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Linnrenate Crosby

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Posts posted by Linnrenate Crosby

  1. Dear Linden Labs... you really make the impression to me that you roll out features nobody need/want. First you replaced windlight that worked perfectly good with this EEP crap, that are a disaster (just look at all the bad feedback here).

    Now you do the same *****ing ting with PBR which i  suspect one need a very powerful Pc/Mac to use, no doubt equipped with at least 64 gb memory and a graphics card that will cost a month's salary or more.

    This is my opinion that you just ***** up sl and make it worse, when so high hardware requirements you will for sure see less new users joining SL. To me, well i think within the summer of 2024 i'm gone for good

  2. I know this is a old post, but throwing me on here anyway. I want to totally disable the hotkey for hover tool tip because 1. i hate that damn thing, and 2. Sometimes when i build and need to see the faces i have set transparent i hit ctrl+shift+t instead of ctrl+alt+t - which turn on that annoying feature.

    Please tell me how @Whirly Fizzle

  3. I just had to teleport to see Mocha, i have to agree... that sim look like a egoistic dump where everyone owning there think they are on their own sim not caring at all about the person living next to them.

    So yes, maybe my suggestion is a bad one :( If we at least could have the grids monkeys come and do some terrain changes beyond the terraform limits for us that would be good. I had to do this 2 times since i started to owning mainland, and both times it was just a matter of them lowering the land (on linden owned parcel) so i could connect my driveway to the linden road.

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  4. Since the dawn of SL (or there about) mainland has been restricted to +/- 4 meters of terraforming (with some exceptions).  Isn't it about time  (as we see a lot of people that actually want to make their mainland pretty (and more usable) to double this old limit? I know i'm not the only one that could do so much different with a +/- 8 meter limit and i doubt very much that i'm the only one.

    I hope more people agree about this and if we get enough posts maybe people like @Patch Linden and the higher ranking Lindens will take notice, maybe we even will get this change.

    Fingers crossed

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  5. And would i chat in a group where only moderators are listed, and where i know they are only active chatting if someone are rude and breaking the rules? Not likely.... most groups with Mods the mods are AFK and thus seldom provide help.... previously listed participants do provide help and a good chat

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  6. What a stupid change this is


    How does this change appear in the viewer?

    The list of visible group chat participants shown in the Conversations panel, when the drop-down menu is expanded.  Before this change, the participants list would show all online members who were currently subscribed to the group's chat session.  With this change, updates to list is limited for large groups, as described above, unless the "Moderate Group Chat" ability is enabled for the agent.

    Like in helpful groups like Builders Brewery, and Blender Benders 2.0 it actually help to see ALL participants in the list, because someone might have helped you in the past and in the list they are easy to find if you didn't save their name in the past or sort of just vaguely  recall their name. With this change you leave us with a big guessing game.  Maybe instead not list participants that hasn't been active chatting in the group for like 2 hrs. ago?



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  7. I tried to understand this EEP crap and i've given up... reverting back to Firestorm 6.3.9 (58205) Release now. This is the usual crap from the Lab: "we add a new feature for you but you have to figure out the rest yourself"

    I just hope for the future that firestorm will will include a option to select to disable eep for us that really don't need it. I don't understand why LL had to make ...correction, force their feature upon us when we had windlight working fine for many years - really LL didn't you have better things to do?

    All i wanted was to have mainland default sky, water, day-cycle at ground level and always midday at 2000m... wasn't (too stupid i guess) able to do that

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  8. 18 minutes ago, namssab1nad Piers said:

    Been playing with EEP.  To me it sucks the big time.  They need to go back to the previous windlight system.  It was easy and fast to change windlights.  When taking photos of a strange landscape I do not want to have to spend all friggin day playing with EEP to get one shot.  Ridiculous that they even did this introducing EEP.  Make one wonder if management really has a clue about the normal everyday user of SL.  

    That's the Lab in a nutshell my friend, they think they can make things better by putting loads on their overworked servers. I stand by what i previously said


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