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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Even if the "child avatar" is a vampire, sexual RP with it is still against the TOS. It's not just about a perceived virtual abuse of power.
  2. Teens being on the phone with each other while "roleplaying" with themselves would likely be a violation of the TOS.
  3. Playing a child, a teen or an anime character is not my thing, but it is for many people. My alt Alycia sometimes dresses as a doll, but I'm not going to put her in an adult situation or setting while wearing a child-like doll avatar. I joked many pages back about hentai sims with anime characters, but this is a real thing in SL. The people who are into that are going to have to take a hard look at whether that kind of RP is worth the risk of losing their accounts.
  4. Luna, the important point is not what is offensive. There is alot of stuff in SL that many of us probably find offensive. The important points are what is against the TOS.
  5. It seems to me that if someone were using a mesh body intended for adult avatars (eg. Maitreya, Reborn, Legacy, Belleza, Slink, Erika, etc.), but they look young, short and "child-like", it would be reasonable for them to state in their profile that their avatar is a short adult. Sim owners & managers can still boot them, but they would be able to "prove" to Governance that they're using an adult body. Since LL probably doesn't really care about how teen-presenting avatars behave, I don't think they'll act on an AR against teen-avatars unless there is other evidence to show that they are presenting as a minor. Same with anime. Post in your profile that your avatar is an adult and then don't do or say other things to make it look like your avatar is actually a child. If someone chooses to engage in sexual behavior while presenting as "child-like" or "teen-like" they risk losing their account, but if they're just at a club or wherever on Moderate land, they should probably be safe.
  6. Nope. Why would I ask in DM when asking on the forum has more comedic value? In fact, I was just looking on MP so I could provide a link myself, but sadly I did not find a blow-up unicorn avatar. 😥
  7. You could also use the spoon to use illegal drugs. Totally not the spoon seller's responsibility.
  8. I call it a virtual world in which 99% of the content is made by users,... " so there is Adult content too." A couple weeks ago I was in SL with my avatar, shopping for clothes. I was at a public library, and a little girl asked me if that was Roblox. I told her it was Second Life, which is kind of similar, but for adults. A few days later, I was in SL shopping for fantasty skins while in a Starbucks in RL. An adult man asked me what game this was. I told him it's a virtual would called Second Life, in which 99 % of the content is made by other users. His next question was, "Can they be naked?" My answer was, "yes". Then he asked me again what the name of the game was so he could look it up. 😆
  9. I think this issue of separating interests or personas depends on how active someone is within these groups. I have a few Adult groups that I'm not very active in and I'm not involved in playing a child avatar, so I can't speak from the perspective of someone who does. For someone whose Adult groups might create a problem for them, keeping those on a separate account would be a good idea.
  10. Also, when your zoo doesn't have baby pandas.
  11. I think LL would look at the seller on MP as the account holder, having nothing to do with how their avatar looks inworld (or on the forums).
  12. The dirty old men do the propositioning. It might be the women who do the ARing.
  13. I'm saying they can be an astronaut sometimes, but it might be safer to be a fireman sometimes.
  14. People with kid avatars should get a Dinkie or tiny avatar. They can play just like kids, but are less likely to get propositioned or ARed by dirty old men (or women).
  15. We don't really know what happened. Maybe his ex was a crazy harpy, or maybe she was his ex because she found out he was doing bad stuff in SL?
  16. There are harnesses with leashes made for young children in real life. When I was a child and was prone to going my own way in stores, my mother put a cat collar on my wrist with a leash on it. I cried & said "I'm not a cat", but I didn't run off.
  17. A fast food sever with a bad attitude. (They're getting $20/ hr in California, so it's not because they're underpaid.) First I said I wanted a drink with my meal, but she didn't give me the combo that would've been $2 more for a drink. I pointed out that she hadn't put my drink on my order. Then she charged me $3+tax separately for my drink. I asked, "Why didn't I get the $2 ,drink price shown on the board?" She said, "I don't know," & then ignored me. Then, when I got my totasda salad, set it down, and went to get my drink, she asked me to bring back my salad because they forgot to add the shrimp to it. I brought it back & stood there waiting. Then she takes my salad, throws it in the garbage, and gives me a new salad with chicken & shrimp. I said, "You could have just added the shrimp on top." She just ignored me. Note: At other restaurants in this chain, when the person taking my order has forgotten to add my drink, they give me a cup and let me get a free drink.
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