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MissRiddle Robonaught

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  1. Zuerst fing es mit dem Update von letzter Woche an. Ich konnte Sl nicht starten weil ich jedesmal geben wurde das Update zu installieren- Das habe ich getan und meine Version des Viewers den ich gestartet habe war auch die des updates. Nichts ging. Immer wenn ich mich einloggen wollte die gleiche Meldung: Bitte laden sie das update herunter ....uuuund sl hat sich ausgeschaltet. Jetzt komme ich nichteinmal mehr bis da. Inzwischen crasht der Viewer schon beim starten...Echt keinen Plan was ich machen soll. Mein PC ist in top zustand und gewartet sowie alle Treiberupdates installiert. Ich muss inzwischen Firefox benutzen was wirklich nervt. Soviel Lag hatte ich noch nie -.- Irgendeine Idee wie ich wieder den offiziellen Viewer nutzen kann oder wo das Problem liegen koennte? Ich kann mit diesem Viewer im Moment nicht arbeiten weil ich mich kaum drehen kann geschweige denn bauen. Auf niedrigsten grafikeinstellungen uebrigens!!!! _:- Im offiziellen Viewer habe ich stehts mit den hoechsten Einstellungen+ Schatten etc arbeiten koennen, sogar auf vollen Sims/Roleplays usw... deshalb moechte ich gerne den SL Viwer nutzen :)) Danke schonmal im vorraus. :) Edit: Hi, I've done that allready before i asked here. It allways seems a good sollution when programs wont run. But it didn't help at all. :( The Problem isn't that I can't log in anymore. Problem is the Viewer crashes upon starting up before i even get to the Log in page
  2. Oh, yes the Beta Version. That is what I am using. Makes sense now. Thank you. Althought it is so annoying 4 updates today allready Anyways. It will probably get better after the release i guess.
  3. Everytime I log into SL I am getting a new update of my SL Viewer. It is so annoying. It must've been more than 20 updates this week. I log into SL about 2-3 times/day and nearly everytime i get a new update. I install the new one, log back in and bam- 2 more logins and i got a new update again!! Is it only me? Maybe my Viewer is broken or its a PC Problem or is it the usual SL updates(maybe a bored programmer or something??) I am on the new SL Viewer with no Problemns accept for that massive update ammount
  4. Just drag the Notecard into their Profile or IM window. That should do the trick.
  5. Hello Nyoko. Is it only your horse that won't rezz or other Items as well? Maybe the Sim is very laggy and it just needs time. Try to pull the object(horse) out of your Inventory very slowly and hold the mouse key for a moment before dropping it. Sometimes that helps as well. Is the Land full? Check the Prim count. Some horses are realy Prim-y Do you have to WEAR the horse maybe? Try it All of my horses for example are worn although they CAN be rezzed as well. (AKK, Realistek) Sometimes a relog can help too. Good Luck
  6. Same here, got disconnected by sl and can not log back in. Neither can any other family members or any alts. sucks when you're in the middle of building u_u
  7. hmmmm Furries ..um yeah..i thought they rather like to play on semselfes than fight? Nekos are to busy and easily distracted with catnip... Vampires loose that fight because they suddenly realise how **bleep**ed up their life is and that they rather wish to be dead ..and they also need to buy the new Tokio Hotel CD so they are out to cut their wrists... they are sparkling enough to blind the nekos though... So the last ones standing...Lycans...
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