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Natalia Ballinger

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Everything posted by Natalia Ballinger

  1. I am not sure to bring up more detailed facts here, but situation is more complicated, because the creators and the owner of the sim actualy are different persons. Buying two NEW sims and restart somewhere else is expansive. A small group of nerdies like us is doing hard collecting the money to get this up. Wish Lindens would see this point. This thread mentioned already about pricings. I think Linden should really reward those creatives more, since they have spent their time to build for all to have some advantage by it. Even Lindens who put the sim in their destination guides benefit maybe by finding new people joining SL ...or giving those who are here longer this 'Whooo!' effect. Think longterm Lindens ;P
  2. thank you all for your support here, it is nice to hear people sharing the same feelings..sure it's nothing to celebrate in this case . I just want to say that the creators and sim owners are different people, so it's making it even more complicated. Well, would like to hear more of your opinions please. It did help in some ways to read and feel a little better... Thank you, I think also in the name of the creators
  3. I know there are always two sides of the story. And sure Linden isn't a nonprofit organization. Maybe it's been a bit rushed to post this way, but hmm the facts are, that people invest a lot money to keep up a sim going for non-profit. Sure the have fun, and fun isn't for free..also Linden sure does take advantage by these creative persons. But in the end it's like they won't return anything, if the cash flow stops. It's just a bad way of marketing in this case I think. And yes, hmm the pricings are high, no doubts...just people, take your chance and visit the sim before it' gone is all I can add now. SL life can be fast ... PS: am just a person that spent some months living there, not the creator of these 2 sims.
  4. Hello, I just wanted to provide you information about a great loose that is going to happen within a few days. So if you have the time , have a look there. The sim made it even on Lindens featured destination guide. Also Lindens have taken a movie about the sim last summer. The question came up to me, if sim pricings allow people to create such nice places in here. It is sad, that this place soon will be like any other sim. Having palms on it soon, and renting houses ..is this all SL is turning into..why Linden won't support such awesome places..it took 6 months for the talented builders to create it. I am just sad, and hmm you might oversee I am a bit ranting here. Farewell Next South *waves* ..good profits Lindens. So far, so long Natalia http://secondlife.com/destination/the-next-day
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