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jennylongview Innovia

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Everything posted by jennylongview Innovia

  1. Happy Thursday.. Happy last day of work..Happy Holidays best wishes to all.. Love ya all
  2. Happy Wednesday, Merry Christmas, happy Chanukah.. Blessing to all. Safe travels and be well...
  3. Walmart should sell better computers. Computer manufacturers, like Dell, should not misrepresent the products created by independent contractors at the lowest possible price with the cheapest possible materials. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Actually I get refurbished laptops with a 30 day warranty.. If my kitty would stop kocking the laptop on the floor., they would last longer.. Happy Holidays!!!
  4. Happy Tuesday!! Happy Holidays... YAY not freezing my stocking off today.. 2 more days of work...
  5. Happy Mondays all... Happy Xmass, good tidings to all.. Be safe and well everyone. xoxoxox . Message powered by 2nd cup of coffe and Strawberry Parfait...mmmmmmmm
  6. Other then my spending time with my SO, I just hang out on my sim listening to group chat.. i have streams to switch the music up. sooooo Iam a boriing person.. Thankfully Happy hursday... Please donate any warm coats to the nearest shelter
  7. Hi, yes check you setting switch on and off... Voice can get really laggy at moments.. or perhaps relog.. but doubtfully muted.. just lagging
  8. Good morning hippie... happy Wednesday... crosses my fingers that my Xmas present to me is in the mail today... Big warm ((((huggss))) all...... Yay for coffee!
  9. Hi Sofiee.. I love shopping alone... never really certian when I'm dressed.. Yikes.. But express your interests, please.. EHere do you go dancing, what type of musis.. and you can friend me also.. (when I get my lappytop fixed) /kicks HD... ohhh right sorry (mubbling) But what do you like to do while not shopping?
  10. Thank you. now that I have had my second cup of coffee and my toasted begal... mmmmmmmm
  11. Relax.. that sounded a little whinny.. Take it for what it is this holiday season. count your blessing and work at a homeless shelter and see what they complain about..\ thank you
  12. Good Mrning Hippie, and to all a wonderul day and a blessed holiday season..
  13. Same to you hippie.. tho a little brrrrr this morning.. 21 degrees...
  14. Good morning hippie... Happy Mondays all.. I am renting a cabin in the Blue Ridge mountains for me and my black lab.. No laptops no tv.. hopefully a little snow would do.. Happy holidays to all, be safe and stay well
  15. I wonder if I can put my LL boat in my LL house... Maybe I should get a LL boat house.. That would fix the problemo...
  16. Good Morngin Hippy, and good morning everyone.. Happy Friday and hopes all will be well and stay warm... And don't forget the random act of kindness today.. Love u all Jen
  17. Happy Thursday to you and everyone. Blessing to all..Stay warm brrrr in the Northeast... And don't forget to donate any warm clothes to the homeless..
  18. Well you didn't win the Nigerian lottery so you might be out of luck.....:matte-motes-confused:
  19. Hi's Firestrom is brutal with a 3G/4G usb stick... I would go to a liter viewer.. Try phoenix first there will be less lag... Have a warm day.. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  20. Yes.. love it and ths upport is not bad either... Had alot of dumb questions yesterday.. took it for some tough test drives yesterday.. a few crashes , but think that was more on my end..the disappearing camera pointer annoying but that is the extent...
  21. Hellos.... Hi I had to do a windows restore back 14 days from the28th to the 14th. THe Pheonix viewer goes to the logging in.(screen).. then next messgae processing response and crashes out.. after 4 reinstalls ... forgets to dumb the HD cache.. grrrr 2 clean installs.. still getting same message.. Both Firestorm and SL V.2 work fine but a little tough on a laptop.. should I 1. see if the graphic card driver need updating 2. do total clean install on viewers Thank you for your time J
  22. I am annoyed, too... That I just read that post on 1 cup of coffee after a long weekend .. *Sighs* Have a wonderful week and please give to the needy this winter..
  23. If they were a band, would they be Mister Mister Representive?
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