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Oz Linden

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Everything posted by Oz Linden

  1. You remember it slightly incorrectly. The Legacy Profiles project restores the in-viewer version of the profile floater; most of that floater will be in the native viewer UI rather than an embedded web window as in the current default release, but it will still have a tab that will be a web interface just to the feed. You can get the Project viewer for this and try it out for yourself.
  2. We simplified and consolidated bug reporting and feature requests into the BUG project quite a while ago for almost everything. Internally, we triage that project a few times a week and clone the accepted issues into the appropriate internal project (most of which you can't see). This reduces mis-filed reports and requests and makes it easier for us to do cross-functional triage. We are regularly doing work on Marketplace - a batch of fixes and changes that prepare the way for others was deployed today.
  3. Jira issue creation can be used for creating either bug reports or new feature requests.
  4. LSL does do automatic redirection for GET (and HEAD) requests, but not for other HTTP methods.
  5. It isn't in an XML file - it's compiled into the code. It is also available in a file named build_data.json in the "Version" element. On a Mac, build_data.json is in /Applications/Second\ Life\ Viewer.app/Contents/Resources; I don't have the Windows location in front of me, but it's there somewhere.
  6. The symptoms match what would happen if you had a firewall on your system or your router that is blocking the UDP traffic to the simulator.
  7. Forgive me for using your post as an example @MBeatrix; I don't want to pick on you at all. We do rely on user problem reports for detecting many kinds of problems, but the quality of the reports make a huge difference in how effective they can be. This report doesn't have enough information in it for us to even begin to investigate. What inventory operations are "slow"? Quantify "slow" What viewer? What regions are you in when they are "slow"? When is "for weeks"? Specifics might allow us to correlate the problem report with changes we've made to the deployed services, including changes to backend systems that may be made at times other then when simulators are updated. Note that if you fill in a BUG report in Jira, and just copy into the Environment for the bug all the information in your viewers About Second Life floater, you'll have provided much of that. This comment illustrates a common communication problem; this gets a bit geeky, but the better we all understand the same vocabulary, the better we'll be able to help each other to identify and solve problems... "Inventory" is a database of items either owned by an agent or inside an object. When you open the inventory floater or the content pane of the build floater, you're looking at that list. But the list does not contain the actual objects - it's essentially just a set of named pointers to the objects. "Assets" are the actual objects. They're not stored in the inventory database, they're in a completely different (very large) data store of every object in all of Second Life. The Inventory database is manipulated by talking to that database through the simulator. If you move an item from your personal inventory to the contents of an object, for example, you're removing a row from your inventory and adding a row to the inventory of the object, but you're not actually moving any of the data for the object those rows point to. Most Assets are accessed through the CDN (there are a few exceptions that are managed through the simulator for security reasons). This is why it's important to understand what operations are "slow" (or have some other problem); some operations are just interacting with the Inventory database, some are interacting just with the Asset store, and others are doing both.
  8. We're making a series of changes that I hope/believe will result in rolls that will reduce downtime and solve some other roll-related problems (some of which are purely internal). Those changes are being made slowly so that we can measure the effect of each change carefully. The roll this week was deliberately slightly slower than normal (I don't have the numbers yet, but we're collecting data); future changes should reduce the downtime for each region during the roll, but those changes will be made one at a time over the next several weeks. I don't think that any of those intermediate steps will increase the roll time further, but stay tuned...
  9. Yes, there are limits. Depending on circumstances you may get a debug channel notice when a limit is reached, or you may get this error. Yes, competing with other scripts that are making large numbers of requests can cause this error. As @animats said, a backoff and retry is the appropriate way to handle this. There's an example in the wiki of a simple structure for doing these retries (it's written in terms of an initial registration of your script with an external server, but the method used is general and can be applied to any outgoing request).
  10. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/how-to-report-a-bug-r224/Section_.3#Section__3_1
  11. Most likely your problem is actually something wrong with the connectivity between you and the servers (if you have a Windows or third party firewall active on your system that may be contributing). I suggest that the next time you experience a problem, save your viewer log file and contact Support to help diagnose the problem.
  12. The latter ... that last component is an identifier produced by our build system
  13. I'm not in Support, so whatever I say must be taken with a grain of salt. My understanding is that the request must come from the region owner. I don't know how they handle mainland and other Linden-owned regions. We will continue to post release notes, and link to them from the About Second Life floater; you'll be able to tell what version you're on. If some behavior changes that's causing you a problem then Support will be able to move you off of it, but please file a bug report first so that we can fix it. Really, all we're doing so far is to hide the name of the RC; whether or not you're in an RC is not really hidden if you just click through to the release notes. It's just one part of a much larger effort to make our simulator evolution more stable. Right now, the RC channels are not very good models of the grid as a whole. Some recent problems got to main channel because they didn't happen (or didn't happen much) in the RCs, or weren't detected when they did. Other parts of this project include much better reporting on what's happening, including things we have not monitored closely before. We're also developing ways of making the RCs more representative of the grid as a whole, but doing that will require being able to change their populations. Our objective is to find problems more quickly and reliably.
  14. We fully appreciate that predictable roll days are important, and that will continue to be a design constraint. Nothing is changing about when rolls happen for some time, and we'll provide ample notice and time for feedback when/if we make any change to that. For a region owner, all that is required to move on to or off of an RC (or any RC) is a support ticket. That will continue to be true. Sometimes being on an RC is more stable than on the main channel; when we're fixing bugs, that's certainly our objective. We're going to try to provide more useful information on what is changing in each new server release, but sometimes we just can't - for example, it wouldn't be a good idea for us to describe that we've disabled a particular griefing vector if it's only disabled on one RC.
  15. Customized stars was considered, and didn't make the cut this time around. It's still on my personal watch list, so maybe next time.
  16. That's true only for direct person to person voice calls. Any group/local/conference voice is anonymous because you are connected through a mixer.
  17. Nope, just dumb luck. When we have a viewer in a nearly-releasable state (in this case, that turned out to be a little optimistic), the last phase of the release process is to offer it as an upgrade to a cohort of randomly selected users. Second Life is so large and complex that it's just not possible for us to test as much as giving to real users will. Normally, once you're on a Release Candidate like this, you'll keep getting those updates, but by manually downloading the default release you removed yourself from the test. For details, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Integration_and_Release_Processes#Release_Candidate
  18. This is an optical illusion. The further away an object is, the less often the viewer runs its animations (to save trying to make what will be very small changes in distant objects). When animations loop, the updates can end up looking backwards for the same reason that a fan viewed with a strobe light will look like it's running in reverse at some strobe frequencies.
  19. The "flat inventory" problem is very simple... if you have too many items in a single folder, especially the (invisible) top level folder of your inventory, it will slow down login. An 'item' for this purpose is either a folder or something else (an object, a notecard, anything). If you have enough of those very large folders, it can slow down login so much that it times out and you can't log in (if it doesn't happen every time, you're probably right on the edge of too many). It's only one level deep that counts; if folder A has 50 items, one of which is folder B, and B has 12,000 items, those 12,000 are not added to the count for A. We've cautioned people about this many times. Our support team does have a tool that "unflattens" your inventory by creating new subfolders and sorting the items into the too-large folders into those subfolders. They can apply that tool to your next login if you report a problem and it looks as though it might help.
  20. Testing the appearance with any viewer other than the EEP RC viewer is not very meaningful, since only that viewer has the shader changes that accompany the new settings and capabilities. We appreciate that the rendering in this overlap period before the TPVs all have the same rendering pipeline as our viewer is frustrating, and regret having gotten into this situation; we (specifically I) thought that this overlap period would be very short, but it hasn't worked out that way. My apologies. We're working as hard as possible to get the EEP viewer into shape to promote to default, after which we expect that it will be quickly available in most TPVs.
  21. It allows downloads for optional upgrades to happen in the background so that you don't get prompted about the upgrade until the file is ready to be installed. More importantly, it is a 32bit application so that it can check whether or not your system is compatible with the 64bit viewer (a test that's not as simple as whether or not it can run 64bit apps, since some video systems are not supported in the 64bit Windows). By doing that test, it can ensure that no matter which build of the viewer you start with you end up installing one that should work on your system.
  22. When reporting a DNS problem, it is helpful if you describe what you were doing (opening a browser to the marketplace, logging in the viewer, ...), specifically where you are, if possible including what ISP you are connecting through. DNS is a global distributed system, with potentially many layers of caching between you and the systems that provide the information about our current names and addresses; some of those layers don't follow all the rules or are buggy enough that they are sometimes not in sync with us. Flushing your local cache may sometimes help, but won't help with the cache you probably have in your home router, the ones in your ISP, or any of the others that may be in the path. Debugging this can be very frustrating. There's a pretty good page on debugging DNS at https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/getting-started-guide/internet-and-networking/troubleshooting-dns-with-dig-and-nslookup As far as I can tell we didn't change anything last night involved with this, and right now I don't see major providers that have bad data.
  23. The inventory sync run begins at 06:00 SLT. Syncing your inventory is controlled by whether or not you have logged in to aditi in the previous day. So if you log in to aditi on Monday, then Tuesday morning any new agni inventory items should be copied to aditi.
  24. ... but note that Linden Lab does consider it a hack and not supported. We've already been through one round of data loss by users doing this when we improved the parameter validation; that could well happen again. The first law of software reliability: Use it the way the author intended.
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