to enhance the roles of the region.  We are not trying to be asses but to maintain the theme that we work in.

  16. TOP MODEL COMPETITION***  TWO WINNERS: one male: one female...Its a simple contest!  Join for 1 Linden and put the UUID of your picture on the board.  Thats it.  Bring as many friends as you can to vote for you over the next day.

    PRIZES: 2000 Linden for the top female and top male.  Also the chance to be one of the models for advertisements for the Oceana region and opportunity to receive recent makes by the builders.  Hurry there is still lots of room for contestants to get their votes and join the competition.  Ocean region at Xpress Designs, Oceana (195, 127, 3001)  Hurry and sign up the clock is ticking to countdown.

  17. Receive a free toy airplane at the runway Christmas tree.  Take the teleporter at the mall to the ground and find the Christmas tree with the gifts underneath for your free copy.  Bring your friends and share with them.  We would like to give special thanks to Ann Danick for the holiday cheer she is spreading with her gifts.

    In addition to rezzing out the helo and airplane demos from Spigster & Wingtips I have placed a few aircraft, helos and tanks for your use.  Enjoy and happy holidays..


    OCEANA Air Base-VICE Combat Comm, Oceana (195, 128, 3001)

  18. Contest for top models search going on now.  Only three contestants have signed up and few days left to join up!  One male and one female for a 2000 Linden prize.   First round contestants will go on to the second round to join on the 26th to a panel judge.   Don't miss out the opportunity to win big.  Contest boards is only one linden to join and all your friends can vote for you.   Stop by and hop one.  Get everyone to vote for you!  Hurry the day is arriving for prizes to be dispensed and the current contestants have no competitors.  

    The boards are easy to access in the mall of the Oceana region.  (195, 128, 3001)  You may also contact me in world if you need assistance.  Be sure to place a UUID for your photograph when signing into the board to ensure it takes your registration. 



  19.  In memory of the Children-Donation Fund Weep and mourn, for the cries of the little ones are at peace and tonight they sleep.   Look into the horizon as the light that once stood has now vanquished and the beacon no longer shines in the distance.  Do not lose heart as we know the path they travel will not be walked alone, for a great light has come to take the home.

    Please help the families ease their suffering this holiday. https://www.crowdtilt.com/campaigns/sandy-hook-elementary-school-fund

    This is a direct link to the school website fund where you can help the families of the Conneticut victions by a contribution for funeral expenses.  Please look carefully and also sites from United Way and American Red Cross are raising contributions.  Consider easing the pain for these families this holiday by becoming involved.  Loss of life is bad enough but a mass murder of children is atrocious.



    Competition Application MODELS COMPETITION FROM***December 12/22-12/26/2012 *** WINNERS PRIZE 2000 L and the position of top models for Xpress.


    LOCATION: Oceana Region 138, 129, 3001

    Contact name: Jewels Silverblade


    Stop by and hop onto the boards with your pic.  Join early, Join now and get the majority of votes you can.

    COMPETITION GUIDELINES Phase one 12/22-12/25 Submit a copy/mod facial photo and a full size avatar photo of your best shot by 12/22/2012 at 6:00 am slt Raise your votes by bringing your friends to vote for your picture shoot. 

    Phase Two 12/25/2012 Winners moving to this phase will be announced in the Oceana Broadcast group and moved into the final round.

    Phase Three 12/26/2012 First phase contestants will enter the final competition to be judged by a panel of administrative judges.  One top male and one top female will take the winning prize. Judges will determine votes of winners on 12/26/2012.  Contestants must be present for final determination.

    Determinations will be based off: Facial features Avatar body symetry Asthetics

     PRIZES  Winners will receive 2000 Lindens  Position of top models for Xpress.   As a model  you will receive first products for photo shoots and have your AV as part of the advertising boards of our store for a period of three months.  Opportunity to continue as a model at Xpress beyond this contract.

    Determinations by the Judges will be impartial and final.  Owners of the Oceana region and Xpress Designs will not sit on the Judges panel to ensure impartiality for all contestants.  Staff members of the Oceana regions may participate in the competition, but may not participate in the Judges panel.  Any persuasion of contestants, judges or any other parties other than your personal friend will be means for disqualification.  Winners may not reenter a Model Competition within the time of their contracted dates, but may re-enter a competition after they period of contract ends.

    Xpress is an exclusive store servicing the Oceana region.  We provide clothing for men, women, uniforms, weapons, shoes, accessories and more.  The region is host to a very large mall with a variety of elite vendors from across Second Life.  Featured items in aircrafts and weapons. 



  21. The Oceana government has lost control.  It militia and local police are in disarray.  The Nato forces have occupied the territory with the idea to stabilize the regions.  The government has sought assistance from the Russian Federation.  The tension between the Nato and Russian forces has intensified as each seeks to claim their right to be in the region.  War is eminent! 

    Introduction to Oceana at 10:00 am  see how you can become involved.


    Search for Oceana region, use the teleprompter in the mall to access the ground locations and "Broadcast the Nightmare."

  22. We are looking for an animator willing to work with our region.  The custom animation we are looking for will be an AO that contains a walk and a run for hand gun and assault rifle.  The file should be the BVH full perm in order to include in our builds.  If all works well we will continue to contract for additional works.  Please be ready to demonstrate other custom animations that you have made.  Please contact Jayson Zorric or Jewels Silverblade to discuss your animation contract.  Thank you.

  23.  Zombie fest in Oceana East Saturday, 13 Oct 2012 16:23:01 GMT

    10 00 am  & 4:00 pm slt 10/13/2012

      Night has fallen and the fog has rolled in.  A viral infaction has caused countlless citizens to become walking dead.   The city is unrest and its our duty to contain the spread.

     Competition shooting spree PVP and PVE.  Linden Prizes for top winners.   Arrive early and reserve a spot.


    Search for Oceana and teleport from the mall to the ground and head to the City.  Or you can search Oceana East.

  24. Wednesday 10/10/2012 3:00 pm slt

    The following outlines the details for the sniper challenge.  Weapons will be inspected on site.  We are looking for the Elite in SL.  Challenge those with the special skills. 

    Winners will be considerded for positions as leaders with the special forces of the Oceana regions.  Are you up to lead the elite of the Nato and Russian forces?  Bring it on!


      SNIPER CHALLENGE REQUIREMENTS  -Location Oceana Region                                                          

    1.  Stay in mouselook at all times once the challenge begins.  Unless climbing a ladder or opening a door.  Camming for your target is forfeit of the challenge.

    2.  Release from an enclosed location before the next sniper is allowed to move out will give each person and opportunity to find a location without identifying the direction they move. 

    3.  Once relased combatants are live targets.

    4.  Builders will be required to use  a gun that is not manufactured by them or modifiable by them.

    Objectives-All is sniping only. 

    Two cycles:  one on one players.  Your objective is to shoot and kill your opponent.  You may not fire upon another combatant and only seek to kill your designated opponent.

    Once cycle:  teams assault.  no leader assigned.  Work with a team of non friends and designate your team leader.  Objective to lose as little men as possile while gaining as many kills.

    One cycle:  Full Assualt:  Every Player for himself must be last man standing.  One kill you are out.  Top Winner Receives 1000L


    Round Requiremtents

    -Maximum 1 shot per reload -must reload after every shot -no mod -Two Firing mode *Short Range Velocity reduced to 120 *Long Range Velocity reduced to 256 - default vice SSG

    Winniners will be considers for positions within the following Factions at Oceana as Special operative leaders.  This is one of a serious of competitions to qualify for these roles of leadership and trainers for SL special forces.

    Nato Special Forces Russian Spetnaz Oceana Special Operations Command-Government Elite Force

  25. Wonder what there is to do in SL when you are going from place to place.  The Oceana vice community has lots of activities in fishing, pub, roleplay, combat, flying, boating, tanks, fire department, military police, civilian police, politics and lots of other things to sink into.  There are trainers to educate individuals in second life vary from equipment use, tactics, language, culture, scripting, building, sculpting, flying, military protocols, special forces, and operational missions.  Be who you want to be and share with others.  We are recruiting trainers to learn in second life what they can take part of and participate in a coalition of Sims seeking to improve the quality of your second life time.  

    If you want to explore stop by and pick up a schedule of ongoing events, it you want to be part of the team contact Jayson Zorric or Vassilii Resident.  They can get you to the many current trainers to help guide you in becoming part of the SL effort of the Oceana Regions to unite and improve roleplay and combat in SL.

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