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IceCold Skytower

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Posts posted by IceCold Skytower

  1. 1 hour ago, Fionalein said:

    Wait Zindrans cannot use truck trailers? Why would someone want to drive there?

    Why would anyone want to drive there? Sims run terribly poor there, viewers run terribly poor there, disgusting porn everywhere (Yes a furry says this) and the roads are rather boring straights. Theres no nice sights to see, and no enjoyment driving there in the sea of lag.

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  2. 10 hours ago, animats said:

    We could have Cubicle Continent - little parcels with ban lines on both sides, so no one can get in and no one can get out. Audio and looking restricted to the parcel. No object entry, even for any unused land. Almost like owning your own region, but smaller. If LL offered an additional checkbox for "show nothing outside parcel", then cubicle owners would see empty ocean.

    Of course, that's what Sansar is - a bunch of disconnected regions connected only by a directory site. That's also what OpenSim is. Those didn't work out.

    Thats also what High-Fidelity is too, and VRChat

    I do have the impression that most people want to live isolated, thats what changed about SL since its golden years, its not the platform thats changed, the people and the whole global mentality. Could blame all the smartphones for it, or blame whatever you want, things changed by whatever reason. People are like this in real life too, less social, more sheltered in their social media bubbles.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    Quite the contrary...

    Read his proposal for the Strip-Mall Continent of Animatsland again...

    "...lots of water AND lots of roads..."

    So, since the regions are supposed to serve as connectors between continents, there needs to be a main waterway running along the line of the connection, wide enough to be navigable by multiple vessels, even allowing for the need to tack back and forth, you are also guaranteeing all the plots have "waterfront" so, your 24 plots would be 4 rows of 6 plots each.

    Each row of plots would face the water strips down the middle of the sim and down the parallel edges, each pair of rows would be separated from the neighbours by a road, each strip would be broken into 2 groups of 3 to allow for connecting cross streets between the 2 main roads that run parallel to the main waterway, there would be at least 3 bridges across the main waterway for the 3 cross streets, if the 3 plot subgroups are also separated from each other by additional cross canals, then even more bridges.

    Remember, Animats thinks with his motorcycle, he's not proposing some private rentals estate sim like the United Sailing sims, where people rent upper class 4k, 8k, and 1/4 sim islands, all very separate from each other, he's proposing a sort of strip-mall style urban marina for lower middle class housing estates, where every plot has 32 m of waterfront at the back and a car port opening onto 32 m of suburban main road at the front. so you can either get in your speedboat and use the canal, or climb on your motorbike and use the road to drive the entire length of the strip-mall.

    His proposal is NOTHING like those expensive and stylish private islands in the United Sailing Sims area, East of Hollywood Airport.

    I'd say do it like how trains do... have occasional double "rails" where opposing "trains" can wait for each... in terms of SL sims, just have multiple regions around where there is an island, to allow adequate bypass. other words, Maintain a 256m wide unobstructed passage everywhere. Do use openspace for passage, and homestead for islands. That should do it. and since the actual bare bones bridge would be a tiny bit less that 100 sims, you can round it up to 100 and use the extra for these passages and islands.

  4. Well about everyone teleporting around. In my RP places and among my friends i encourage actual traveling to places, SL has great engaging vehicles now that are fun to use, and most people have powerful enough hardware and internet to handle simcrossings without issues... MOST ... I still find occasional people on potatoes... anyway i digress. What i'm saying is, i encourage my circles to actually travel instead of teleport everywhere, because alot of people indeed do want to just teleport, i say things like the journey is more fun than the destination, and i usually end up right, it turns out into a nice adventure usually. I end up convincing people that traveling is more fun. Though occasionally there are some negative nancies who are reluctant even after the adventure, or they get the short end of the stick on a potato.

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  5. 4 hours ago, animats said:

    Second Life vehicles stop and stick when they hit a ban line. It turns out they can escape by scripting.


    Beach ball vs. parcel with object entry prohibited, security orb, red line, and barbed wire fence. Beach ball wins, and rolls around unharmed outside the parcel.

    When a physical object hits a ban line, or an object-entry-prohibited area, STATUS_PHYSICS turns off. Scripts continue to run and can detect this. Scripts can then use llSetPos to get the object clear of the troublesome parcel, then turn STATUS_PHYSICS back on and go on moving.

    To test this, I put code in the classic Linden beach ball. Works fine on both ban lines and invisible no-object-entry parcels. You get the usual popups about not being allowed to move into a parcel, but they don't stop you from leaving the parcel.

    No-script parcels that allow object entry are still a problem.

    I put this on Marketplace as "Beach Ball Ban Line Tester"  for a nominal L$10, with full perms, so others can play with this.

    I'll be putting this in our motorcycles. I encourage boat builders to try this. This is exactly what's needed in narrow waterways with invisible no-entry areas.

    Others must have discovered this. It's very simple. Why isn't it known, documented, and widely used?

    The main problem isnt the vehicle getting stuck, its that once you hit a banline you usually get ejected from the vehicle, and the vehicle gets returned, either by SL quirk or land security. If you hit the banline just right so your avatar would be inside the parcel but the root of the vehicle has hit the banline, you get booted out, such as cars hitting a banline straight on, and etc. From the top you can bounce off like as when not seated, i bounced my airplane from the roof of banlines before, its fun. You get stuck as you describe if the root of the vehicle hits the banline but your avatar isnt in the banned parcel.

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  6. 2 hours ago, ChinRey said:

    Now tgar you mention it, didn't people have to pay LL for teleports back in the days the continents were made?

    You paid 10L to teleport to a telehub, like a fast travel. They stopped doing that around the time they opened the second cluster of continents and Jeogeot, made it so you can teleport anywhere and gave the residents the power to be their own estate managers, and buy private islands. Thats how i remember it at least.

    I miss those days, protected land actually mattered, everything was more simple, and all connected, no private islands :P

  7. 5 hours ago, anna2358 said:

    Ban lines are a pain, but you can detect them.  But not half as much as undetectable zero-delay TP-home security orbs.  Anyone who uses one of those (and lots of you do) deserves being sent to RL, with no hope of parole.

    I have made an efficient banline detector, peek in my marketplace store for it... >_> I'm also working on finding effective methods of finding orbs, i already managed to reliably detect one of them. Happens to blabber on channel 2222. I hope along with this movement we can also progress on orb detection methods, then we can arm ourselves with the huds that detect them.

  8. 2 hours ago, Christi Charron said:

    This connection is one of many possibilities, this one requiring 90 regions added and 0 region moves, connecting at navigable areas on both continent clusters while making use of several seemingly unused Linden Regions.


    Those regions arent unused, its LL's sample template regions for when you buy a new estate, you can pick from a list which you want, they make your new sim and copy those templates in on it

    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Jazzystaples said:

    Hi. I had an idea for something, but it would require a bit of work on LL's end to make it happen.

    Region portals. In plain terms, this is simply a region crossing that will send you directly to another continent. There are no giant ocean-bridges to worry about, and no land to move.

    In my "expertly-crafted" examples, here's what I mean:


    This is the coast of Satori. We need to get to Heterocera. So, we have a portal right over here marked by this purple arrow.


    You simply sail or fly through this normal region crossing and you're there!


    This could be done in a lot of locations to allow access.


    - No need to move land
    - Faster than a water bridge (doesn't use up any regions either)
    - Works like a normal region crossing
    - LL would have to actually program this into the game and I have no clue how difficult something like this is to do on a technical scale.

    And that's pretty much my proposal.

    Actually, region crossings like that are possible but imagine the hell of it. You can simcross to regions that arent adjacent technically, that means you go off the edge, cross, and then your camera snaps to the new region thats elsewhere.

    However, adjacent regions you cross into have to "load" as in you connect to it as 'CHILD_AGENT' which means you see the sim but you arent in it. If you arent connected like that to the sim you are crossing into, you will fall out of grid, which you have probably experienced once or twice if you travel on mainland.

    So a crossing to like 50km away, good luck seeing that sim, it would have to run with the teleport code instead of simcrossings, and yes teleports and simcrossings are actually two different things. Even so Simcrossings existed before teleports were a thing in early SL.

    Glorified teleports and object teleports are more insane job to work into SL than making a path of regions, or even moving the continents, and i believe LL wont move the continents, that does damage alot of content, and needs alot of reshuffling of private sims in the way.

    and as to who pays for it, that can go both ways, community can fork out thousands of dollars, or LL can do it as an investment, thats about it.

  10. Yes well, and the landbarons that could afford it could care less because everything is perfectly fine, everyone is making money, lets not have nice things, in fact landbarons so badly dont care that they walk around in 2007 noob avatars and only login to milk money. They wont care, the actual users care, and actual users are usually not rich people, because rich people have better things to do than sit on Second Life.

    So in the end it's up for LL what they want with their world. Sure they can boast usermade world concept all they want, this project wont happen without their help, this is why this topic exists.

    Or unless someone wants to bite the bullet and buy 1 full sim, and 99 homesteads.

    Oh could also just put rentable islands together with a covenant about what it is for, and have residents pay for it that way

    • Like 3
  11. LL puts multiple sims on one server core, even if they use homestead, they could easily put around 25 of them on one core, so a single server machine could run 100 sims easily, and the surge of new mainland residents would make up for it. Lucrative business move, with some risks involved. Why are they not doing it? They can afford risks i think.

    Also, I actually dreamed of this continent connection since many years, my home base is on Heterocera, and I feel like all the party is over at east, with Corsia/Blake/Nautilus/Satori landmass, I'd be a frequent user of such connection, so i wouldnt need to TP over during RPs, or pretend a boat ride by going to a specific spot then teleporting to another specific spot.

    I see no down sides to this business move except for the maintenance price of the extra regions.

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