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Frenchbloke Vanmoer

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  1. When materials first appeared I was in the Caledon sandbox. There was concern that using three textures on 1 was the work of the devil so it was suggested that to make it less of a resource hog why not make the normals and spec layers smaller. Picture the scene, a 1024 diffuse brick wall with some cracks. Then the materials that were 512. It wasn't pretty
  2. "accidental" shiny No mod and no way to fix it. And no desire by some creators to fix it. Fortunately a lot of creators will either fix it and send a new one or or in the case of Kauna - a full mod version
  3. I just remembered I had this. A really nice full perm porthole that is literally impossible to make look as if it came from this decade, texture-wise.
  4. some genius came up with the notion that using a lower resolution materials layers than the original texture - he alone deserves an article. That was not a pretty sandbox, I can tell you Impossible to match baked in sunlight and shadows has to be included surely ? visible seams
  5. also - no mod on "accidental" shiny things like this, from a well known gentleman's outfitter Behold - shiny wool or maybe it's wet ? Varnish ? https://gyazo.com/e818d993ca7ad1b9093db37d81e233f0
  6. you mean sub maps ? unless you're one of those mad people who makes sprites
  7. can I add Still using the Half Life 2 game rip textures from 10 + years ago on builds Scale - this falls under texel density but is an annoyance of mine regarding bricks and objects that cannot be larger than their RL equivalents Shiny everything.
  8. I remember seeing that one. You can get all manner of great images fiddling with the phototools menu. I'm fond of making silhouettes from windlight settings
  9. if you change the bit where it says "color" to depth, there's a world of fun with the filters
  10. When it comes to second life everything that is straightforward in every other pbr enabled world is rather less than straightforward. A lot of downright cheating is involved. Try to make a semi transparent liquid that reflects the environment. Not going to happen unless you cheat. The only time I have seen metal actually look metal is with an environmental cube mapped projection. "shininess" is seen as a gimmick. Which is why you'll see shiny wool, shiny carpet, shiny stone, shiny everything. And usually either set to 51 by default or whacked up full. Getting things to look halfway right once you've rezzed it and got the windlight /lightning correct is a win What looks "ooh" in Substance can look ".. Oh.." in second life. Not everyone has experience of 3d engines beyond Linden Labs and just want things to look how they want it to. So giving them the knowledge that white =shiny, black =no shine at all and everything in between is everything in between is often enough to get people experimenting and trying it for themselves.
  11. shiny shiny have you had a look at https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StandardShaderMaterialCharts.html ? your problem is the "color" The specular colour that is which will be the colour reflected back when light hits - by default this would be white which can make things look a tad metallic. You need to experiment with shades https://www.flickr.com/photos/galleriedufromage/shares/Dt7a45 shows the defaults of using white in the color and changing just the shininess value and and then the same thing changing the color from white to varying shades of grey all the way down to black, black meaning no shine whatsoever. Specular materials are often misused and misunderstood
  12. I think there's an option for previewing it in Substance Player ( I know it's in Designer) which you can export from there if that helps ?
  13. This is where Texel Density comes into play. In games what you see up close and personal are the high resolution textures - the things you don't interact with - say the underside of a car, the top of tall buildings you can't otherwise gain access to, things waaay over there - that kind of thing - those should be lower. This maybe Maya specific but the general rules apply : https://80.lv/articles/textel-density-tutorial/ , another is http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/23545-3d2d-setting-up-your-texel-density/ I'd say more or less anyone who has slapped a texture on a prim has been guilty of this. There's nothing worse than seeing pic on Flickr of a high res avatar dressed in all sorts of finery that someone has taken weeks to create standing in front of a texture that looks like it hadn't rezzed completely, only to then discover that is how the creator of that object intended for it to look. It's not pretty. Of course it may be only me that gets annoyed and develops a twitch when confronted with terrible use of textures, lazy mirrored texture jobs, materials layers that look like they had been made for 256 x 256 textures covering 20 metres or so, worse still, shiny everything ( which is just as bad as full bright on a no-mod item), materials that look as if 6 inches of tar was coating everything ( maybe it's a trendy thing, I dunno). There is an entirely different argument for photographic backgrounds having high res textures solely as they generally tend to be temporarily rezzed items that people have , strike a pose, save the snapshot and put it away. It's intended to be looked at in every which way. SL is kind of a wild west for standards, or lack thereof. It's up to the users to fix it, which may be like setting fire to the stables after all the horses ran away or something. Sadly we just accept the things with the shiny everything , but it's mod so we can fix it, the wonky texture job that is salvageable and so on and so forth and don't call the creators out when they make a mistake or blatantly think they can get away with it. Something fun to try is seeing which of the big clothing creators forgot to turn shine off on something that's no mod and not meant to be shiny. ( it happens from time to time and usually by accident )
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