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arton Rotaru

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Everything posted by arton Rotaru

  1. No gamma, no exposure. It's just the Ambiance setting of the manual probe. 100 is the max, which is quite insane. I would rather explain it as some sort of night vision equipment. Regarding shadows, the only things that do create shadows, are the sun, the moon and projector lights. So in this case, the entire room is in shadow from the moon anyway.
  2. I used to output Blinn-Phong with Substance Painter. I even used the non-pbr spec-gloss shader in it, and then you can create a custom output target with the map types you want. But I wouldn't bother with it anymore either.
  3. SSR Is independent of reflection probes. It's a separate system for reflections. And if you save out an image taken with the snapshot tool, the reflection is missing in the image.
  4. I think Love is referring to the screenspace reflections, which aren't captured with the viewers snapshot tool yet.
  5. Nope, it's just a habbit of mine to do the oldschool "Print Key" screenshot and copy it into Photoshop, crop it etc. Mostly because I don't have the snapshot button on screen, and I can't remember the shortcut for it either. 😇
  6. This is a reflection probe with the Ambiance set to 100 at Midnight without any light sources inside the room.
  7. If you have shadows enabled, create a box reflection probe of the dimension of that room. That is, push the probes "walls" slightly beyond the inner walls of said room, floor, ceiling and set the Ambiance setting of this probe to 1.0.
  8. Sometimes it takes a moment before the toggle kicks in.
  9. Unfortunately there hasn't been done anything to fix this yet. Enable SSR, and stand near the water, and then press left/right arrow keys. Striping is still there.
  10. LL is leaving JIRA because Atlassian changed their pricing model. Which would be to expensive for unlimited access of users like Second Life basically has. The new place to report Bugs is https://feedback.secondlife.com/
  11. Nope, nothing has been done to improve framerates. The Bug we are talking about here did only repro under certain conditions. For those who have threaded optimization enabled in the Nvidia drivers already, wouldn't have encounter that bug ever anyway. Claiming, "look there it is, massive performance loss with PBR viewer is just ridiculous nonsense.
  12. The don't feed the trolls rule is best suited here.
  13. The mobile doesn't support glTF yet, but according to a comment from an official on the Second Life Youtube channel, they are planning to add glTF support in the next few month to the mobile client. How that will work out may be a different question, though. Currently I wouldn't put any money at all on the mobile client.
  14. I'm afraid you're totally overestimating the capabilities of TPV Devs. Or let me phrase it the other way around. I'm afraid you are totally underestimating the capabilities of the Linden Devs.
  15. That may well be the case. They had some performance issues in previous builds that weren't present in the official build. But for those who were participating in the development of the LL viewer, anything below a nightly build is considered outdated, and not worth testing against. That most TPV can't keep up with the pace of the Lab isn't a surprise, though. Henri is an exception. Henri is special, and so is his viewer. And I mean that in the most positive way.
  16. The glitches with probes above 64 meters should be resolved already in the LL RC build. Since that is now a couple of weeks old, FS most likely has included that fix already in their latest alpha. It's unlikely that TPVs will address the rendering issues on their own. LL will work through them, though. Unlike TPV Devs, they get at least paid to do so.
  17. Believe it or not, I never crashed with the official PBR viewer in the past 18 month. There has been done a lot to improve the performance compared to the v6 viewer. So it's not necessarily a given that performance will be worse. It can be even better for a lot of configurations. Firestorm Devs (the few that are left) also cook only with water. They may well be struggeling to get their act together in a timely fashion rather than "doing everything right", which implies that the Lab would be doing everything wrong.
  18. Firestorm Alpha that was I guess. Well it's considered still Alpha. The development, bugfixing etc. will indeed continue. However, it's holidays time. So there hasn't been done anything regarding PBR the past 2 weeks. And from someone who has followed the development from the beginning, those people really deserve a break.
  19. All the mesh clothes, accessories, jewelry, shoes, you name it, that goes onto the avatar will be PBR materials anyways. The fashionistas will be more over this than anybody else.
  20. And that is just plain wrong again! There is nothing much more to say about that actually, other than that your expression is just plain wrong!
  21. That still has nothing to do with implying everybody will have to upgrade there hardware to run a PBR build. That is not the case, regardless of PBR will be usefull for some, or not. Getting rid of the ALM on/off nonsense was an explicit decision by the developers. And they certainly are not going to introduce another "ALM" like checkbox with PBR. I mentioned it a few times already, I think even to you directly. GLTF is a standard. LL decided to implement this standard. This requires to be compliant to said standard. That does include rendering.
  22. Yeah, there was that. I certainly keep vSync on to limit my FPS to 60. There is no point in pushing 140 FPS or so on a 60Hz monitor.
  23. None really. If doing that you would have at least set the metallic factor to zero also, or the texture would be rendered too dark.
  24. That is again implying that upgrading the hardware is a necessity across the board. For the majority of residents this will not be the case. But majorities doesn't seem to count for anything these days it seems.
  25. Yeah, that's a fair point. However, we don't know what your daily tools inworld are, or what you are up to. The technical side will be somewhat overwhelming if presented all at once. When I tried to explain things to someone in-world, during the development phase, I got feedback like, "I'm glad you are talking geek to me", when I thought I explained it as simple as I could already. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe this is an entry point to get things going. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PBR_Materials#Using_Imported_Materials_in_Second_Life There is no need to get this all down in a day or week or two. We are learning by doing, step by step. There are a couple of materials in the inventory library. Just have to copy them into your regular inventory first.
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