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Wolwaner Jervil

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Everything posted by Wolwaner Jervil

  1. Hello Alisa, depeding on what you like to do.... 1) Download textures as already mentioned 2) Just take snapshots from SL to your harddrive - they are in png, bmp or jpg format and I think PowerPoint should be able to read them (at least .jpg works just fine). If not, use free programs like Filezilla to convert them. 3) Be careful with textures of other creators - using them for your presentation may violate copyright. 4) Pictures from locations (still be careful for copyright) can also be found on SL websites like Destinations. have fun!
  2. In Preferences - Chat there is a checkbox for bubble chat. And you can move the IM windows away from the conversions box in the new CHUI too to separate windows.
  3. Hello and welcome to SL. I'll pass you some notecards with landmarks to interesting places inworld. Have a great time in SL! Wol
  4. You may probably have more success it you write an IM to her/him by yourself or drop a notecard inworld stating your ideas. Good Luck!
  5. Since Google wants some money for his translation service, you need to supply a applid in preferences to use the google translator. If you don't need it you can turn off the chat translation in the chat box or preferences. If you need a working translator try metanomics translator HUD - works fine and is free.
  6. Den Benutzernamen kannst du nicht ändern, aber einen neuen Account aufmachen. Es gibt jedoch den Displaynamen, den du 1x pro Woche in deinem Profil ändern kannst. Für Zugriff auf Adult Land musst du nicht nur über 18 sein und das bei der Registrierung auch richtig eingetragen haben, sondern auch in den Viewer-Einstellungen (Strg-P) auf der Seite "Allgemein" einstellen, dass du auf Adult Land gehen möchtest.
  7. There are some ready made freebie books avaialable that you can use. I'll pass you some inworld.
  8. Try logging in on a different location (easy use the destination Guide to select a location to start with).
  9. In den Einstellungen (Strg-P) auf der Seite "Allgemein" kannst du die Sprache des Viewers einstellen. Auf Webseiten, die deutsch unterstützen gibt es auch Spracheinstellungen - oftmals gut versteckt.
  10. Hello Sweepea, If your avatar is stucked on a SIM there are some chances to get it free, so it would be good to know your last location: Send an IM to the avatar from another user FInd the stuck one with another avatar and try pushing it if found, ask the SIM Owner for a restart of the SIM Otherwise send a ticket to LL. I just sent an IM now - you are indicated as being offline.
  11. Du kannst die Länge der Oberbekleidung im Aussehen-Editor einstellen. Wenn also die Jacke zu kurz ist, geht sie nicht bis runter und dazwischen bleibt was frei. LG Wol
  12. Hi Lilith, das hört sich dubios an - so vieles auf einmal. Hast du den cache gelöscht? Wenn nicht, einmal cache löschen und dann auf hahne einloggen, inventar aufmachen und warten, bis es geladen ist.. Ansonsten schreib mich inworld an: Wolwaner Jervil Hier sehe ich nur selten rein (und wie's scheint, andere auch). LG, Wol
  13. Hello Kate, the GT120m isn't show under supported videos at the system requirements page, so that may cause troubles. See: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php? If the card is using shared memory then try to find out the minimum of graphics memory it has and increase this to 512MB if there is a setting for it. Also there may be some settings in the nvidia control center (long ago I had to fiddle around with some settings on my video card on a laptop to get it running even if not supported directly by LL. That's all ideas I have for now - except trying some of the available alterante viewers. Good Luck!
  14. Bist du sicher, dass der Avatar Adult verifiziert ist (auf der Web-Seite) und du auch die Einstellungen richtig hast (in den Einstellungen auf der allgemeinen Seite musst du auch einstellen, dass du auf Adult gehen willst). Wenn die Einstellungen richtig sind, versuch mal, ob dir jemand TP schicken kann. Und bekommst du irgendwelche Meldungen, die das Problem beschreiben?
  15. I have seen this with old graphics drivers as well as with running in ULTRA graphis resolution. Probably try to play around with the graphics hardware settings like anistrophic filtering and VBO enabled. And it seems that 3.2.5Beta provides the same kind of problem like freezing at 2FPS and killing SL. Additional Info: Please post what is displayed in the Help-Abut Secondlife Window (it's your system configuration which might be of interest). Greets, Wol
  16. You are right - the feature to drag things over the Inventory tab to change and drag it to the folder then is gone with V2 of the viewer. So the only good way is described above - use more than 1 window. Greets, Wol
  17. I have set the folder to save my IM and chat log to my own defined folder on a harddrive. So there is no interference with SL Settings and things will stay there (unfortunately one has to set/check it at new installs). Up to now the settings survived the updates. Note that the chat log (chat.txt) will become large after some time - so I do a rename from time to time (like Chat01-06.2011) to keep it smaller. At current, IM's sent to E-Mail will not be preserved when you login - so they get lost in between. Greets, Wol
  18. Since the inventory doesn't load the avatar canot be rendered, so you stay as a cloud. 1) login at HAHNE or another low lag sim 2) open inventory, type in any letters in the filter line and wait until all your inventory is loaded (it will stop counting then). This may take some time. 3) when inventory is loaded you may become visible, if not: Press Alt-Ctrl-R (rebake) 4) Open Developer Menu (V2/3: Ctrl-Atl-Q). Goto Develop-Avatar-Cahracter Tests-Test Female or Male. THis should reset your avatar to a default one and make you visible. Then you restore yoru previous avatar and Save the outfit. Hope this will help Greets, Wol
  19. RIght cllick the avatar and select "Pay" Or right click in the friends list and select "Pay" Have fun, Wol
  20. Textures are shown in grey until tehy are loaded from the inventory servers. It may take some time until they load, or if you have lots of packet loss they will never load. Also a high viweing distance implies that all sim textures are loaded to show. Even a good Internet connection at your side is no guaranteee that you reach LL servers in good time. Pressing Ctrl-Shift-1 opens a statistic window to see the ping time from you to the LL servers. In preferences (Ctrl-P) at the graphics tab try to lower quality or turn on advanced mode and lower the viewing distance to 96m which ist good enough for normal SL use. Greetz and happy holidays Wol
  21. You probably mean mouselook. I use to turn my mousewheel forward until the cam goes into Mouselook. Depending on some settings you can enter Mouselook with M or go to the Advanced Menu - shortcuts - Mouselook. M will only work it you didn't set to start chatting automatically when pressing character keys. Another setting is to show your avatar in mouselook which is found in the View&Move section of Preferences (Ctrl-P) Greets ..... Wol
  22. 1) Hast du 2 Monitore dran - dann muss SL am primären laufen, sonst gibts den Effekt. 2) Versuch mal in den Hardware-einstellungen der Grafikarte VBO auszuschalten. Viel Glück! Wol p.s. Besser mit Google übersetzt als gar keine Hilfe
  23. Hallo L4n4, zuerst mal: Phoenix komplett deinstallieren und den letztgültigen LL V2 raufmachen (es gibt keinen Support von LL für Fremdviewer). Dann einloggen und warten, bis alles Inventar geladen ist (am besten auf Hahne oder einer schnellen SIM) Wenn das nicht hilft dann ein Ticket an LL schreiben. Daumen drück! Wol
  24. On older viewers you must use "Resident" (without ") as last name. This is the default last name for alll new residents since introduction of single name registration.
  25. Yes - it does - if your age specified at registration is below 18 you are only allowed to access G rated locations. In such a case you have to wait until you become 18. Greetings, Wol
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