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Oz Linden

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Everything posted by Oz Linden

  1. llHTTPRequest will return a null key whenever there is any error that does not send a request, so you could do something like key request_id = llHTTPRequest(strURL, [HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],llList2String(lRequestsToBeProcessed, 0)) ; if (request_id == NULL_KEY) { llOwnerSay("invalid url " + strURL); }
  2. No request is sent for that error, and no response is generated. It is true that some url parameters that were actually invalid used to be accepted and are now rejected by stricter tests. Feel free to post examples.
  3. Don't believe everything you hear. We are not phasing out classic avatars.
  4. We have that now under Preferences > Advanced. The slider is labeled "UI Size". Use with some caution - it's hard to test everything in the UI for all languages at all sizes, so this slider has been referred to as the "UI Bug Slider", but it does make things much bigger. For example, I'm going to have to edit my preferences by hand to undo it after this demo because I made it so big that the "Ok" button on the Preferences no longer fits on my (not very large) monitor:
  5. That won't change from the way it is now: if you select a personal environment (for example, by selecting "Midday", but it can be anything you pick), then that applies until you choose "Use Shared Environment" or until the end of your session.
  6. The ability of an Experience to set an environment has not yet been released (soon!), so whatever is happening there is not Experience-based.
  7. any time you go from one environment to another, whether by moving to where a new one is in effect or because a day cycle is changing, the setting interpolate. For movement the change takes a few seconds.
  8. Our monitoring doesn't show that. If you are having repeated problems that you can describe more specifically, we could try to help diagnose them, but Jira is a better way to communicate about them than the forum. If you have local recording capability on your system, recording the audio for one of your sessions (with the informed permission of the participants) would be one way to start diagnosing voice issues (many problems produce recognizable audio artifacts). We could also help you learn to do packet captures of the relevant network traffic for analysis.
  9. The speed of light in optical fiber is about 1/3 slower than in a vacuum (the number you used), and there are lots of electronics in the way (a repeater about every 15km on undersea cable, for example).
  10. Sorry ... that's not possible. You were not doing what you thought you were doing. The speed of light isn't that fast. animats is correct; the 'ping' time in the viewer measures the viewer->simulator->viewer time with the message being handled at the application level at both ends, so it is affected by the load at either end as well as the network you're sending over.
  11. No idea, but your request for the logs is the correct next step.
  12. That was a bug in the Release Notes - sorry; simulator animesh support is live everywhere on agni, and the Animesh viewer has reached Release Candidate status. This means that it's believed to be at least very close to its final form. We're monitoring how the Release Candidate viewer behaves in production use... so by all means use it. As for Firestorm... you'll have to ask them.
  13. Our team is working on it. The Linden-created auctions we've been running have uncovered a few minor issues and elicited a few requests from our Land team for improved (even over the old system) administration features. When those changes are done, we plan to enable Resident auction sales. Sorry, I try hard not to produce time estimates (it tempts fate), but rest assured that they're coming.
  14. I don't expect that we'll provide owner control for the conversion. Instead, we'll have some extended period (tbd) during which owners will be able to see both the old and new values are but all enforcement will remain only on the old values. We'll be monitoring closely how much content would be disrupted if/when we were to throw the switch to using the new values. At some point, with ample notice, we'll switch to enforcing on the newer more accurate values. This is not something you need to be concerned will sneak up on you; we'll be very public about it. We're making progress on developing better formulas and testing them; when we think we're close enough to where we'll end up, we'll document how the new formulas work, and hopefully provide tools in the viewer that will help you analyze costs.
  15. This one we're sort of working on; we are not going to abolish the "prim number" system, but we are evaluating ways to update the way that both Avatar Rendering Complexity and the "streaming" component of Land Impact are calculated ("streaming" isn't a very good name for it - it should be "rendering", and we'll probably change that name). Since any change to how we calculate these, especially LI, could be disruptive we are taking it very slowly and carefully. We'll have more on this as we get closer to rolling out the change, including better advice for content creators on how to optimize content. (the rest of your list is interesting too)
  16. Delete your viewer shortcut on the Start menu (or whatever shortcut you're using to start the viewer), and then either reinstall or recreate the shortcut from the new install.
  17. The most important things are: Clarity - think of your jira a persuasive essay you're turning in for an English class final exam. Assume that the reader knows nothing at all about Second Life (you'd be amazed how often I find out about some SL feature I'd never heard of because someone asks for a change related to it). Simplicity - part of Clarity, but worth calling out separately. Don't ask for more than one thing in one Jira unless they are absolutely inseparable. Create multiple Jiras when you've got a list of things you think would be good additions. Not only does it make it much easier to understand, it means that if we decide to Accept some part of it we've got the internal Jira ready to use. Value - explain why this makes Second Life better, especially how it make it possible to create more engaging content, attracts new users, keeps existing users, etc. It's also worth noting ... we often Accept jiras that have some good idea or that do a good job of explaining a problem, even if we don't think that the specific proposal for how to address the problem is exactly what we think we should do about it. And of course, everything in our large backlog of good ideas must compete for developer time and other resources; just because we Accept it doesn't mean it will get worked on soon (it might or might not depending on many factors).
  18. The effect you're seeing means that the simulator didn't get messages it expected to get and decided that you'd gone away. This is usually the result of packet loss. The packet loss in your screenshot above (which I infer was a wired connection?) is acceptable, so I'm going to guess that what you've got is a wifi problem. The first thing I'd check is whether or not you've got interference. Make sure your router isn't physically close to anything else electronic, especially anything wireless (cordless phones can be especially problematic). Also check whether or not you have other wifi sources that are on the same or conflicting channels; google "how to find best channel for wifi" for a lot of articles on how to check.
  19. That link returns the MIME type 'application/octet-stream', which is why some things download it. If you configure the bucket to return the correct MIME type it might do better.
  20. For security reasons, LSL is not allowed to make marketplace requests of any kind. I agree that the error indication is not all that it should be.
  21. I've reopened BUG-6296 (which really shouldn't have been closed in the first place) for this. It may be a while before we get to a fix, so for now the workaround described on the wiki is a good idea.
  22. Ok... normally I'm happy to just listen to you all speculate about the silliest things (you often come up with good ideas I can steal that way), but this has consumed way way too much of the speculation space. We will not restrict the ability of Basic accounts to rez.
  23. We're always on the lookout for ways to do that. There are a couple of project proposals in our backlog to look at some possibilities, but I can't offer anything like a timeline.
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