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Coventina Dalgleish

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Everything posted by Coventina Dalgleish

  1. speak of that which you know especially when assuming one does not code for a living
  2. yes obviously althought the viewer has been constructed by LL and again yesit is a viewer problem but the interaction was not created by the user but the program thus reflecting on the creator of the system and the last updates so in closing you have been no help "helper" thank you for your input to the problem
  3. I have been here a long tme hun and have seen most problems most can be associated with the coding from LL your comments are not at all helpful so why do you bother or is it that you have nothing else to do but camp the message board looking to express your opinions
  4. and you offer no soulutions so go back into your hibernation dear
  5. uh huh just did a clean install the same problem still exists thus one might make the assumpton that sl has either modified a file or the base structure has a fault and no they never cross link files ))
  6. and the rant is a long term evaluation on the quality cotrol exercised on this sytem
  7. well sorry nothing that I have done no changes in my target this is jut another joke from LL as the target is accurtate on everything except my base position
  8. Unlike the early days of this game this has become a problem for new players LL should wake up yeah like that will ever happen )) and go back to basics they are slowly killing this environment with total stupidity
  9. you can thank creators with no concern for the game for your warnings there are many really bad creations in here and many do not allow you to destroy the performace of their area
  10. just more LL BS guess they are afraid someone will make a buck or 2 like anyone could make enough here to survive on anyway
  11. I use a lm to teleport it drops me 10 meters below the proper position I am on my build paltform 1000 M up but I am 10 meters below it walking normally if I sit an object I appear in the proper position if I execute a dance routien I am in the proper position but as soon as i release the ani I am 10 meters off target again. PLEASE stop fixing this game and yes it is a game people your repairs are nothing but poorly archestrated disasters this has never happened to me before in almost 10 years and yes before some of you particle scientists point out that I am not that old I have been here longer. Tired of the absurd LL fixes to something that works for the most part
  12. I own several Mesh bodys and have appliers for them the problem with one in particular is it is 1980 Ktris thats 2 million faces give or take and while it is an impressive body with excellent weighting most users here say I can see your head but not your body I thought LL had a limit to the size allowed for upload and if they do not they are certainly missing the mark here how can a group upload something that was obviously designed on an architectual historic redesign system that allows millions of faces and strange geometrys i.e. triangles in circles DUH no idea why one would need to traingulate a circle hehe but it pushes the face count way up oh wait they used an auto generator )) no human interface they also manage to use 1400 ktris on just the hands wow I can make a very nice hand fo 10k as many of you can the major complaint is that my system has little problem with resolving these monsters but others always say well I see you head haha I refuse to use a bot head )) but no body gee wonder why as you have anormal machine and it will only take 30 minutes for the mesh to DL. Perhaps it is time for these folks to realize that there are limits to what can be rendered in this life and to not try to over load the system. I thought LL had limits to uploads guess I was not well infomed again )) really getting tired of having no body as it is great but then who knows but me hehe plus their marketing is severlely lacking in the fact that they include 8 hands and feet on each model hmmm someone missed the concept boat there Just a rant on commercial implementations by those with coins to burn buring us in Ktris lag and thats where most of the lag is created today It used to be scripts and particles but they have lost out to the mass of faces projected upon us by those who have never tried to exist in this realm Humans need to control what is presented to we the users in time they will find out that while abody with 2 million poly faces is really nice people willwake uo to the fact that they are just a head and attachments and those are not really what we are looking for ahead collar and cuffs )) woo hoo
  13. If you desire to be ruthed for 5 to 10 minutes I suppose after 15 years in developement you still have not figured out how to test releases before slapping them on the users Again demonstrating that you have no real concern how this functions AND no it is not my hardware as the only thing I could do to improve it would be change the processor to a 4790k and maybe spend 600 bucks for the next step up in Nvid Things never seem to improve at the Lab
  14. Anyone bother to look this individual up and look at his profuse profile, do so I believe all questions will be self apparent.
  15. see is you can add a gt640 video card to your system they seem to perform well with lappys even though the will run hot
  16. Well again another example of Linden Lab not listening these specs are so much better than what we had to use 8 years ago its not even funny but they do not seem to be able to create a system that function with this type of system do you ever wonder why they can never ever increase concurrence almost shameful or just plain stupid
  17. WOW everything now Just tried to make a post and it took me back to the log in screen so to heck with the last post seems everything is a totally mis-managed here Very typical of the way SL is onducted now build for the quantom machines and forget the little guys no wonder Concurrence has not changed in 6 years
  18. Current statistics on media storage failures are 1.5% for ssd and 5% for hard drives. On off power may have an impact on ssd's it also has the same impact on HD electronics Actually I lose more WD drives than any other type to the extent they do not talk to me any longer )) Actually it all comes down to QC and most of the spinners have long ago set the QC levels for their products. In actuality it makes little difference if you run the power sucking computer 24/7 or turn it off every day it will fail in time. Most likely this time will correspond to the time you need to replacing it anyway or at least upgrade The run all the time or turn off scenarios have been going on as long as there have been electronic systems and neither has any documentation or proof that they are better it seems to be the situations am right because I say so. I have no idea why I still have Maxtor drives dated 1994 still functioning, 250 gb versions but they keep spinning on. As far as SSD's are concerned they seem to be getting a lot cheaper lately as the new technology's are implemented and the speed increase leaves no doubt in their effectiveness. One might make the assumption that they will die at the same rate as the spinners but with less warning so buy a new ssd each year and keep them happy and back up your data then take the old one out and skip it across the water just for the fun of it the way it is going the price you paid for your sparkly new ssd last year will be 1/2 the price this year. And they will continue to upgrade the nand gate memory's until they perfect the tech
  19. is it that hard to understand )) no no translators for you
  20. If this makes no sense to you it is simple things that have worked for ages are now broken is this because we have now employeed lower school coders to work on the structure This was meant to be light hearted but truely a concern you can only build so high on a poor sub base before the entire structure crumbles into a pile of rubble um feet of clay perhaps
  21. oh this is a coffe break then )) I understand or maybe I was jusr confused ))
  22. um yeah really fun )) but the "GAME" seems to be enforcing that rule lately again new CEO new ideas uh oh well maybe hehe
  23. haha what is this the childrens hour "beep" hmmm one might think those who read the forums are sensitive ))
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