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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Additionally, that method barely works for themes that rarely become available. I second the motion.
  2. Hope the ranch regions get a coastline that provides a water connection to Sansara’s East River.
  3. Appears to me as the lowest priority. A much better use of water regions is connecting the Sansara East River, completing the northern log coast, and eliminating that bad inside corner on the west coast of Satori.
  4. Yes, this has been my experience over 14 years of sailing and flying. As a hardcore vehicle fanatic who has participated in and planned hundreds of cruises, we DO attempt to avoid conflicting with other HVFs. We also distribute charts and HUDs in an attempt to minimize orb and banline encounters.
  5. Me too. I downloaded Speedlight on my iPad and got one of those when I logged in.
  6. Due to having a bit of tier headroom, I combined three abandoned parcel purchases in Osiliers (Satori) into a property that spans route 8C and provides a roadhouse and cemetery. The roadhouse provides a party venue for sailing cruises that might end in nearby Chiffre. The cemetery was a Haunted Destination during Halloween and is now being converted into a GTFO hub (perhaps someday we will have corpses as a cargo item, one can hope). The point was to do something useful with abandoned mainland that others may enjoy. One common theme among all my properties is that they are reachable by vehicles (mostly boats).
  7. NOT a scam. A scam is a deliberate attempt to trick or deceive. Not getting what you want at a particular time in Game of Homes is akin to ordering avocado toast at a restaurant and being told they are out of that menu item. (btw, I have never ordered avocado toast, however, I did order Punkin Pecan pancakes at Dennys and they arrived sans pecans) Meta Comment: This situation may suggest why SL does not appeal to the masses but maintains a dedicated smallish population of fans/residents. We fans see numerous seemingly negative issues as "problems to be solved" or as "a challenge of the game". Others might see them as headaches and scams.
  8. A parcel can be deeded to only one group but that group can have multiple roles with different permissions assigned. You get to assign members to roles. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Group
  9. Yes! If I could add one region to improve navigation, this is it.
  10. I believe that Linden Lab's land policy concerning protected-connected water expansion is fair to residents. I have no idea who you believe is "Living life by not wanting others to have nice things". One of the specific "nice things" that Linden Lab has provided is low cost protected-connected access via Bellisseria Houseboats and Stilts with rezzable water, which can be had for less that a dollar US per week (annual Premium net stipend).
  11. I recall suggesting that LL NOT fill in the 38 region gap and in fact, as of today they have not done so. The financial and technical issues could, of course, be worked out but my reasoning was based on another issue... that of "fairness" or "moral hazard". The concept of protected-connected water (PCW) means that one can sail a boat from points A to B, where A and B are resident parcels that border PCW. Based on historical real estate prices, it is obvious that parcels bordering PCW command higher prices than those that do not. If a resident buys a parcel that does not border PCW, but a subsequent LL addition provides a PCW border, then that resident benefits financially. Such an addition might be considered unfair by residents that did not get such a benefit. As I see it, LL has been connecting locally-connected-protected water into a single global network. The motive might be that they are simply trying to improve the infrastructure. The reason they are in no hurry to finish certain coastlines is because doing so does not improve connectivity (it just means that getting from A to B requires a longer voyage).
  12. For those who fly and sail, all the continents that can be reasonably connected ARE connected, with one exception… a water connection between Belli and the East River of Sansara. For water parcels that do not border on protected-connected water, it is not reasonable to expect that they will be connected in the future by LL, although one may benefit from the kindness of strangers.
  13. Will land ever be fairly priced? No. They may continue to tweak around the edges but the strange tier system will remain. Second Life offers no set objective or manufactured drama. Rather, aspects of our world that would be made very easy in a "game" are challenging in Second Life... perhaps on purpose. In a "game", they want you to get on with the "game". Not so here. In Second Life, all this weirdness IS part of the "game". We are challenged and must master just about everything. Picking a viewer, getting dressed, walking, shopping, managing inventory, operating a vehicle, not crashing, acquiring a desirable Linden home, acquiring a place for permanence, building/texturing/scripting something, managing LI, rent vs. buy, managing tier, etc. etc. etc. For some reason (I have no real clue), Linden Lab under private ownership is still operating Second Life, so whatever policies they have in place about all this stuff must be yielding a sufficient ROI to keep the lights on. They not gonna mess with such a fundamental revenue generator as tier structure.
  14. It might be a good idea to amend the covenant to remind treehousers that the 15m rule above GROUND level remains in effect and that roof additions must be in theme and should not extend more than TBD m above the roof ridge.
  15. The issue of this thread should be of lowest priority to LL because it has no effect on my inworld experience at the moment. Also, your admonition to forum participants is adversarial and not appreciated.
  16. If you agree with this definition, you might look for lore within communities that have emerged rather than the things that Lindens have created.
  17. To clarify, you are renting a parcel on a private estate. There is no Linden tier in this transaction. Correct?
  18. I also have wondered about the more generalized form of this question… why do so many in SL prefer conventional human dwellings and luxury items. Maybe the fantasy is to have regular real life stuff, but more high end than they actually have in real life.
  19. Will land ever be priced fairly? Back to the OP, likely not, if "priced fairly" means the same price per sqm of tier regardless of how much you own AND being able to purchase only what you need. Basically, the cheapest tier is the included tier that comes with Premium (computed as membership cost minus stipend). It then gets very expensive, peaking at the 2048 tier level, after which it declines steadily to almost the original price at 32768. At a full region, it is at the "land baron" price which is a bit below the original (introductory) price. I speculate that Linden Lab benefits from this structure... the cheaper introductory price attracts first time land owners.... the higher fees in the lower tiers are the "sweet spot"... the declining fees in the higher tiers tempt you to go bigger... the final lowest fees are to support the SL real estate industry. Also, because tier levels increase by doubling until the 32768 level, you often must buy more tier than you need. At first, this seemed absurd to me but, after reflection, I am OK with it. I believe that it is almost a miracle that SL still exists. If this tier structure contributes to revenue and ROI for the (private) owners, that is great. If you are a value oriented land owner, I suggest these guidelines as a way to maximize value. Buy Premium memberships on an annual basis. Create an alt, make a land group with that alt, and donate all your tier to the group (to get the 10% bonus). When incrementally adding 1024sqm, always compare the option of buying a Premium membership for an alt as that is the cheapest tier (unless you are a land baron). This is called "premium stacking". Also, only buy Premium Plus if you desire the perks, such at the 2048 Linden Home or the "pick your own home" feature.
  20. Because this game needs to work with (everyone) scripts turned off, a bucket and hud do not communicate. Rather, both the bucket and hud only send and receive messages to the server, which contains the complete game state. For each collector (agent), the server has list of all the owners (agents) whose buckets were touched. No duplicate state is maintained. Assuming a correct implementation, the count in the hud following processing is the number of owner agents on the list. There may be some odd cases that confuse the collector. For example, you enter a parcel with scripts disabled, add your hud, and touch the bucket. It says your hud is detached because the hud has yet to notify the server that it has been attached because scripts are off.
  21. I visited around 50 bukkits recently. Most were spookacular, however... - a few bukkits were not responding to touch events (not a scripts turned off issue and not a transparent prim blocking issue) - a few parcels had scripts disabled, which does not prevent collection, but in 2023, there is no good reason to do this, particuarly if you are expecting visitors with scripted HUDs - a few parcels had orbs enabled at ground level which does not prevent collection but it seems not in the spirit of the event
  22. I agree. Setting dd to a high number (e.g. 200) does not improve search results. I observe that your direction may influence results and there is lag, so moving slow helps. A better search pattern might be to fly in circle in the middle of a region or make multiple slow linear passes. The dd 200 does make it easy to see your direction and position on the mini map.
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