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Marcthur Goosson

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Everything posted by Marcthur Goosson

  1. So they only have the choice to buy a house with rectangular rooms. Me Sighs..................🤐
  2. Yes I tried, reflection probe works well but how to make RP for odd shaped rooms. Like an attic, a tipi, a cave, a star shaped room, pointed roofs..............etc etc. RP won't work on the outside of my houses Local lights are helpfull to get a better look. That is to say if the environment is realistic. In Substance Painter it all looks very realistic so the PBR material is oke, yes? In SL the environment seems to be very exposed, the light is way too strong and blue. I cannot ask my customers to adjust their environment to have my products look well. If they can at all, I sell houses and they are often used for rentals on premade landscapes and environments. Blinn Pong always looks good, never had issues with that. I think it is better to stick with that for my line of work.
  3. I am kind of lost where to find up to date descent information about the evolution of PBR in SL. Is the BLUE haze resolved? I still see it but might be something I missed. Thanks
  4. Someone made a jira. Thanks https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-234789?_gl=1*1o5qq00*_ga*MTA2NjA4NjI2MC4xNzAzMTQ4MDY2*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTcwMzE0ODA2Ni4xLjEuMTcwMzE0OTEwNy4wLjAuMA..*_fplc*ZG8xQ3hERnN5QXgwbm1GckwwTUlzSDBkTEx4TVJkUFhRJTJCQmZJVW5jaEQyck5ZUHhkcWE1OE1wSDZaY2g1eWpIcUY4NTUlMkI3YkxQNlR3VHg0Z3QzbGZ3WjdKYyUyRnNWVjlRODRmS1NlREozV1VwSkJIME1YWlFZclloZnNndiUyQlElM0QlM0Q.
  5. All the images I posted are PBR Materials. There need to be some kind of point zero from where we can tweak. I mean we have to have the same look to start from in the adviced software (SP, Khronos and SL PBR). Adding lights, environments in SL to match what we made in e.g. SP is not a correct workflow. Ain't red the complementary of blue?
  6. Thanks for additional information. I understand that things might change or ironed out. I now have these results .
  7. I discovered that the Stone texture in SP has a baked height AND a baked normal channel. When exporting from SP the height adds up to the normal channel, it kind of doubles the normal information. So I deactivated the normal channel in SP and exported again. This is how it looks now at midday.
  8. Thanks Charlotte, I will contact you.. I am tired of testing, there is blue somewhere and I cannot figure out how to get rid of it. Even when I apply a blank PBR material the textureface is blue. Can someone please switch of the blue light .............or tell me the source.
  9. No matter where I put the sun, in SL or SP, I get the same result. I looked for a blue light source, could not find it and to be sure I rezzed at 1000 meters.
  10. Hello, I am new to PBR in general and trying to setup my workflow for creating PBR materials in Substance Painter. Despite all the advised settings tne material looks different in SL than in SP. I think I tried everything so please give me new information to try out. Substance The images are screenshots of 1 side of a cube. Substance Settings: Template: '''PBR - Metallic Roughness Alpha-test (starter_assets)''' Document Resolution: '''1024''' Normal Map Format: '''OpenGL (Y+)''' Compute Tangents Per Fragment: '''YES''' "Display Settings": Tonemapping - Function: '''ACES''' HDRI equivalent of new default midday (for use in third party tools): https://polyhaven.com/a/cloud_layers When exporting: Output Template: '''glTF PBR Metal Roughness''' Size: '''Based on each Texture Set's size''' Padding: '''Dilation + default background color - 8 bit''' The Stone texture "stone-wall---02.sbsar" comes from the Substance 3D community. SL settings: Viewer Second Life Release (64bit) on the beta grid Environment Midday (I wonder why the sun is not in the center as it is in the Midday Legacy)
  11. Hello everyone out there, I am looking for a place to make a fotoshoot of my newest cottage creation. A place with forest, mountains and maybe a river. All the beautiful places I had landmarked are gone :( So please if you know a place where I can rez (for an hour or so) let me know. Thanks, Marcthur
  12. Hello, I am looking for a scenic place to do a photoshoot of my newest building. I prefer a european forest edge (no pine trees) with a big flat meadow and mountains in the background. I want to rez my building for a few hours to take the pictures. If you have or know a place where I can rez please contact me inworld. Thanks
  13. Hello, I am a creator of traditional cottages and houses. I am looking for someone to test my newest build. Someone who finds it a challenge to discover the things I overlooked. Things like gaps, holes, incorrect physics, incorrect soft or hard edges, errors in the shademaps, pivot points of doors and windows................anything not in place. The testing has to take place in beta grid. After the testing I can continue to texture. I have been working for more then a year on this house and still I find adjustments to make. Are you experienced to tackle the last ones ? Thanks, Marcthur p.s. you will get the house for free once it is finished
  14. I am looking for an experienced motivated person who wants to do the marketing for the M&M Creations Brand. Social media, presentations (taking and tweaking pictures), blog and whatever is out there to reach customers. I want to focus on creating, that is my skill. I have no clue about marketing but I feel I have to put our brand more on the map. Please respond only if you are inspired by our products. Payment as a percentage of the increasing sales. IM : Marcthur Goosson (check my profile for inworld and marketplace stores).
  15. I am looking for an experienced motivated person who wants to do the marketing for the M&M Creations Brand. Social media, presentations (taking and tweaking pictures), blog and whatever is out there to reach customers. I want to focus on creating, that is my skill. I have no clue about marketing but I feel I have to put our brand more on the map. Please respond only if you are inspired by our products. Payment as a percentage of the increasing sales. IM : Marcthur Goosson (check my profile for inworld and marketplace stores).
  16. There is new design of the upload UI in the mesh project viewer. I want to reflect my thoughts about that: - the UI is very very big, it fills up almost half the screen. I so like the compact UI of public viewer. - there are too many mouseclicks to be done and a long way from topleft to bottomright - all the options and buttons are visible in the UI, some of them less used would be better in a pulldown - PE is gone and is now called Land Impact (who will rewrite my manuals) - why do I have to choose "This model represents"? What is the functionality - in my line of work the defaults are always From File, maybe a general chechbox to activate that for all tabs - if the UI has to be THIS big than give the preview more space and place all the buttons closer to eachother, I see a lot of useless space - a tooltip would be convenient to show the filenamepath when hovering over the filename Any more thoughts or ideas? Marcthur
  17. In public viewer it is BAD mesh. In project viewer it loads oke. So I know my mesh is good but SL doubts about that :-)
  18. Problem is solved with latest viewer: Second Life 3.0.6 (241818) Sep 28 2011 12:08:23 (Project Viewer - Mesh) Thanks for adequate action Prep.
  19. Marcthur Goosson

    BAD Mesh

    Some models won't upload and refer to the log file. Log file states no more then BAD MESH , no error information available. Does anyone know what could cause a mesh to be bad? Thanks.
  20. Thanks for making the jira. And thanks to LL for reading and working on it (keep my fingers crossed)
  21. Current public viewer does not have this problem. But it gives other problems , for some meshes I get BAD MESH error. That is why I changed to project viewer and discovered this physics problem. :-( I modelled for a week and cannot upload the build now. Just another mesh day !
  22. I always make physics myself. In general I use planes. The uploader resized/replaced those planes automaticly to the boundingbox of the mesh model. Since today this does not work properly anymore. When I load my physics dae I see the replacing/redimensioning and immediatley the calculate button greys out. I tested with using the physics dae as mesh model and the same file as physics, no problem at all. Mesh project viewer 241391. Any thoughts about this ? Thanks.
  23. Thanks Drongle, I feared an answer from you :-) You are so technical. But I understand this one :matte-motes-smitten: This of great help.
  24. Rusalka Writer wrote: How to be sure? Make your products from scratch yourself. And be sure not to be inspired by anything :matte-motes-big-grin:
  25. Very constructive answer Poenald, at which question did you reply? Is littering forums a sport or quest of somekind?.:smileymad:
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