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Lexcee Tempest

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  1. Hey Everyone. I co-own a brand new group, called Second Life Guides. It is a grouped formed in second life to help new members feel welcomed. It will require only your time and patience as it is volunteer work & not a job. You will go through two orientation periods where you will be trained the basics of your duties. You will then be asked to donate 4-6 hours of your time during the week in which you will choose how you'd like to distribute your hours on your own time. After orientation you will receive your SLG T-Shirt & Other materials needed to complete your tasks of helping new members. If this sounds like something you are interested in doing, Please apply by Visiting http://virtuallyrandomtv.weebly.com/become-a-second-life-guide.html I will not be checking back on this thread unless to start a new one for the sole purpose that there are things my friends and i call "Forum Pigs" existing online. Forum Pigs are those who sit for decades at the computer on the forums page & await new threads so they can leave negative comments despite what the situation is. These are the unhelpful people :) , so if you have any questions please contact Ashlike Aura in world for more information. Thank you!
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