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Latisha Pexie

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Posts posted by Latisha Pexie

  1. My girlfriend is looking for a good shoulder pet. We've seen some that are interactive and really like how they operate (generate responses when people talk to them in chat). But in that store we can't really find a style we like. We'd like to find a cat one but the ones we've found so far have been a little on the creepy side and not interactive. Any ideas?

  2. Does anyone know what causes a leg or other body parts to appear to wave when you zoom in close? I've seen it primarily on the legs but occasionally elsewhere. I don't wear physics and, while I do have physics enabled now, I saw it even when I had physics completely disabled. Any ideas?

  3. You can file an AR but I don't think LL actually does anything. I wrote a similar post about a year ago and despite the fact that it was just a "is there a way to report this" post and contained no personal info LL had the post removed, so don't be shocked if this one disappears as well. The best thing to do is if you know any RL information about this person to contact their local law enforcement. The person I was worried about a year ago never received any contact from LL regarding my attempt to contact them. I understand it could be hard for them or maybe even a liability. Basic accounts probably don't have a lot of contact information and, really, the only way they would be able to get my information is through my credit card.. And I don't think that my credit card would be able to give out that information. Having lived through a situation like that, I understand it's scary and you feel so helpless... But best thing you can do is give them some contact information for a suicide hotline in their country. Good luck.

  4. Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

    If they are taking boat loads of snapshots you can see that using pheonix tools


    Not necessarily. First of all you can silence your snapshots. I have mine silenced. I think it's kind of annoying to see in local chat every time I take a pic. Second, I highly doubt they would be saving to inventory if they were taking photos. They would be saving to the computer, which has never shown up with phoenix tools, even if they don't have silent snapshots enabled.

  5. When I went to that site, from what I can see you have to manually enter in the sim and coordinates you want for the in-world "view". That's why I said it didn't make much sense as far as the frequency of the bots occurrences. At least what I saw from the site it wasn't just randomly choosing a sim from the grid. The 360 view part makes sense but the rest of it I'm not so sure about.

  6. I've had issues with this in the past. I suggest combining both of the above suggestions. For me a character test has always solved the issue but doing it in a low lag sim would be best to ensure the best results. A lot of times it's just that something on your avatar is having issues and SL won't let anything else be put on your avatar until that issue is fixed. Another thing to do is clear cache. That will also help reset everything. So summary:

    1. Go to an empty/water sim
    2. Clear cache and relog
    3. Do an avatar character test

    That should fix the issue. If not, then it could be that whatever it is you are trying to attach has become corrupted.

  7. But what would be the point of the pictures? They weren't exactly landing in exciting areas. When they were on my land they would end up in the ocean as often as on land. The most likely that I've seen is Janelle's suggestion but then you end up asking yourself a couple questions. First, when someone enters the requested coordinates into that website would a bot then be dispatched to that location, do it's thing, and then send the images back to the website? Or does it have "stock" images for each sim that it just retrieves when a user enters coordinates? If it's the first, that's creepy. Really creepy. And really unrealistic. I'm pretty sure I got a visit from at least one of these bots a day at varying times of the day. The second option doesn't make much sense either. If the idea is to get a view in world... Which is what my understanding was of the site, then wouldn't stock images defeat the purpose? Only thing that would make sense is if the site were to claim the images were of that sim from the last 24 hours... Which, I suppose, would account for the high number of bots I saw... But it would require a lot of bots for every sim to be able to "see" the whole sim to give a reasonable screenshot for any such requested coordinates. I would think that if that were the case I would have seen even more bots than I did.

  8. I used to get these on my land as well. I was renting a full homestead sim at the time so there were no shops/commercial areas such that it would have found my place in search. My friends thought I was insane when I described them saying how could I know they were bots. But they were always the same. I'd get some repeat visitors but most of the time they were different avatars. They would come in a random spot on the land (sometimes in the ocean where I had nothing rezzed), rotate in regular intervals, and then poof. Most of them had little or nothing in their profiles and many (not all) were dressed in default avatars. The one thing they all had in common was the regular rotations. And if you would try speak to them they would never respond. I didn't know what they were up to either so I started banning them. After a little over a year I had about 30 of them on my ban list and I wasn't even on my sim that much. Oo So... No ideas, just saying I've had them too. They never SEEMED to cause any trouble.. But I just didn't know what they were doing so I thought it would be safer to ban them.

  9. They HAVE banned an entire group at least once that I know of... However, this was a huge group whose sole stated purpose was griefing and this was after years of dealing with the group the traditional way. I think this was the most extreme of circumstances. Only thing you can do right now is wash, rinse and repeat. If you don't talk to them, just keep banning and filing an AR they will either get bored or permabanned from SL, whichever comes first. Annoying, but it's all you can do, unfortunately. Some steps you could take is making the land group only or putting an age limit on it, but since you say it's a club that may not be practical. You CAN turn off scripts on the land or make them group only. That will probably help with the HUDs and such.

  10. This is not true at all. I have never downloaded anything illegally. I have SL friends who have offered to send me files of my favorite songs but I have refused them. However I am not so naive as to believe that just because I do not download material illegally that this will not affect me. This law would affect nearly everyone who uses the internet worldwide.

    My objections to this law are many. First, it is not going after the people who download illegally. This law is going after the people who make the paper that the fraudulent documents were printed on, so to speak. Some of you defending this law are not in the US. Let me explain one thing about US law. Our very founding principles are designed to err in favor of the chance of a criminal going free rather than impeding the rights of law abiding citizens. We would rather 100 criminals go free than one person unjustly imprisoned. Are there failures of this principle? Absolutely. And every single one is a tragic failure of the system. Not only is this law not what the American people want, but it is in violation of our constitution. There are countries that limit the freedoms of their citizens under the ideal of hopefully preventing crime. But in the US our constitution guarantees us the right to innocence until proven guilty. This law punishes people who are not the ones breaking the law and it limits the freedoms of all citizens, even those that are not and have never broken the law. The end result of this law is nothing more than blanket censorship... And as one person pointed out a clear case of "be careful what you ask for." If this law passes and takes effect, even those singing it's merits now will be asking themselves what they have done. I believe in paying for the rights to a song. And I do think more should be done to protect intellectual rights. However, this is not the answer. This law will not even come close to fixing the problem that they claim to be trying to fix. It is not even a bandaid for it. Wrong pew. Wrong church.

  11. The repeated threads issue was my reason for bringing up Wasted in the first place. However, like I said before, "Not at first." In the beginning Wasted had only a few threads about his pet issues. His views were unorthodox and he felt very passionate about them. Because of the unorthodox nature and even more because of his intense passion for the issue, he became subject to some pretty intense ridicule. People were filing ARs against him, not because he had actually violated the forum community guidelines, but because of his ideas. After awhile, people would simply AR him because he wrote something. This is not speculation. People openly admitted this. There were even entire threads devoted to discussing this.  As soon as he tried to say something, anything, he was AR'd. It was only later, when he was desperately trying to get his views heard, that he began spamming with multiple threads all on the same topic. So, again, what Wasted became was not what he started out as. He started out as an eccentric poster, yes. But what he became was a creation of the forum.

  12. That's the problem, though. Like people said it will do very little to actually stop copyright infringement. It's would be like the police going after the gun maker rather than the person who shot the gun. Besides that, it's not talking about taking down just the copyrighted material. It's talking about removing whole media sources. A few people put up a protected song on youtube or facebook and suddenly no one can put up the video of their child's first steps. They going after the people who provide the paper rather than the people who forge the documents, so to speak. THAT is the issue. People are not in an uproar about this because they would no longer be able to steal music.. (Well some are but that is not what this debate is centered around). They are upset because the results of this poorly worded law would result in blanket censorship. Someone said if you don't break the law you won't be affected. I assure you that is not the case. Every single person will be affected by this.

  13. PeterCanessa Oh wrote

    He was a pest, unwilling to engage in any sort of debate or tolerate any disagreement.  Hell he even argued with people trying to help him find the right avenues of communication.

    No, not at first. When Wasted first appeared I was able to have several exchanges with him when he kept his cool and reason. Our opinions differed greatly but he never lost control like he did later on. People on the forums found his ideas so preposterous that they started throwing insults and he responded in kind. After awhile people would AR a thread without even reading what it was about just because he was the author. In fact, for awhile it seemed that every thread he even posted in would disappear, regardless of content. Some of his ideas were out there, I'll never deny that.. But make no mistake.. What he became was the creation of those around him. He was attacked and ridiculed from every side. The more he was attacked the more defensive he became and the more outlandish his tactics. If people would have ignored rather than ridiculed he never would have become the forum legend he is now.

  14. If you compare SOPA to other life situations it gets interesting... What if they were to shut down all the pawn shops and secondhand stores that ever (often unknowingly) sold stolen products? What if they shut down every store that ever sold anything that was later used in a crime? (That is what they would be effectively doing. They would be shutting down a website because a user did something unlawful). I don't know. This seems like a pretty slippery slope...

  15. Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves.

  16. LOL No. These posts have none of Wasted's trademarks. My point was that Wasted had a purpose. Most people who grief have some sort of a purpose. They start an inflammatory argument and then sit back and watch the chaos. But these reposts are so... Anti-climactic. Why repost these? There is nothing exciting about them. Just well-intended residents trying to answer a new residents questions. I guess this whole thing just seems very bizarre to me.

  17. Most of the time when you get someone repeating threads it has an obvious agenda... The most immediate example that comes to mind is Wasted Engineer. He would repost either identical or very similar posts. But those were easy to see his intent. They were all highly inflammatory... And generally flaming posts. These are all pretty innocuous.

  18. trasweneni wrote:

    Did somebody noticed that SL is going backwards?

    - Rezz time takes longer

    This may be connected to use http texture setting. I've heard turning that off helps some people and hurts others.

    - Log-in time takes longer

    This has actually become much faster for me. And even faster when I use a non-v1 viewer.

    - Need a super computer to use SL (if you want to see some good stuff)

    Not a super computer... My 3 year old laptop sees sl wonderfully. Although you really can't expect the same performance on a 10 year old computer. Technology changes and you are going to need an updated system to see things as well as a brand new computer. I will admit that most out of the box computers are not going to see sl very well but that's because most of them do not have a graphics card made for gaming/sl. Many computers seem to come with an integrated graphics card that you'd be lucky to be able to run sl on low. This is not unusual... Just standard.

    - The building menu is getting weirder

    Not weirder. Just different.

    - The extra's in the Preference's menu's and other menu's are tomuch of the good stuff

    Just takes some time to get to know. More options are a good thing. Its just easier to tailor sl to your needs now. All this stuff has been available in the past, you just had to look harder for it and learn to use the debug menu. Now it's at your fingertips in preferences.

    - Mesh (People like it, or people hate it)

    I wasn't around when sculpties came out but I can imagine a similar debate probably happened. It's new. It's a little buggy still... But it IS improving. As far as using it... If you don't like it don't use it.. There is a choice.

    - The loading of people takes longer

    Again try the http texture setting. It also could be your internet and your system. If you have an aging system or if your graphics card is burning out this is going to put a bigger strain on your system.

    - Voice chat does not always work 

    It never has. In fact, if anything I have less problems with it now than I did 3 years ago.

    - Prices are to high for the people without a SL job or good selling shop (like me)

    I don't think prices are any higher now than they were 3 years ago.

    - People are getting more and more un-friendly

    Communication is a 2 way street...





    What is abouth all this stuff? SL is in the world for an escape from the real hard world.

    But the real hard world is getting easier to understand than SL.


  19. Ok I GENUINELY do not understand this section. What is the intended purpose? Most obvious answer to me is to try and reconnect with someone you used to know... But why wouldn't someone just IM them? If it's someone you can't remember their name... Really what are the odds they happen to read the forum... Or happen to look at this section of the forum when you happen to post... Or that they remember you for that matter. Are the posts done here sincere or done in jest?


    I really really don't get it.

  20. I have PocketMetaverse for my iphone and ipad. They are nice for being able to chat but you can't  "see". There are no aps that will allow you to use sl graphically on ipad. What you CAN do with metaverse:

    • Chat in local chat
    • Chat in IMs
    • TP (most of the time... This sometimes fails)
    • View photos and textures (Though I've found that accessing inventory will often cause the ap to crash)
    • Listen to the parcel stream.
    • Accept new inventory from avatars. **if you are logged on and receive an inventory offer from a scripted object such as from marketplace or a vendor then it WILL autodecline and does not go to trash. So be careful of this.
    • Accept and make friendship offers.

    It's limited but good for if you want to go inworld to just chat when you don't have access to a full computer. It works MUCH better when using wifi than 3G. You will also notice gaps in the conversation. There is quite often when I'll get offline IMs even though I was online the entire time. But overall, I like it for the purpose it serves. Definitely NOT an SL replacement but good for getting online to talk to people when you otherwise wouldn't be able to.

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