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Talisia Aya

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Posts posted by Talisia Aya

  1. I'm getting extremely frustrated with this issue. I've done everything that I can think of short of getting a new ISP as i've been completely unable to connect to SL within the past month and ONLY SL. Every other website or online title works perfectly fine.

    Here's what i've tried so far:

    1. Restarted router and modem.

    2. Change to Google's Public DNS.

    3. Updated to the latest version of Firestorm

    4. Uninstall / Reinstall.

    5. Change to quieter regions in order to log in.


    What happens?:

    Whenever I attempt to connect to SL, it goes through all of the normal paces and everything looks hunky dory, loading meter gets to the end. However it stays there with no status message for about a minute and then finally loads to a gray screen with the following error message: You have been logged out of Second Life. This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?


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