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Gandalf Edman

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Everything posted by Gandalf Edman

  1. Is anybody using this graphics card right now? We bought it and now SL makes no fun anymore: sometimes the screen begins to flash into black (just the SL screen), from a distance the avatar looks blurry (if you get closer it sharpens, okay this seems to be able to fix by some settings at the driver), at sims with little bit more traffic we get massive lag - at this point the performace is really really poor and brings the client close to a crash. Compared to the Radeon HD4650, which was before in use, it feels like driving with handbrake... Only at sims with less traffic (at best no avatar on it ) it runs fast, but that was not the goal with this new graphics card... We tried to tweak the settings (in the client and even the options given by the driver-tool), but it won't show much effect - performance in total isn't as good as with the Radeon HD4650. System is Windows 7, of course we installed the latest driver from the nvidia web-site. Do you have any suggestions? In which way must the settings be within the driver tool, within the SL-Client?
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