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JeanLuc Chauveau

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  1. An update from Second Life was installed on my computer this morning. Since then I have not been able to get inworld. SL starts to load, gets about 2/3 done and then completely drops out/shuts down. I have not changed any settings on my computer. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall Sl. When I do I get the following error messages: C:\ProgramFiles\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\static-index.db2 C:\ProgramFiles\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\static-data.db2 C:\ProgramFiles\SecondLifeViewer\win_crash_logger.exe Valerie, my computer uses Windows 7 Starter. Using the link you gave to do a "clean" uninstall I cannot find any "Temp" nor any "SecondLife" files. Valerie, Eve; I finally found the "Temp" files and deleted them. Never did find the "SecondLife" files. Anyway it still doesn't work so I uninstalled Second Life Viewer and installed Phoenix. Seems to be working ok. I have had trouble in the past with SL Viewer updates and have always found a way to make them work. Not this time. Guess I'm just not "geek" enough.
  2. I had to uninstall and reinstall Viewer 2. Seems to be working. Thanks
  3. I had to uninstall and reinstall Viewer 2. Seems to be working. Thanks
  4. When I open SL Viewer 2 I would normally get the search page. Today I get a blank screen with my login at the bottom. I can log in okay but if I try to use the search button at the bottom of the page I again get a blank window. Everything was working yesterday.
  5. I had same problem. Uninstalled and reinstalled SL Viewer 2 and everything worked. Probably just lucky.
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