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Robin Kiyori

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Everything posted by Robin Kiyori

  1. I'm in that minority that doesn't like EoX, it breaks --all- of my face tattoos, skins etc. the ones I have are all on classic mode. I don't really need HD ears or other small surface improvements that I'll not even notice because my own vision isn't even HD.
  2. Och, from this and Ayashe's post looks like my quest for the perfect mesh body for me continues. It'd be easily alphaed buut.. the body lacks easy alphaing.
  3. It looks really nice, but my question is, how well does it fit vtech/mait flat stuff? That'll determine how much I'd like it.
  4. I like discord, it's neatly organised. I can mute what is needed and there's funky lil queer friends inside it. Anything that csn make talking to my friends easier is good and useful.
  5. I have to agree. And to dimiss it as being a "debbie downer" shows further ignorance on just what mental illness is. While wishful postive thinking is nice. It doesn't cure mental health issues and can even cause further harm when it invevably fails to work. Talk to professionals. They can perscibe the right medication and threaphy to help treat Depression and Anexity. op you aren't alone, I have anexity and depression too. It is a terrible combo but thankfully, it is treatable.
  6. Noo, we want nice short hair and got the noce short hair. So many other hairdressers I went to refuse to go shorter. ;; But this time I got my wish respected!
  7. Im happy for new haircut! It was a queer barbershop too so I didn’t need to go "shorter" Happy stims ensued hee!
  8. Irish and Pagan here and thats a huge misconception. While both are around the same year. Halloween did not steal from us. Not many in Ireland even celebrate halloween. It's more of an american thing. Many relgions and cultures have holidays around the same time of year due to them marking the seasons and passage of time. Less stealing, more considence and scyncerism. They also didn't steal from: Yule Beltime Imbolic And don't get me started on how that whole easter thing which was based on one single guy with no sources...
  9. I think rather then seeing an overhual as a dreaded only for the shiny and pushing out the old ™ . It should be seen more like an MOT. Everyone wins. It replaces what is completely broken. Fixes what it can and just genuinely helps the preformance for all. Something we can hopefully all agree that Second Life needs. As for the metaverse. Let us avoid the crypo craze that hurts our planet.
  10. Peeve: That there's still no body that is androgynous and fits maiteya flat and masc clothing. Other perve: new anti depressant is making me too easily angered.
  11. Im non binary, my avatar is non binary and even before I even realised I was, I never understood gender roles. How do you "act" a gender when it's just..something you are? My little autistic self just never understood that. Even when I was very stereotypically girly I still liked "boy things" like video games, comics, etc. Even to this day gender roles feel fake. So when I have binary gender avatars for roleplay purposes, it's personailty first. And out of character, I am just me, regardless of avatar.
  12. It costs 0 currency or hurts to just ask before posting. Some people (who are behind the avatars and are the most important partof sl interaction) are more shy then others. No need for a big fuss. I on the other hand say. Good luck and godspeed finding this birb.
  13. Id post threads but most of my ideas are against da rules:tm: and I am too technology impaired to make any big brain takes on second lifes innards.
  14. At one point the fourms pre rl ban got so bad that I had to step back because I got too peeved and upset at certain people that bemoaned things getting poltical. While letting their poltical views hurt others. So on that end I can see why the lab did what they did. Edit: unintentional early post: Yet at the same it's..clunky. Real life and Second Life are enwtined deeply for many. I find it difficult to post because allot of my rl things are also present in sl
  15. I am very greatful fot lovely fourm users that are supportive and sweet to all. I've been on some rather dark and troubled spots lately. But the fourms users have a unquie way of making things bright. [Or firey in certain maddy ways] 💛💜🤍🖤
  16. Peeve: Some lil *****ake mushroom of a person stole money from my bam account under the guise of three charges as tiktok. Had to change passwords for everything, freeze cards and all of the bells and whistles. And whrn i tried to report this to my bank. They hung up on me. Im a gurmp of a butb now.
  17. Nooo don't vote for them! Vote for me, I will give everyone a cookie, beer and a shiny crystal™️.
  18. The only reason I use maitreya is because it's the one mesh body that can be made androgynous in the way I like, other bodies just have too noticeable hips and curves even with the sliders for those turned way down. So for folks like me maitreya isn't disapearing any time soon.
  19. Being an irishman from Northern Ireland, I have allot of mixed and negative feelings towards the british monarchy. And that's all I am saying on that. On topic peeve: When you keep accidentally deleting the walls you made for your sl rental.
  20. But without halloween how will we goth people go furniture shopping? Won't anyone think of the goths?
  21. Nombinary person, non binary avatar! ..I'm not a robot (Yet.. -grumbles-) That's the biggest difference between me and my avatar.
  22. Ah Vs , a hive of low effort gossip that just boils down to throwing random slurs around, people even the rest of that site doesn't care about. More slurs x store is a scam! Yz,Z and A are pedos [shows a photo of of a adult twink] And maybe just maybe. An actually funny meme. It's really not worth the energy.
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