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Telexa Gabardini

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Everything posted by Telexa Gabardini

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: Anaiya Arnold wrote: @Qie: I've never known simply discussing the clarity of a document to be described as hysteria before, but if you wish to get all over excited and way over react to a mere suggestion that something might be ambiguous, it's your heart pressure level, not mine. I would seriously like to see the part of the ToS that you say might be ambiguous. I couldn't find any form of words that were concerned with circumventing the permissions system.The permissions system does get mentioned a few times but there's nothing about circumventing it. You may have read something somewhere, but it's not in the ToS, and if it's not there then the argument that it may be against the ToS is a non-starter. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Permission Right of First Sale The right of first sale applies when an item is transferred without next owner copy. Since you are allowed to specify no derivative works by specifying next owner cannot modify, this right is interpreted as next owner can always transfer that single instance of the item to anyone else. 
  2. Rival Destiny wrote: I am missing something here obviously. To make an item have no perms you have to add something to contents .... yes. But that is how you make something no permissions so I'm wondering why you want someone to send you something that is not possible.? It only reinforces that it can't be done but in no way negates the fact that you can make an item no permissions. Sorry if I missed something here. That's exactly my point! And yet so many here have made the claim first off it can be done, and second it is not against TOS to do so. You have to add something to its contents to achieve that set of permissions. Yet people here that are even older then me in SL age claim its possible. All I can really do is shake my head and wait for these magical prims to arrive.
  3. Rosemaery Lorefield wrote: I'm sorry but the specific complaint in the OP was about someone (presumeably the OP) who bought a very expensive traffic gaming system, didn't like the permissions, were pissed that it didn't work well enough, and wanted someone to be outraged with them. <<They bought into this sham>> I thought you said these were the players, not the owners of the nefarious devices? Do players spend 5000L and up for the means to play this game? If this is all the same person then they have the market cornered on rip offs lol. << Not to mention these products skirt around closely to multiple Linden TOS violations of gaming traffic, gambling, spam, and harassment to name a few>> I really don't think they skirt TOS at all. They run on external servers to avoid too much attention, but they are directly against TOS traffic gaming and gambling rules. All I can say is your still wrong about the OP. They are a player not a person who bought into the idea to generate traffic. I have given enough clues to what they products are. They sell both the products that are used by the people doing it for the purpose to game the traffic and also for the players that buy them to get the money and as the products claim have fun. The op falls into the later of that. You have taken the time now to make many post with assumptions. and that's cool but they are bashing of the OP on something that is irrelevant to what the complain was. Take the 2 minutes to go look at the products in question and its clear to see some are set for Traffic gaming and some are sold for players to use. They do in fact skirt the TOS and they don't do it in any way by being housed on a external server so that really is just crazy talk. You know I will say that to play by Lindens rules here sucks because it would be best to just say who the damn creator is and what the hell they sell. This thread turns into a mess because the real context of it gets lost due to not being able to reveal with out a doubt the products in question. I have since told the people complaining it would be better to take this to SLU where these products already have a history and threads. However people here are tame in comparison to how much a OP will get ripped apart in a SLU forum. At the least though the real names and products names can be revealed as well as the 100's of transcripts of conversations of the Creator they make in their own group chats and notices proving their deceptions. But it is what it is. In the OP post and title it claims the object has been made No Copy/ No Mod/ No Trans. Many people have claimed that is ethical and not against TOS. Later it was determined that the object was set to No copy/ Mod (except for scripts/ No Trans. However im still waiting for just one person to send me 1 prim or a linkset with the perms set to No copy/ No Mod/ No Trans with out placing anything in its contents to achieve that. I have a feeling I will be waiting for eternity for that object too. So again my first post in this thread still stands till proven otherwise.
  4. This has nothing to do with sploders. It has everything to do with fish, coins, rods, shoulder pets, buoys, networked advertising, "Earn Linden" <- notice no plural there. There is many people in this thread basically saying that the people that are making the complaints are just pissed because the traffic generator they bought isn't working and they got screwed. This is far from what they are saying. They are not the people that bought the product to generate the traffic. They are the people that are the traffic. They bought into this sham under the impression that they could have some fun in a game all the while making some lindens while doing it. They are upset that the owner has released these products to the grid with one set of perms that had transfer enabled with the claim that these items could be traded among other players. Later the creator has disabled the no trans out of greed and nothing else and forced a update onto these items that the people actually had to re-purchase instead of the creator just passing out the updated items for free. There is far to many deceptive practices being done by this creator to fit into one thread alone, but a few have been brought up in this very one so far. I have not ever or would ever use these products just for the simple fact that the owner has made claims from the very start to be able to detect alts. Not to mention these products skirt around closely to multiple Linden TOS violations of gaming traffic, gambling, spam, and harassment to name a few.
  5. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Telexa Gabardini wrote: I agree with everything you said. However if this product was also used to identify the use of Alts and then this information was shared within their own group as a form of harassment, would it still then be OK? No, it wouldn't. But you already knew that. I love how this was about one thing and now it's becoming about another. Just how many types of TOS violations are you going to accuse these people of before it's over? I wasn't really accusing them of anything so not sure what you are talking about. I know its rather impossible to create a prim or linkset of prims with the permission set to No Copy/ No Mod/ No Trans though, unless you add something to its contents. So my original post remains for now until im proven otherwise. As for the Alt detection and revealing of alts, I as well as hundreds of others have seen it first hand so is that really an accusation?
  6. Annuli Cazenovia wrote: Telex Gabardine wrote: Annuli Cazenovia wrote: Erik Veranda wrote: What concerns me is the privacy issues of an outside server knowing the avatar account and the DID of the products tied to the account. If you buy a product, then of course the merchant knows she's sold it you, and if you buy a product that communicates with an external server, then of course the server knows whose items its communicating with, where they are and so on. How else do you expect it to work? It's like me complaining Amazon know where I live, what books I buy and what my credit card number is. I agree with everything you said. However if this product was also used to identify the use of Alts and then this information was shared within their own group as a form of harassment, would it still then be OK? No. Sharing information about alts with the person's consent is against TOSS, and if that's going on, then certainly AR whoever is doing it. But I don't quite see how this device would know anything about people's alts (unless you need to tell the creator about an alt, if you want your alt to be able to manage the gadget for you). Does it know who your alts are? The owner has claimed to have that ability, and yes the owner has in fact called out correct alts in their group. The owner has also banned correct alts as well. They do own a website though and I could assume that if people posted in their forums with different avatars then it could also be assumed that they could connect avatars.
  7. Innula Zenovka wrote: Erik Vrandic wrote: What concerns me is the privacy issues of an outside server knowing the avatar account and the UUID of the products tied to the account. If you buy a product, then of course the merchant knows she's sold it you, and if you buy a product that communicates with an external server, then of course the server knows whose items its communicating with, where they are and so on. How else do you expect it to work? It's like me complaining Amazon know where I live, what books I buy and what my credit card number is. I agree with everything you said. However if this product was also used to identify the use of Alts and then this information was shared within their own group as a form of harassment, would it still then be OK?
  8. If there is a person here who could create a 1 prim or multiple linked prims and make then No Copy/ No Mod/ No Transfer and pass them to my avatar in world I will gladly retract my original comment. BTW, you can't add "anything to its contents to do so. I commented on how the original post was made. What came after it has nothing to do with my original post.
  9. Seems to me that this particular creator is deliberately altering the Linden permission system for their own greed. Defiantly avoid anything they create. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Permissions_Explained
  10. The #1 biggest profit to the Linden coffers is Private estates, so lets take a look at some snapshots in time of just how many private regions were online. (2008-10-26 26605) The all time high of 26605 private regions October of 2008, was welcomed in with a big thank you from linden to the tune of a proposed 67% increase in tier for the openspace sims. This notice came out October 28th, just two days later mind you. (2009-01-11 22107) Step forward 2 1/2 months, January 11th 2009. This is 6 days after the new (slightly modified) fees would be imposed. The grid lost 4,498 private regions. Sure there were some conversions, but lets be honest here that's a huge chunk of money to loose in the course of 2 1/2 months. All homesteads have been converted and now cost $95USD a month, all newly placed Homesteads will cost $125USD a month tier. (2009-04-05 21195) We will call this the new low. 5410 private regions lost since the all time high. (2009-07-05 23028) Here is where the dust has settled and all Homesteads are to be $125USD a month tier. Oh wait we will let you retain the $95USD a month tier and we will call it Grandfathered, but should you place any new Homsteads on the grid they will be $125USD a month tier. Unless you are the largest landholder on the grid, you are allowed to place new homesteads on the grid at the grandfathered tier rate and since we like you so much we will also sell them to you at a reduced rate as well. Screw all the little people, Mahwahahahaha. (2010-05-02 24785) This is 1 day after the new rule of all sims transferred to new ownership will loose any Grandfathered Tier and revert to full tier. But hey we are on a upswing for the last 10 months gaining back a total of 1757 private regions. However we are still 1820 regions short of the all time high. (2010-06-06 25438) Not to shabby, 653 private regions added in a month's time. But don't count your chickens yet things are about to change, because in a few short days someone will drop the ball on the Lindex and let a certain someone dump their $L's into the market and wait what was it 3 or 4 days to react to it? to wake up Supply Linden from his slumber at his desk, or was he layed off too? (2010-09-05 24925) Here we are now back in a steady decline of private regions, loosing 513 regions. Sounds like it is time for Linden to do something just great for the grid, you know like jack up the tier again or something like that. Bottom line is, it is one bad idea after another coming out of the offices at Linden. Second Life has flatlined at best, someone really needs to get their head out of their proverbial ass and start a real marketing campaign and not only retain the residents we have but bring new one's in. Now whoever you believe said this upcoming quote whether it be Abraham Lincoln, P.T. Barnum, Mark Twain or just some Joe shmoe, it still a perfect quote for you Linden. "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
  11. You can sell them in the land classifieds. Or look in your personal messages here for a reply by me.
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