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ursula Triellis

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  1. Scripts não funcionam, a aba de scripts em advanced esta inecessivel.
  2. Exemplo de Loja com 155 páginas de DEMOS: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/111335?search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bcopy_permission%5D=0&search%5Bkeywords%5D=&search%5Blayout%5D=gallery&search%5Bmaturity%5D%5B%5D=General&search%5Bmaturity%5D%5B%5D=Moderate&search%5Bmaturity%5D%5B%5D=Adult&search%5Bmodify_permission%5D=0&search%5Bpage%5D=155&search%5Bper_page%5D=12&search%5Bprice_high%5D=0&search%5Bprice_low%5D=0&search%5Bprim_count_high%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_low%5D=&search%5Bsort%5D=price_asc&search%5Bstore_id%5D=111335&search%5Btransfer_permission%5D=0&utf8=%E2%9C%93 Já esta mais que na hora de abrir uma pasta apenas para DEMOS, isso facilitará em muito as buscas. Obrigada
  3. Upload an image Image requirements:Minimum dimensions: At least 512 x 512 pixels.Recommended dimensions: 700 x 525 pixels (W x H). Larger images will be resized to fit within these dimensions.Aspect Ratio: The aspect ratio of the above dimensions are 1:1 and 4:3, respectively.File type: PNG, JPEG or GIF.Click here to select an image to upload...... No open (Portugues do Brasil)
  4. Eu perdi todosos objetos do meu inventario da pasta OBJECTS, previamente fornecida pelo programa, por favor me informe como devo proceder para reaver meus objetos. Obrigada
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