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Posts posted by Mari Moonbeam
Great stalker name : Moon Shadow
Yes indeedy, I'm bein' followed......
------ah , name is tis taken, no libel intended, just sticking an ear worm in your heads
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If you wanna call me Goddess and have me subject to supervision , I deserve a tip and not just "plastics"......
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I entered SL through the CSI NY tv show portal [note my special CSI portal only last name ] and they had PAID mentors -- it was great. The caliber was top notch , mainly creators . The rumor I heard was they got $20 USD an hour in '07 but it was a rumor .
The TV region was a mess but the mentor filled plaza was terrific, I'd get stuck---TP over , get advise [get the box off my head] and go back to exploring.
This unpaid you must use Google , you must use SL viewer , you'll be using your account , just no. Since any of us can go "mentor" now without restriction I can guess what the Labor Commish would say about this restrictions applied , here are rules NO benefits to you unpaid position. [From an outside legal source: "Employees are generally permitted to work for any type of business or organization, but volunteers can only work for public and nonprofit companies. If a volunteer is hired by a private, for profit organization, then they will no longer be considered a true volunteer." Not a lawyer but seems messy]. Now back to the main event:
Say you wrong window a noob and they report you to the powers that be-- going to lose your account? And remember under 18s are on the grid. Talking to noobs can be risky to your RL , but Linden has your back-- oh wait - they don't -- you're an unpaid volunteer.
This "pay it forward" phrase really ticks me off -- was I cheating Linden somehow? Not carrying my weight?
I went premium plus to avoid the real life high Lindex transfer fees and have cut my spending accordingly. Pretty much just get stuff at the closing sales, sad face .
And this work for free isn't the end , as the post says " Second Life Mentors will be the first ripple in the pond of “Paying It Forward”.
"a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by an object dropping into it or a slight breeze.
"he dived into the pool leaving barely a ripple" from Oxford languages via googleWhat other for profit company has a stated business plan to push labor unto their "customers"?So what's next, stationary bikes in our rl homes to pedal to store energy to cut the AWS bill?Yeah, I've got a sinking feeling .It doesn't take rocket science to look at active residents and say - what viewer do they use?Communication is EVERYTHING-- the plaza CSI had with 99 percent noobs and mentors was great - give noobs a viewer they can grow with and people they can chat with right away.On looks , I was a horrible mess and Dorrie Bellman [thank you forever!] took me to a hair freebie store, dress freebies and told me how to wear shoe alphas. Oddly she didn't like the flapping shoe look . Took an hour . Her kindness and the mentors -- I was hooked.I have no idea how to help anyone today on appearance, long time male friends upgraded and look so different [ why are guy's heads so tiny?] or how to get a head without a line .Why not have heads that fit bodies and skins that match them both? Or is that why tattoos are all over -- to blur the mismatch ?Anyway -- mentor - no. PAID mentors --yes!!- 7
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2 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:
YW. I also wanted to say that right now the limit buy price is showing 255 with a 3-day wait. If you want to bid for more lindens to the dollar you could put in 256, 257 and see if it will fill. I'd wait at least the three days but you can cancel at any time. That's what I meant by be realistic. Bid a number that is reasonable.
When I said *one could* try 263 linden to the dollar I was joking. However, when I started SL again in or around 2016, sometime during that time (I don't know which year) the linden to dollar rate was near 270 linden to the 1 dollar so you never know; we never know what the future will be for the linden.
There is also a chart somewhere where you can see how many linden are currently available at 255, 256, 257, etc to the dollar. I'm just not sure where that chart is. I don't buy a lot of lindens. I have made lindens in SL mostly although will splurge from time to time. However, if you think this is a great thing for you, perhaps you should ask where that chart is. Or maybe someone will chime in here as to where it is.
ETA: I just checked the Lindex again and put in 258 and it said 2 day fill. I'll put my screenshot but people finding that chart I'm talking about above could be very helpful for those who want to put in LIMIT BUYS.
The estimated time to fill is very inaccurate, I've had it saying 2-3 days for weeks at a time. At just 1 or 2 Linden over base market. Another reason I went to PPlus to get hassle free money .
Note the Transaction fees above - $12.29/$11.62 real USD -- that is **a lot** for buying game tokens . In June 2017 -- this fee went from $0.40 to $0.60 USD.
My SL isn't impacted much if Kim and Taylor have a full region to themselves, a 512m skybox or play pose balls in a store but if other people stop bringing fresh money into the world -- creators won't be making stuff and why would anyone come in ? And why rent if your place is just going to get stale under your feet?
A vibrant creative economy is needed to make people want to have a SL and not just play tourist . And that takes fresh cash. These fees hinder that .
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If you want to have a virtual berth and don't care about being alone there are less expensive platforms to get land than SL .
If you want the social aspects and want to BUY things then SL is a better option but this increasing of the currency exchange fee is a truly fatal mistake.
I used to get 20-30k of Lindens at once. When the fee bounced up $9.99 [and now $14.95 USD ] which is --- wait for it -- REAL money -- I stopped.
Got a premium plus for a year for the $650L and will probably drop that and the mainland. For sure I stopped buying as much from creators . They have RL world inflation pressures and I rarely buy things anymore . Creators are leaving , giving up their land . Going MP and not checking in as much. Can't blame them .
Even in this cold winter I see less stuff at events. Weekly events aren't full of as much new magic imo. Linden should be encouraging the economy not stomping it out.
This idea that the Linden exchange fee should conform to some Wall Street metric is WRONG . Dead wrong.
We're talking people in jammies who go - yeah I'll get that car, skybox or a new ballgown -- oh need to buy Lindens -- then BAM they see the $14.95 USD for the exchange fee and WHOA - I need to buy a gallon milk or some gas tomorrow morning and like a deflated balloon RL reality kills that impulse urge.
I never really cared about the exchange fee before the $9.99 , and now $14.95?? [Yes you can buy less than what will trigger the max fee but I don’t like to monitor the exchange and not paying the instant sucker exchange rate]
SL needs creators to make it a place to hang out , if the residents aren't bringing money in to buy stuff why would the creators stay? Why rent or keep land if you aren't decorating it anymore?
Why would anyone new stay if they are looking at these fees when they contemplate buying Lindens to get outfitted?This is SL , we don't NEED it , these fees are a cold shower on impulse buys. They make it an in your face REAL life expense and that will kill the economy.
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A wad of Mole Dollars, unmarked, paper wrapper.
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I had brought in dollars at a very high exchange rate once on an alt , and forgot to cancel the order , months later that order filled at a high 270s ratio to a USD , when the market was in the lower 250's so, no I don't think the thermometer theory works .
The amount of money at the big bubble never appears as at or close to 0 , it was still a healthy tens of millions when the limit order goes through at the higher rate .
If the thermometer theory was true people would see the high 270's ratio as the market bottom and place their buy at that range not a 250's.
13 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:
the LindeX works like any other money exchange, some levels will appear several times a week, some in a month other perhaps once a year or not at all in the next decade.
LL/support cán't answer your question, and if they could, they wouldn't reveal a possible interval for changes in the exchange.
The estimated time is not set in stone, it depend on the orders placed by others. If they only put orders in for even 1 L$ per hundred less, your orders will kept set backwards and not come any closer to filling.
The 250/1 is now selling.. as long it takes... if one puts in a 249/1, all 250/1 will hold again ... and so on...My understanding is that it is a limit buy at THAT price , so how many orders are at 250L per 1 USD doesn't impact my order at 251L for 1 USD. I don't see how my 251 order gets set back by a 250, it should sit in the 251 bin until filled.
Are you saying there are no bins at each price point? That it is one bucket?
I've had a large buy limit order in since end July, the amt of dollars sitting wanting to buy is about the same the whole time, many many times since end July the time frame for the limit price of 251 has been shown as 1-4 days, yet none of my order has been filled.
I've filed support tickets and get a general response. Sure I get the time frame is a suggestion but saying orders fill at 251 in 4 days and not one Linden purchased in 4 months is a big difference.
Since 250 is the big bucket of waiting orders seems to me a number of people not in dire need would hope for a tiny bit better exchange rate and place their order at 251.
Yet the pool total at 251 stays abt the same [8 million], my order stays unfilled. And as I write this the est time to fill at 251 is 2 days
I've asked for my order to be checked if a programming snag, if any orders have filled at 251 since July , and no reply yet.
Does my thinking hold up? I just don't see how it is logical to say 2 days -ish to fill, dollars offered stays abt the same and yet nothing of my order filled in 4 months .
I used to help new people- a lot. Don't anymore - they are on the SL viewer ,which I can't understand , AND I think they don't easily see when people start a conversation with them.
The whole mesh body thing, I don't understand why there is no standard workflow. Not saying it should just be one click and done but I have watched videos [why are so many voiced in a heavily accented baby voice] , read makers blogs, begged creators, even paid 'consultants' for private tutoring and find no standardized way to tell what order to use the various layers, alphas, appliers BOMs buttons etc.
"It varies and doesn't always work the same" seems to be the one truth.
Not to do something fancy but just getting underwear on, getting clothes , eyes, lipstick to even appear. That's all I want - look at a chart - this body, that item -- here are the 35 steps in this order to make it work. IT's not the work it's the lack of standardized instructions.
There is something very wrong IMO when you buy clothes marked for your unaltered brand body and there is no way to layer the clothes . Doesn't it make sense to have underwear NOT pop through? Not dancer feathers but a tiny bow on underwear .
And that you need to attach sooooo many appliers , layers etc to hide your system eyes or attach a tattoo.
I joined through the CSI-NY portal, they had paid creators staff welcome hubs and I could drop in and ask any question and then go back out exploring with the prim off my head etc .
Today, even IF Linden staffed hubs I can't see how they could do the most basic tutoring --"How can I wear my new body and clothes since I like this "game" and want to stay." It would take too long.
And then of course, if you get looking sharp and go to an event then you have to dial down max complex to be able to move and know that just like you can't see others now , they can't see fancy new you anyway . [I am rarely over 80k and have an upgraded 1 year old macbookpro ].
The Moon got stuck on my horizon line with eep , figured out how to make it disappear. Even with a 2020 MBP w/ 16 gigs can't move with all the shiny buttons on , so they don't matter to me--I 'live an SL life' versus a photoshop album version.
Just hope with Oz gone the engineers don't spend time on the verbally loud crowds desire to have options 95% of us never use . Just to say they have the feature.
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Did you know this topic = server restarts -- has it's own theme music?
There is a formula too , found on the decoder ring ....25 or 6 to...........
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Thanks for the complete update Mazidox!
I'm getting worried- cost to buy Lindens went too high, no one can find the time or interest to tell us about region reboots, roll backs-- and is that the Angel of Death on the splash page? Did SL die and no one told me?
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Some landlords don't want to take PayPal or credit cards because they could lose if the renter complains they didn't get what they were lead to believe they would get and wants a credit.
PayPal isn't going to make an avatar and come in world to see if the tenant or the landlord was right, if they could tell.
Especially on homesteads the profit margin is thin so a few complaining tenant charge backs and the estate is in the red.
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Cost to buy NYSE stocks from large broker where multiple exchanges may be involved $0, cost to have a cash card from a bank-- can add money and spend unlimited times in a month $5.00/mo , Linden cost for ONE transaction in an exchange they control $9.99. No, too high.
And why are they making a new viewer? Take the FS open source and make a simple version. Strip the options but leave the framework so new people don't have to learn two systems.
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Just now, Syane Jewell said:
Well I bought 45000 linden tonight, I'll buy another 45000 before the 22nd - You should be able to get that amount up in 10 mins to 2 hours..
At what rate? I never use the cash bar, I use the exchange to get a better rate.
This wasn't much warning time since it takes so long to close an Exchange ticket. The time estimates given are rarely close to reality.
On 3/31/2021 at 4:07 PM, Eddy Ofarrel said:
I'm not sure what you mean - as in region names showing on the map where there's no region there at all any more? Can you give me the name of one so I can have a look? In any case, the region names all come from the Second Life "caps" server, as described here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Map_API_Reference
"region names showing on the map where there's no region there at all any more" = exactly.
Regions are Caledon Lionsgate
Caledon Gearhaven
Caledon Templemore
Caledon BrigadoonSome went off line years ago. Newest maybe a year, but not recent .
And I must hasten to add Caledon is a Steampunk Victorian estate and not Adult Zindra.
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Thanks Eddy . I see the map has void region names showing for regions that were turned in to Linden, some over 5 years ago. Nostalgia or a glitch?
On 3/5/2021 at 7:39 PM, Artemisia Atheria said:
Is there a way to tell which continent you're at? Like somewhere in About Land or The World Map that tells you the continent name for that region, similar to how you can see the region name for the land?
Try making a attachment that will tell you the continent:
Thank you Braclo
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On 3/23/2021 at 6:12 PM, Aishagain said:
. Tonight, with all of SL supposedly on the same server version,
I live on an estate where the regions abut and where the owner had requested all regions be on the Main server in January to aid region crossings since we fly, sail individually , and have scheduled trollys, trains, airships . It did help.
Then they recently took some regions off Main and put on them on release versions for "testing" regardless of owners request and the improvement we'd enjoyed as tier paying renters. Per recent ticket , won't switch them back.
I learned so much from your TPV meetings. I came years ago to watch and hope Firestorm viewer could/would succeed , which it has brilliantly of course, but stayed for the education.
Listening to you succinctly say why one of our beloved ideas went against the laws of physics and/or how the platform should be engineered BUT and its the big "why-we-love-you BUT" you listened and said "make me a case to keep or try " our idea.
You listened.
Thanks for not killing "return to last position"; I'll be clicking that and thinking of you.
Best wishes, oodles of thanks and much respect.
P.S. I think "return to last position" will work for you too, you click your heels together .....
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EEP- I get it some people will spend all their time on one thing. But for the majority of people I'd venture bright day, medium day, night and a few fancy settings for photos and they're good.
But to force more screens and choices on everyone doesn't make sense to me. It is a complicated screen hogging mess. Turbo tax is easier.
Just nuke the moon if it is in the way, open sun and moon panel and select none for texture for the horizon hugging cheese ball. Buh bye brie! Catch ya later cheddar! Get outta here Gouda!
ok, I'll stop
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"Coming soon: 15% reduction to mesh download impact" question
in Mesh
I don't understand the example they gave in the announcement - what does the 35.5 number mean? The first screen shows 35 so isn't that a 0.5 INCREASE?
They didn't say the lights/mirror upgrades will not push the LIs back up and over.
I hope there will be a "don't render" option for the new stuff if it is too much for lower end cards or when you just want to move and get the general outline.