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Bubblesort Triskaidekaphob

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Everything posted by Bubblesort Triskaidekaphob

  1. This web site takes arbitrary strings and manipulates them for you. I know that it might look useless but I've found it useful for helping me come up with string parsing algorithms quickly. It saves me the trouble of counting characters by hand and things like that. http://www.string-functions.com/
  2. Er, nevermind. I counted and my legacy name is 28 characters, so it's still too short. Good luck finding somebody with a longer name!
  3. My name is bubblesort triskaidekaphobia, and I break dialog boxes all the time with my name, LOL If you want me to help you test some scripts just shoot me an IM in world and we can work in the same sandbox for an afternoon or something.
  4. They are bigots, as bad as any skinhead who decides what kind of person they are talking to by the color of their skin. Just mute and poof.
  5. I don't think you need to ask LL's permission to make and sell this at all. If LL didn't want people to do this kind of thing they would not have created HTTP commands in LSL the way they have. If they don't want web to in world communications they shouldn't have given us this capability. Asking them permission to use LSL commands would be like asking permission to teleport or something. It doesn't make any sense. LL charges for advertising on their own web site. They have no authority over what you do on your own web site. The current TOS privacy rules explicitly recognize that LL has no authority over what residents do outside of SL. I have never, ever seen a TOS that even hints at prohibiting this kind of thing. Now, will they like it? That's a different question. I can never predict what LL will bless with favors and what they won't. It's best to just make your product, put it out there and maybe they'll like it and politic with you and maybe they won't. If they like you then maybe you can get your own forum here like the blood liners have. Whether they like you or not isn't really the problem, though. If they try to ban this product on you I would reccomend getting a lawyer.
  6. Thank you so much! It works great now. BTW, I found a JIRA out on this: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/EXP-1449?focusedCommentId=291982#comment-291982 Looks like the bug was introcuced when trying to 'fix' this other complaint on the JIRA that the advanced mode isn't similar enough to stupid basic mode: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1612 I can't believe they took the time to 'fix' STORM-1612 and mess up all navigation when SL has serious issues that need to be addressed. What are the devs smoking? Can I put in a JIRA to suggest that LL move the headquarters to a state that doesn't have legalized marijuana? LOL
  7. I just installed the latest viewer put out by Linden Labs and I'm raging at this broken camera. For over 5 years now I've navigated SL by clicking my avatar or my avatar username and dragging to move both my camera and avatar at the same time. It's just part of how I normally interact with SL. Now they reversed the direction of the change on the camera angle and made it so it won't look up and down and made the camera move slower when I click drag. I can barely walk towards anything accurately, let alone ride my motorcycle or do combat. This is completely unacceptable. I wouldn't normally care but now it seems like I am expected to log in with Pheonix to navigate and walk around then log out and log back in with LL's viewer with the broken camra to upload mesh then log back in with Pheonix to walk around again. This is garbage. I'm not going to relearn how to walk. I refuse. I've been in SL for years, contributing to the virtual world and now they want me to relearn how to walk like a total noob? LL is destroying this grid on purpose. I am going to use Open Sim as my creative outlet and I will not upload to SL or script in SL or engage in commerce in SL again until this is fixed.
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