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Artair Glendullen

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Everything posted by Artair Glendullen

  1. If you need more people, lemme know. I'm always willing to be an extra body to throw at some tests. : D
  2. Aoharu! Last I heard, they were making mesh shoes but I haven't heard anything since that point. Also Prefabrica. I have a few of their planes, and they still fly pretty well.
  3. Wizarding Faire started today. ...Ample excuse to wear THIS outfit.
  4. I know. ^^ All three passes I made were at a fairly high speed, though. That's what has me excited.
  5. More data! You can cross at corners! ...Some of them. I tested one yesterday and two today. Two just changed camera view, and on one I lost control, both avatars (ty for being my test copilot, Marianne!) seated in the vehicle were dragged along outside and couldn't stand until the vehicle was deleted.
  6. It's fairly easy to tell which regions will kick vehicles out from around you. If you have a viewer that shows parcel borders on the minimap, regions that don't have any parcel borders (where there probably should be) are the most likely to kick.
  7. I love the Verne (and so do... most of my neighbors, unfortunately). There's a lot of neat stuff you can do with the space, even though some of it's kind of odd and might seem difficult to work with at first.
  8. It is if you like rez zones! It's got a road, train, and water zone.
  9. Oh, they're adorable! I wonder if there's room for a sailboat on them.
  10. Did I hear programmer humor? >w> What's a ghost's favourite data type? A BOO-lean!
  11. I've discovered a new peeve, and it's screencaps of avatars who've had 'realistic' smiles/faces pasted on with an app. Seeing caps like that (to me, anyway) is like getting hit in the face with a brick someone wrote the words 'uncanny valley' on. Nothing personal against people who do it, but oh man. It just heebies my jeebies.
  12. If you've linked anything, it's possible that it's done something strange to the physics of one of the linked objects.
  13. Hello, Tuesday. Might as well ring in the restarts by spending some time with friends.
  14. I'd be down for a new version of no-mod that lets me delete scripts.
  15. There are bits and pieces of the old Art in there, even though I wasn't originally aiming for that. It's a pleasant surprise to see a bit of continuity in there! The biggest difference between the two are proportions and height, lol. I used to be awful at proportions.
  16. I'm glad. 😄 I loved it when I had it, but I just wanted something a little more... active. Edit: I rolled the dice on it and scored a coastal lot! I think I'm staying put. 😄
  17. I'm still waiting on Hawkesblood, but I noticed the parcel name change! ^^ I did try to roll, though, and I got that error too. It may be a minute.
  18. Knapping seems to be released/is on the verge of releasing!
  19. Friends! These two were my first actual SL friends, and not friends I knew before joining. We... lost contact a while back. This one's from 2011. That's me on the right. This one's super tiny because it didn't resize as 'well' as the other one, but this is from a group I met and hung out with for a little while in 2010. I'm far right again, I think? I remember going to a few places with them, but I kind of drifted off after they found a club to hang out in because I didn't really feel like I was supposed to be there.
  20. I can't remember what the first thing I bought inworld was. Hair? I think? Yeah. It was that one kind of moppy, flexi brown hair that every guy in SL's probably had at one point. On the MP, my first purchase was a 'Blood Crow' avatar that I no longer remember, is no longer sold, and that I no longer have in my inventory. I do have the second thing that I bought! https://gyazo.com/614b5f9a3a5d2c73b3fd6020774f1730 This little robot fella. Alphas were still becoming 'a thing' back then. 😛 So much so that the notecard for this avatar started with the line 'THIS PRODUCT IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL ONLY WITH SL VIEWER 2.'
  21. I'm going to be releasing this Vic on the rails in about 20 minutes in order to try and snag a spot in Hawkesblood once it's up! It's up the tracks from a Back to the Future easter egg, and it's next to one of the landing zones for the Swaginator hunt. 😛
  22. @Garnet Psaltery oh! Dang, that's what I get for trying to word game and cook at the same time. 😛 Last laugh.
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