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Professor Noarlunga

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  1. I suppose this price announcement should come as no surprise, but to a sensible person it still does. We have laboured since 2006 to build interest, content, and community on our 4 Univesity sims, starting back with a little 4096 plot. We are just past our 2011 budget processs, and there will be zero opportunity for us to revist them now. Clearly noone ever likes a price hike on service - particularly when service is not improving - but to see double the price in one stroke of the pen is compelling reason for any non-profit/education institution review the stability of the company who would make such a decision. Fortunately, there are strong and quite postitive alternatives that are emerging. I'd be happy to share ideas with others on this, and to acquaint you with our work around an international open-source hypergrid. Contact me at sladmin@auckland.ac.nz
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