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Sominel Edelman

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Everything posted by Sominel Edelman

  1. I didn't try EEP until today. Frankly, I am horrified. Most contrast, saturation and crisp shadows are gone and the clouds appear in front of my mountains with EEP instead of behind them with Windlight. It looks like everything is veiled. The EEP pictures were made with the latest Linden Lab viewer, the Windlight pictures with Firestorm-Releasex64 I don't dare install the latest Firestorm viewer, scared I won't be able to go back to the incredibly beautiful options Windlight has to offer. I understand and support a lot of the possibilities EEP has to offer when it comes to sharibility, but this is too much of a loss for me. Please reconsider or make major adjustments...
  2. My region Landscapes Unlimited has been down for more than three hours now. After two hours it did show online on the world map, but I still can't TP there. The message I get is: "Teleport failed. Failed to grant capabilities".
  3. Perhaps here you can find what you are looking for: Landscapes Unlimited. You can get various highly detailed 3D sculpted prim environments there for your sky builds.
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