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Alexia Cournoyer

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  1. as an update: I've now taken that corrupt listing down. As it was in my manage listings list, even though it had the other sellers pic and search details attached to it, I was able to remove the picture and delist the item. It has now moved back to my unlisted list *and* has vanished from his storefront and from search when I use his keywords for it. So I was able to clean it up quickly and without any fuss. The thing I havent done is relisted it as I don't want to continue selling it. So I don't know what will happen in that situation. I'll leave that to someone else who actually wants to have their item listed to try it and report back.
  2. I think it has something to do with the name length - the marketplace I think will allow less characters than sl itself
  3. the pictures aren't really important, they just back up the text (LL can't say I haven't been thorough) The tl;dr version I have an active listing that has a corrupt picture. It doesn't show on my storefront because it's listed on the storefront of the picture owner and is indexed as search using the listing details of the picture is attached to Interestingly the item number of his listing is not in the 140,000 range, which I think we'd always assumed was the boundary of the problem one way you can see if you have anything out there is to check the number displayed on your manage listings (listed) page against what your storefront says. 1. The way I outlined above has a good chance of telling you if you have any corrupt listings out there that aren't on your storefront. 2. I can get to the listing and can change the pic and delist it - before I do, are there any tests we should run before I delist it 3. there was an issue around the delivery of these items (perms or the number of items delivered) I'm looking to see if anyone can remember if you want to see the pics a little bigger, it seems you can view them via my profile. They're sitting down the bottom rhs
  4. I've just sold an item that probably hasn't been listed by me since before I brought everything over from xstreet but I did the direct delivery transfer for everything that was in the magic boxes - listed or not it's one of those corrupt picture ones - colour me unsurprised. I've just compared the number of listed items against the number of items listed on my storefront and there's 1 missing from the storefront - you guessed it, the item that probably hasn't been listed since 2009 and has a corrupt picture. (and looking at the position in the list, it appears it was activated around the time I did the DD transfer as it's close to the top - (they're in what I think is slm listing order). ) ffs The transfer was smooth, i dumped the items in the merchant outbox and swapped them out *and* updated all my active listings to say unpacking was required. Yet the item sold has the "use it now" on it, which points to me never making it active. I can't find the item doing a search on its name but when I do a search on the item name in the pic (voodoo king) it gets returned in the search return and the actual item that the picture belongs to is also there - and it has a completely different picture! and the item number is 1423238 which I thought was outside the corrupt listing range. I feel a bit sorry for the seller, out of 12 listings I found that were around mine, 8 of them are corrupt. Two things 1. if you do have listings in the 140,000 range then check the number of listings on your storefront against the number of listed items on your manage listings page. If you have any missing from the storefront, I think I know where they've gone. 2. I haven't tried to take it down yet (or to contact the buyer to see if it still works!) so is there anything else I should look for or do before I tackle the listing. This is the most important as we have a live corruption that I can do something about so we might as well put it through its paces before I do the mercy killing thing. oh, and I seem to remember there was a problem with these items, either multiple copies were delivered or the perms were wrong.. can anyone remember? and LL - take this as a defect report as I'm damned if I'm going to waste yet more of my time jigging around with your jira.
  5. I've been doing a bit of thinking about the design and the implications and the more I think about this the more I think that this little set of folders are going to revolutionise the relationship between SLM and content creators. Last year they threatened that 2010 was going to be the year they focussed on content creators - well, I suspect they haven't finished with us yet. OK, it assumes LL has native business intelligence of course and I'm probably ascribing a level of sophistication to their thinking that is completely unwarranted based on past performance but you just never know. I think I'll see about the ice cream and popcorn concession for this one.
  6. The only thing to be wary of with the right click is that with big/primmy objects sometimes not all the prims are linked together. You'll know when you look at it because if there are prims that aren't linked they won't be highlighted. Most people are pretty good about listing the number of prims when they list their goods on the marketplace, so if you find something you like you can always check to see if it's there. If you have any doubts the best thing to do is drop the merchant an IM and ask. it's also a good way to see what kind of service you'll get. I always think that if you get a poor response before you buy then there's a good chance any problems you have afterwards won't be dealt with well.
  7. Hi Synn, first of all, check your marketplace transaction history - if the delivery failed completely it will tell you on your orders page and should have refunded your money. If all the order says it was delivered and it hasn't been then I suggest you give it until tomorrow and if they're still not in your inventory you should lodge a support ticket with LL and get them to resend them to you. you'll need to log into your dashboard (it doesn't look like it's linked to here yet) and click on this link https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ then follow the instructions to submit a ticket. You will also need a list of the items that you didn't receive so you can list them on the ticket. and next time you buy from the marketplace, don't buy more than one thing at a time. There always seems to be problems with bulk deliveries. I know it's a pain if you want more than one thing but at least you should get them. Hope that helps
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