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Andrea Jolbey

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Posts posted by Andrea Jolbey


    ---> Cheap Lands since 2010

    ---> Sizes from 2048 sqm up to 1/4 Sim

    ---> Different type of parcels: Ground, Waterlands, Skylands!

    ---> Residential and Commercial

    ---> 10% discount paying monthly the first time, 5% after

    ---> Fast Support (several agents assisting and max 12-24 hours reply guaranteed in case nobody is online)

    ---> Full land rights including media and ban

    ---> More features than regular Mainland properties:

    1. You can rent in a few seconds without even needing someone to assist you, everything is automated and you will get land rights as soon as you pay the rentbox (with regular Mainland rentals you need to wait rental owners to invite you to the land rental group directly, if they are offline you could wait hours or days to start using your land)
    2. You can manage land rights using your rentbox menu, including:
      1. Invite other people to the land group with different rights, such as (Rez, Rez + Media, Rez + Media + Ban, Full rights)
      2. Remove previously invited people from the land group
      3. Request an invite to the land group in case you deleted it
      4. Rent out spaces thanks to the invite/remove system


    To check out lands open for rent, visit our office!

    Office SLURL:







    ---> Cheap Lands since 2010

    ---> Sizes from 2048 sqm up to 1/4 Sim

    ---> Different type of parcels: Ground, Waterlands, Skylands!

    ---> Residential and Commercial

    ---> 10% discount paying monthly the first time, 5% after

    ---> Fast Support (several agents assisting and max 12-24 hours reply guaranteed in case nobody is online)

    ---> Full land rights including media and ban

    ---> More features than regular Mainland properties:

    1.  You can rent in a few seconds without even needing someone to assist you, everything is automated and you will get land rights as soon as you pay the rentbox (with regular Mainland rentals you need to wait rental owners to invite you to the land rental group directly, if they are offline you could wait hours or days to start using your land)
    2. You can manage land rights using your rentbox menu, including:
      1. Invite other people to the land group with different rights, such as (Rez, Rez + Media, Rez + Media + Ban, Full rights)
      2. Remove previously invited people from the land group
      3. Request an invite to the land group in case you deleted it
      4. Rent out spaces thanks to the invite/remove system


    To check out lands open for rent, visit our office!

    Office SLURL:






    Terreni economici dal 2010

    Gestione Italiana


    2048 sqm con 703 prims --->>> 650 L$ a settimana

    4096 sqm con 1406 prims --->>> 1299 L$ a settimana

    8192 sqm con 2812 prims --->>> 2598 L$ a settimana

    1/4 sim con 5625 prims --->>> 4499 L$ a settimana

    * 10% di sconto per il primo mese e 5% per pagamenti mensili successivi!

    * Possibilità di dare diritti in autonomia (usando l'apposito menu nel rentbox) ad altre persone con diversi tipi di diritti (Rez, Rez + Media, Rez + Media + Ban, Full rights), ottimo anche per affittare spazi/negozi/stalle ecc!

    * Diversi tipi di terreni: mare, pianura, skyland!





    Cheap lands since 2010


    2048 sqm with 703 prims --->>> 650 L$ a week

    4096 sqm with 1406 prims --->>> 1299 L$ a week

    8192 sqm with 2812 prims --->>> 2598 L$ a week

    1/4 sim with 5625 prims --->>> 4499 L$ a week


    * 10% discount for 1st month payment and 5% after!

    * Automated rights handling to give people different type of rights or remove them (Rez, Rez + Media, Rez + Media + Ban, Full rights), perfect also for renting spaces!

    * Different type of parcels: Ground, Waterlands, Skylands!





  5. Personally no, i dont think it s something like that though, the alts that the griefer use are all new, so seems like he s making a lot of alts, going on all regions on the mainland with "entry object" on, and rezzing the main cube that will spread out all the other autoreproducing ones.

    On my lands i have 2 differnent kid of Attacks, one just rotating black cubes, and the other one, used more than the previous one, with bigger cubes that spam like 20 times per second with popups saying "GOONSQUAD GOONSQUAD" or "GOONSQUAD ARMY IS RAPING YOUR SIMS **bleep**".

    If you were right about the "virus kind object", we should see normal resident as owners of these objects, and not newbies with less than 1 day.

  6. Happened to me also, i am a landlord, and several of my lands have been affected by this, these guys (or just 1 who knows) are ruining the mainland with these kind of Attacks, and LL is not even able to prevent at all this, a shame after 10 years since SL started i would say.

    Regarding that specific alt (YuMAdBro0 Resident), seems that he or LL deleted his account, so is not even possible block his objects now, because if you try to add the name on the blacklist it will not be found.

  7. Due to high availability for this size (2048 sqm, 468 prims) on my land rental agency, i am getting rid of some empty land i have, these are the LMs:









    Last 3 are skylands, it means i have made an island on the sky to give you more privacy, you could keep it or just return it and use the land below.


    All these lands are just 499 L$ each!!! that s LESS than 1/4 of what an abandoned land goes for.

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