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Pudenta Magic

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Everything posted by Pudenta Magic

  1. My definition of a griefer is someone who decides for me what my experience of the world will be. The best news is .. I have this great red X to escape idiots like that. *holds up a mirror to griefers* Enjoy your own experience, and I'll enjoy mine. Thanks.
  2. Do wish the credits included the creator's name.
  3. You did notice that the date on that article was 12-17-2013 12:05 PM, right? *also ducks and runs*
  4. This is a general response to media prims ... not sure if it will help your particular player or not ... If you see a message from YouTube that you're on an unsupported browser, this may be the cause. YouTube has deprecated the default inworld browser (the one that's typically incorporated in media players) and no longer "supports it." However, by experimentation, I've found that the actual videos work, despite the dire warning. You generally just have to click through to it a few times. Also, in general, I've found that you have to click on the media player (the prim face containiner for the Media on a Prim =MOAP= to 'activate' it (there's some kind of time out when it'll revert to untouched, and you just have to click the surface again), then click a link for the actual video. Also, be sure that you've activated media and it's actually playing ... sometimes the media buttons deactivate (timeouts? not sure, to be honest). As far as I know, it's not possible to write notecards on the fly, and the only way for a notecard to appear in the contents is by dragging them there. Perhaps it was done accidently? Have you tried removing the extra notecards (dragging them from the player's contents back into inventory to save them)? Are you saying that the script itself is missing? Maybe it's time to contact the creator, if they're still inworld?
  5. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Did you not see my first response to you.. I said the merchants screwed up.. You know what i do when i see one of those screw ups? i flag them for incorrect permissions. Until the merchants fix their perms our only option is to search with "NOT demo" added on. Yeah .. saw it, or I wouldn't have posted my begging comment, right? This comment wasn't a direct reply to you. It's a generalized question.
  6. Pamela Galli wrote: So, you are asking people to please, please, please never make a mistake. Okay. Seriously?
  7. If I use (without quotes) "mesh" as my search term, then filter by checking all three perms, COPY, MOD, TRANS ... and assuming the merchant has set the proper perms ... I should never see a demo in the results (since they are normally NOT full perms). As an exercise, try it and see how many DEMO responses you get. The answer is: about half (usually more) Why should it be the responsibility of the buyer to set the NOT demo exception?
  8. In that case, let me beg ........... Please, please, please .. if you're a FP content provider and list a demo, puhleeeeeeeze set the perms to the actual delivered product. We have enough problems searching for relevant content in the MP.
  9. First, let me assure you that I am extremely grateful for Demos ... when I want them. They're invaluable, and I appreciate them. That said .... Is there a reason why Demos for FP items end up showing perms as Copy/Mod/Trans ... when the delivered product is obviously going to be restricted, since it's a demo? Is there some kind of listing restriction (tied to the "get full version," maybe .. I'm groping for answers, here)? It makes me crazy when I do a search, filter for all perms, and get pages and pages of demos in my search results, which logically should have the restricted perms reflected on the listing, in addition to all the other search results.
  10. Yah. It's not like I'm not going to agree, but .. it'd be nice to know what's changed. And, an advanced announcement seems only fair. Slogging through all the documents is more than tedious, it's nearly impossible to know what's changed without a line by line comparison. C'mon, Lab .. just be nice about it.
  11. If you're paying for your parcel to be searchable (all group at admin level get hit with a shared portion of the 30L fee), try an external browser search on secondlife.com/my (look in the upper right of the window for the search panel). Search for the name of your parcel, hopefully find your it in responses, click the result, then go to the MORE INFO tab. The old style parcel contents search is revealed (aside: why, oh, WHY is this not available inworld .. *sighs*). If it doesn't show, I'm guessing the payments for being searchable aren't being made.
  12. There are SO many reasons for preferring (or needing) a laptop. However, acknowledging your comments, I'd say it's good to be aware of the drawbacks. As a laptop user, exclusively, I'll respond to your comments, individually .. Conditionally, I'll say: First of all, be sure the laptop expressly states that it's designed for gaming. If you can afford it, get one with nVidia graphics and get at much ram as you can afford. There isn't enough space inside to dissipate the heat from extended use (>30minutes of use may damage components). True and easily overcome by using cooling trays and a small external fan They don't have room for a decent GPU. "Decent" is a matter of opinion. Just be sure the graphics card allows for individual 3D graphics settings (most current cards/drivers like ATI or nVidia do) RAM can't always be replaced. True .. get as much as you can afford, now Heavy draws on the battery caused by SL will shorten battery life, lack of internal regulation of voltage will shorten component lifespan. The price we pay for heavy graphics use. Desktops don't have a battery. Sort of a moot point, really. They rarely have good ethernet/wired LAN controllers, and Wifi is not suitable for the amount of traffic require Huh? Practically the whole point of a laptop is to work wireless. Here again, though, you CAN hardwire/cable to your internet source. A more suitable issue here is: SL will require very high ping rates, so if you're going wireless, you need a very good, reliable signal. If you travel a lot and use unknown wireless sources, pintest.net is your friend. The components are never designed for long life, or heavy use. (You will want both) OK. Really? I have mine turned on 24/7. And all of mine last anywhere from 3 to 5 years, nearly as long as technology practically demands an upgrade. I'd call this a wash. You can't improve the specifications if Second Life changes the minimum hardware requirements tomorrow. Hard to argue this one ... keep a good tech in your pocket. A comment that's not here .. many laptops come with a far more restrictive firewall, precisely because we travel and use untested wireless sources. Make sure you know how to access the firewall (even the antivirus program) to allow traffic from SL. To close, I'd say that even two or three years ago, it was very hard to find a laptop that was well designed for use with 3D gaming environment. It's more than possible, these days. Mine is a $500US Walmart-sold Acer. While I do have some limits, they're ones I'll sacrifice to play, wirelessly, and in my travels.
  13. I know it's tough for everyone outside of the Pacific Time Zone .. but .. 7:30 pm PT = 7:30 pm SLT
  14. You can accomplish pretty much the same thing ... for your avi and the surrounding environment ... by making your camera spin around you ..... that way no one else know's you're doin' the rez dance (unless ya want 'em to, of course). :matte-motes-wink:
  15. LOL .. I remember when it got so bad that a bunch of us started wearing barrels when we TP'd (and hoped it remained as an attachment).
  16. *laughs* well .. just in case it's a serious question .... I didn't check the OP's original profile, but I've seen newbies get skins that actually have the undergarments as part of the skin. Axel .. if you look in your inventory, there's a folder called Current Outfit (in most viewers). If you don't see two separate items for an undershirt and underwear, then it's probably the skin and you'll wanna get a different one. As for the **bleep** .. Sorry to tell ya, but that's a prosthetic (attachment). If you can get into an adult rated sim .. you'll find 'em.
  17. There's a listing for a product in MP that states it can crash users internet connection. Frankly, I'm pretty sure that's false advertising, since I'm seriously doubtful it's possible. But, assuming it is possible, it sure seems as though it's a violation of our TOS. Global AttacksObjects, scripts, or actions which broadly interfere with or disrupt the Second Life community, the Second Life servers or other systems related to Second Life will not be tolerated in any form. We will hold you responsible for any actions you take, or that are taken by objects or scripts that belong to you. Sandboxes are available for testing objects and scripts that have components that may be unmanageable or whose behavior you may not be able to predict. If you chose to use a script that substantially disrupts the operation of Second Life, disciplinary actions will result in a minimum two-week suspension, the possible loss of in-world inventory, and a review of your account for probable expulsion from Second Life. Where/how does one report such a possibility? None of the options provided by the reporting system support possible TOS violations, as far as I can determine (maybe I'm reading them wrong). EDIT to reply (since I can't seem to actually, 'reply', lol) .... As I said, the flagging (I said "reporting," but was implying the flagging) options don't provide for the possibility of violations of TOS. Lots of other options, but not that. What IS available: my options are ... REASON FOR FLAG .. Item Not As Advertised Listing Not Flagged as Adult Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices Non-Item Listing Infringes My Intelectual Property Rights (which diverts to: [paraphrase] "can't do that here") Of those options, "Spam or Disallowed .. " seems most likely, which only offer: DETAILED REASON Item Spam .. Keyword Spam .. Item was Disabled and Relisted Reference to Other E-Commerce Websites Inflated Listing Price Seems like it should be an option, but unless I'm missing something .. it ain't thar. **PS .. this isn't a product by a [P** M**] avatar .. this is by a [K**** B***]. And, I just have to say, "threatening to disable anyone's internet connection HAS to go above and beyond anyone's rights to intrude on my SL experience, even in a combat enabled zone.
  18. It's unlikely that Phoenix or other V1-based viewers are going to fix this ... think of it as one of the first "breakages" of V1 viewers.
  19. Thanks, Innula .. appreciate the feedback ..... and .. the question is directed at Oz. Personally, I'm tired of assumptions and guesses, and prefer some definitive answers from the Lab.
  20. It's refreshing to see an actual response by a Linden. Thank you. My question is: under the new terms, I'm unclear why something like parcel windlight would be categorized as "shared user experience" when it's a wholly opt-in choice of view, by the viewer, as is RLV. From listening to the recording, I gather the decision is as much about a bad hack, as it is a potential 'shared experience.' I realize this is a moot issue, for this ONE issue, but the premise of the question is what concerns me. For example, if one of the TPVs should find a way to actually prevent someone from camming into another parcel (not just not see avatars, as is now provided with the new viewer), would that fall under the new 2-k TOS?
  21. To request a new feature, your best bet (not saying it's a good one) is to file a JIRA. Aside from reporting issues and bugs, that's the place where new features are intended to be posted, recognized, voted on, etc. https://jira.secondlife.com/
  22. What she said .. the reason you can't seem to open them is likely due to the notice 'expiring' (usually happens if you're afk and fail to open the attachment, in time).
  23. Are you saying that textures that would normally be on your prim hair show on skirt prims, or are you saying that they seem to overlap? In the second case, that's called alpha conflict. If it's the first, then your cache is probably messed up and the suggestion to clear cache should clear it up. You might also consider doing a CLEAN install of your RLV viewer (if your viewer remembers who you are when you log in, after a re-install, it's a good sign it's not a clean install)
  24. Hmm .. I don't see it as viewer wars as much as it is about preferences. I think the third party viewers and LL have it right: give us choices and let the users live with the consequences (and there are consequences to all viewers). The "wars" are started by people who consider voicing an opinion as a thing of contention. *shrugs and moves on* As a vendor and creator, I think it's incumbent on me to consider the vast majority in my final product. As an example: I set up a scene that used a glow factor and it looked just yummy to me, in my viewer settings. Seven out of 10 of the people who visited my build were blinded by the glow that to me was only a gentle hint. Well, dang. Back to the drawing board. I want people to want my stuff, not be blinded by it, so I'll accomodate the majority in a lot of things. Including giving explicit instructions about how to unpack (for example), since some newbie might come by and not know all the tricks. (Caveat: for the most part, I build to suit me and my tastes, but there are some technical things to be considered that influence how I make it.) And, ooooh .. first time I tried fast alpha I all but choked when I saw my hair. LOLOL ... turned it off as fast as I could. I'll live with the alpha conflicts and just change my camera angle (and try to avoid the issue in my builds .. it can be done). Peace .. [edited for typos]
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