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Lex Perdide

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Everything posted by Lex Perdide

  1. If you have the map tiles in cache you will see a version of the world map. However, I just recently updated my viewer. Now when I open the World Map, I see nothing but ocean. If you know the region you want to TP to, you can type in the coordinates and go there. However you can no longer do a bunch of administrative things as an Estate Manager, Resident, or Gamer. This includes, at minimum, easily featuring and viewing parcels for sale within your region, monitoring sim restarts, monitoring how many people are in a particular region, and - for gamers and others - where they are, charting courses for sailing or flying, and more. These are all important uses of the World Map and I don't know of any substitute for some of them. Most importantly, the World Map made Second Life seem like an actual virtual world for exploring. The World Map is what I used when first here in 2009, leading me to the steamlands estate I lived on for 10 years. A friend and I conceived and built a tool where you could click a button and draw a random location on the map, and explore that way. Sure, they can do something more like Sansar and rely on the Destination Guide. I would just hate to see replacement tools ending up marginalizing smaller innovative projects that don't make Linden Labs enough money. I strongly encourage any virtual cartography geeks to visit Maps of Second LIfe at New Kadath. Home of the exhibit “Maps of Second Life”, an exploration of the Main Grid’s history, geography and culture as depicted via maps and cartography. Also hosting a rotating selection of themed visual art. Juliana Lethdetter, Curator. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New Kadath/42/28/23 I do hope the World Map returns, with all its important utility. I am sure the uplift has been a huge amount of work and sometimes one thing has to happen before another does. They should consider the impact on estate owners and post a formal update on this matter.
  2. Sounds healthy and community building I've been around for a while and am stricken by how similar the Skillz Games are to actual gambling. Viscerally, they feel exactly the same and encourage the same behaviors.
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