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Prospero Frobozz

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  1. There are still some education-related things going on that aren't necessarily associated with a RL college or university. I'm a physics & astronomy prof at a small college in Western PA. My college isn't in SL (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I were the only person on campus with an SL account). However, I do give public outreach talks related to physics and astronomy in association with the Science Circle. They are on break right now for the holidays, but most Saturdays during the academic year they have somebody giving a talk. They keep their calendar of upcoming presentations here. (Right now, they have "excursions" posted, which are less-formal visits to things that people associated with the Science Circle have built in-world.) You can find videos of recent presentations linked there (including my recent one about the two colliding neutron stars we observed with gravitational waves as well as optical light of all frequencies). Most/all of the previous talks are archived on YouTube.
  2. Yeah, and I didn't find anything -- but searching those things is always a hit-or-miss sort of thing. Whether I think to use the same words to describe it as somebody else isn't always obvious... that's why I figured I'd appeal to actual human brains. Not having found anything, I did file this: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29444
  3. Further experimentation suggests that : it's screwed up when I first run Second Life. If I then enter the graphics preferences window and "Apply" my selections (whether or not avatar cloth is selected), things are OK again. This starts to sound more and more like a bug. Is it a known bug?
  4. Hmm, OK, further experimentation shows that sometimes I can make things better by making sure "Avatar Cloth" is checked in Settings. It's hard to reproduce, though, when I then uncheck! Very confusing.
  5. I have shirts that looked good in older viewers, but that come out distorted in viewer 3. Here's an example: Shirt viewed with Imprudence Shirt viewed with viewer 3.3.4 Notice that the text looks fine with Imprudence (based on viewer 1), but is distorted with viewer 3. The texture for the front of this shirt just has the text straight, without any warping to map the wrapping; clearly, that was fine with viewer 1. All of the various texture templates for shirts I've been able to find are the same ones that have been around for years. If things ARE different with viewer 3, is there documentation anywhere for making shirt (etc.) textures that will not come out distorted with the current versions of the viewer?
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