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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. A timely manner? Linden Lab? You new around here?
  2. Bad idea is bad and you should feel bad.
  3. Venus Petrov wrote: When I saw the header of this OP, I thought perhaps it should have been posted in the Lifestyles/Relationships Subform. Updating. As in Up Dating. Well, you know there are people who post here for which English is not their native language. Anyway, I thought you were going to start a discussion on the pros and cons (if any) of up dating. You know, dating someone you think is from a higher socio-economic level. I do not know why that would be important, but people like to post all sorts of things in this forum. I can think of all sorts of reasons why one might up date as a strategy. What reasons could those be and of what benefit would it be? Is it all positive? Humm. The mind ponders. Okay, glad I got that out. I see what you did there.
  4. That's how the viewer has always worked. We've always downloaded everything we see. Internet browsers, games, everything on the computer is the same way, except for streaming video. And even that can be captured if you know what you're doing. This just supposedly makes the downloading more intelligent. Supposedly. But since we're talking about LL, "relevant" could mean any frickin' thing.
  5. Specifically, scripts. Assuming this applies to you; Why do you refuse to update things like resize scripts? Why do you continue to use hair or shoes or jewelry with hundreds of scripts in each one? Why don't you delete these scripts from the objects when you can? Why don't you try to get an updated version of said items? Most importantly, why do you come to a sim wearing 937 scripts, then throw a temper tantrum when you're told "Wow, that's a lot of scripts. Here's how you can reduce it, so we don't ban you." ... Okay, glad I got that out.
  6. In every other MMO on the planet, you create a main account, and each avatar is created tied to that account. And in all of them, you can trade many items between your avatars. I don't know why LL didn't do that with this platform. Seems strange. That said, even in those games, many items are bound to character when you get them, so...
  7. It also resets your clocks and leaves the toilet seat up.
  8. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Tiffy Vella wrote: This all made me ponder, too. If somebody is a skilled designer, I see no reason why they would need to work for somebody else unless that person already had grid-wide fame and was able to provide real exposure for the business. If a partner brought social media credibility to the partnership, and had a wide and demonstrable network, then that could possibly work, since many creators have little time for maintaining blogs/Flickr/Plurk/Twitter/Facebook/etc. An aside- Several times over the years, I've had men (all noobs in freebie business suits) tell me they can be my manager/business partner for a 50% cut. All I'd need to do is make all the content, and they would run my SL business for me. Because they have Skills. Sounds fair, huh! It's given me a giggle each time. Actually, it's not that crazy. I've been known to build projects and someone else makes the MP listing and takes the pictures and writes up the documentation and handles customer service, and we go 50/50 on sales. Why not hire them so that you have 100% for the rest of SL`s life? The rarity of my projects. I don't list stuff for sale often, and when I do, it's niche items that sell even less often.
  9. Tiffy Vella wrote: This all made me ponder, too. If somebody is a skilled designer, I see no reason why they would need to work for somebody else unless that person already had grid-wide fame and was able to provide real exposure for the business. If a partner brought social media credibility to the partnership, and had a wide and demonstrable network, then that could possibly work, since many creators have little time for maintaining blogs/Flickr/Plurk/Twitter/Facebook/etc. An aside- Several times over the years, I've had men (all noobs in freebie business suits) tell me they can be my manager/business partner for a 50% cut. All I'd need to do is make all the content, and they would run my SL business for me. Because they have Skills. Sounds fair, huh! It's given me a giggle each time. Actually, it's not that crazy. I've been known to build projects and someone else makes the MP listing and takes the pictures and writes up the documentation and handles customer service, and we go 50/50 on sales.
  10. It's a 22 prim linkset, and the tail and nose are separate prims. The entire linkset has to move together- only the engines can tilt. If I try to pitch just the body prim, it'll make a huge mess of the linkset.
  11. list body_list;rotation body_rot;vector body_euler;list engine_list;rotation engine_rot;vector engine_euler;get_rots(){ integer num = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer i; for (i=1; i < num + 1; i++) { if(llGetLinkName(i) == "body") { body_list = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_ROTATION]); body_rot = llList2Rot(body_list, 0); body_euler = llRot2Euler(body_rot); //llSay(0, "body: " + (string)body_euler); } if(llGetLinkName(i) == "engine") { engine_list = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_ROTATION]); engine_rot = llList2Rot(engine_list, 0); engine_euler = llRot2Euler(engine_rot); //llSay(0, "engine: " + (string)engine_euler); } }}set_rots(){ integer num = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer i; for (i=1; i < num + 1; i++) { if(llGetLinkName(i) == "engine") { engine_list = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_ROTATION]); engine_rot = llList2Rot(engine_list, 0); engine_euler = llRot2Euler(engine_rot); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(<PI/2, body_euler.y, 0.0>)/body_rot]); //llSay(0, "engine: " + (string)engine_euler); } }}default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(2.5); } timer() { get_rots(); set_rots(); }} That's what I'm using right now. When I tilt the nose up or down, the engines stay level. When the whole thing is level and I turn it right or left, they turn right or left correctly. When I tilt the nose down, then turn it right or left, the engines stay level, but they turn in a seemingly unrelated direction.
  12. steph Arnott wrote: integer DIRECTION = 1;// - for opp direction rot = llGetLocalRot(); delta = llEuler2Rot(<0, DIRECTION * PI, 0>); rot = delta * rot; That's got it rotating like a helicopter rotor, doesn't attempt to stay level on any axis.
  13. They are rotated- but I don't even care about that right now. I'd be happy to just get it to work on ZERO_ROTATION- I can math for the 90 degree rotation after that with pi.
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: So, if I understand this correctly, you have a flying vehicle with gimbaled (or maybe better described as hinged) engines that are not moving as you wish during a turn. That they're moving at all suggests you're already using llSetLocalRot to move them, so you're asking for the proper coordinate conversion to make them go as you wish? Did I get that right? Basically, yes.
  15. The fact that nobody gets me tells me that I may have found something impossible to do in SL... Look at an V-22 Osprey. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/US_Navy_080220-N-5180F-015_A_Marine_Corps_MV-22_Osprey_prepares_to_land_aboard_the_amphibious_assault_ship_USS_Nassau_(LHA_4).jpg Imagine those engines and rotors had to stay level, even while the nose is tilting up and down. My object isn't going to bank; I'm not worried about that. It's not using a vehicle script, it's using llMoveToTarget and llLookAt(or llSetRot, I haven't decided yet).
  16. Rolig Loon wrote: I'm no vehicle expert, but have you looked at VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY? That has nothing to do with my problem. I need to use llSetLocalRot on a couple child prims, but I can't figure out how to calculate the rotation I need.
  17. Maybe I should simply ask- is there ANY way to keep a linked prim level along just one axis?
  18. http://pastebin.com/dWGretHe I'm trying to keep a pair of engines on the side of a vehicle level. When the nose tilts up or down on the X axis, the engines stay level just fine. However, when I turn right or left on the Z axis, they go the opposite direction. Any idea why?
  19. Sign this contract that gives me permission to shoot you in the face with a shotgun. Once you do, that will make it legal to murder you, right? ... In other words, a worthless TOS is a worthless TOS. I intend to continue to create as normal, and if I find LL using my content in any manner outside non-profit, I'll sue them blind. No big deal.
  20. Surprise. LL doesn't care. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3529 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3090
  21. That's my guess. They rolled it out, it was terrible, then they changed their mind. They also closed my JIRA and said that support should refund me. Support read my ticket and told me how to find the item in my received folder. **bleep**ing morons.
  22. No, the button on the product page. Usually it says "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now". Well, "Buy Now" was replaced with "Instant Purchase". I used it, and was sent hair. Interestingly, I did contact the hair creator. Apparently he was swamped with IMs of people saying the same thing. Also interestingly, the button has now returned to "Buy Now". Instant Purchase doesn't show up anymore. Seems it was a bug in the system.
  23. So, I saw the "Instant Purchase" button today, and decided to try it out on a pair of demo jeans. Instead of being charged 0 L$ and being sent demo jeans, I was charged 250 L$ and sent some women's hair. Hair that I've never even looked at on the marketplace in the past. It seems they picked it randomly and charged me for it. Another broken goddamned system.
  24. So, I saw the "Instant Purchase" button today, and decided to try it out on a pair of demo jeans. Instead of being charged 0 L$ and being sent demo jeans, I was charged 250 L$ and sent some women's hair. Hair that I've never even looked at on the marketplace in the past. It seems they picked it randomly and charged me for it. Another broken goddamned system.
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