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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Be glad that they didn't (yet) accept/use my suggestion .... You'd then have the option of something that belongs in the Medieval Age (or an appropriate Medieval Fantasy novel).
  2. The current drivers for the bulk of AMD Radeon GPUs were released on December 18th and are version 20.12.2 for Windows 10 and 20.12.1 for Windows 7. If your driver is not 20.12.2 or 20.12.1 then you are either using older drivers or an older GPU for which these drivers are not the most recent. According to the information you have presented, the drivers you are using are not the latest drivers (your statement is that they were dated as November 18th) thus either said drivers are a version behind or your hardware is incapable of using the current drivers. Now, stop trying to be contrary for the sake of it.
  3. Unless I have directly said it, whatever you have gleaned exists only within your own mind but do please continue to assume you know my thoughts/desires where development is concerned. Though since you seem to know my thoughts oh so well, you must already know what comes next, especially with the following closing line. Have a pleasant year.
  4. That's quite rich and it seems you've only read what you wish to read - as usual for quite a few when it comes to topics like this. Lumiya was limited from the very beginning - no amount of wishful thinking or pretending will change that. The newer mobile hardware between the initial release and the time development on it ceased changed nothing either. Lumiya proved nothing whatsoever and the fork of Firestorm with VR support will do nothing whatsoever either. That is not "scoffing" - that is facing reality. As is facing the simple fact that VR setups - any worth a hoot anyway - are prohibitively expensive. I am in a tiny minority? Funny ... I don't seem to recall telling you how I feel Linden Lab (Second Life is software and can only move where its developers take it) should proceed. To sum it all up for you in a nice, TL;DR package - Before responding to me in topics like this in the future, perhaps you should know what you're responding to first - you know, so you don't absolutely miss with your response.
  5. Images to drive the above home, order is internal viewer browser instance followed by an external browser using the search utility from the Dashboard: Notice that there is no difference (aspect cutoff aside) whatsoever.
  6. Alrighty, I stand corrected on the schedule.
  7. No, it isn't - period. It is loading an external web page into a web browser integrated into the viewr. You will get the exact same error when using the search from the main Second Life page and search utility because that is what is being loaded into the internal web browser. This is what is being loaded into that internal browser. It does not behave any differently when you load it from your Viewer than when you load it into an external browser. It. Is. Not. A. Viewer. Issue.
  8. While the version might have been newer to you it was not the newest version of the drivers and is still counted as having rolled back. To put it in simpler terms: 20.12.1 is the current version of the AMD Radeon GPU driver suite. It is not working correctly and the advice is to roll back to the last, stable release. This is not telling you to roll back to the last version you had installed - that would have been specified had such been the intent. It really does not matter what you say or how you phrase it - the advice given to you was correct. You chose to take it as meaning something other than what was being advised - that is on you. Unless given a specific driver version to install as a suggestion from tech support, do not assume the version you originally had installed before your update was anywhere close to the last stable version.
  9. Lovely. One more reason to avoid them like the plague. The end user should always have the ability to use current drivers as they are released.
  10. Ah yes, so because only one program was affected and not your entire computer that means it has to be the program itself that is at fault .... No. Driver updates can and do occasionally cause issues with installed programs, sometimes only with a singular program at that. That's just reality there. If the current, up to date driver causes issues of course you'd be advised to roll back to the last stable version. That is normal. Cripes ....
  11. Which still places the issue on the driver side. Either way, it's the drivers. Wouldn't be the first time a newer driver has broken something or behaves in an unexpected manner.
  12. Unless on Linux and using DKMS or Distro specific repositories (which often have them built against the OS/Distro), your GPU Manufacturer will always have the most up to date version of the drivers available and you should be getting them there - not from Microsoft or Apple.
  13. Not to mention that the Linden Lab default Viewer's search is .... A Web Page Based Search that loads inside an internal Browser instance and is in no way just a Viewer related function. Just like the Forum Search. Funny how some don't grasp the difference between the varied systems ...
  14. Except, someone most certainly did mention the Look At colors. This is on top of the way they actually function having been quite thoroughly explained. Pay attention.
  15. ... The Look At event triggered by typing in Local Chat is a grey coloration and has nothing whatsoever to do with the event(s) triggered by other actions. If you're confusing it with the others, something else is wrong and it isn't with the viewer.
  16. .... No, that is not crashing. That is a disconnection. A Crash creates an error report - if you're lucky.
  17. All of that is well and good - it does not change much and makes a few assumptions concerning my quoted response. That response boils down to the following: My personal take is that arguments/discussions over who should and should not be getting the payments are empty/meaningless. Up until this pandemic and crisis hit, anyone unable to work was being treated as though we do not matter. Pardon me if I'm a bit less sympathetic than you'd like. The initial payment was one month's worth of Federal mandated Minimum Wage, rounded up - more than anyone unable to work (for any reason) sees each month. That payment should not have been one-time either - it should have continued to come in for the entire duration of the pandemic crisis. The entire safety net (Social Security Et Al.) needs an overhaul - that is the bottom line. As it stands right now, a rather large portion of the country is finally having their eyes opened. I'll not be holding my breath in anticipation of that supposed increase, by the by. ETA: Also, yes it most certainly is a "Stimulus" - it is a second, one time payment. A proper relief/survival program would be paying out that same, month's worth of Minimum Wage rounded up, for the entire duration of the pandemic. Further, I specifically mentioned and targeted the One Time payment - not the Unemployment Benefits (which were themselves a joke at the amounts paid out). With that, you either understand what I've said thus far ... or you don't. Either way, I'm not here to discuss/argue. Happy New Year.
  18. All this back and forth on who should or shouldn't have gotten stimulus payments and I'm sitting here wondering why it is that SSI (and similar) program recipients are forced to make do on less than minimum wage each month. So yeah .... As far as I am concerned, ya'll can take your concerns over Stimulus distribution and stow them.
  19. Visual aids for the above two posts of mine Web Search: Legacy Search: Intentionally left without a search request as the above's intention is only to show that the two are wholly different, even at the interface level. Yes, the other tabs shown are also Legacy Search (Groups, Places, Land Sales, Events and Classifieds).
  20. Except they can: Websearch is not Legacy Search.
  21. Because the People Search tab in Firestorm does not use the websearch API.
  22. Websearch within every viewer operates the exact same way as it uses the same web page as the external browser search through the Second Life web system The Search that currently functions "as expected" is the Legacy Search system that some TPVs have - that system uses a different API Beyond that, we'll have to wait and see.
  23. .... Oh son of a ..... I did not see the 'Defaults' as options when recreating my original view presets ..... Thank you.
  24. Bans do not happen without a reason, said reason always going to the e-mail on file No modifications are made to the Payment Information on file in the event of a ban Do not throw accusations/suggestions of fraud around so casually As noted above - you can do nothing
  25. None of the original debug settings or original methods will work with the new floater. This means that adjusting CameraOffsetFront/Group/Rear and FocusOffsetFront/Group/Rear will do nothing. Hit the Presets button on the new floater, adjust the camera to where you want it, hit Save as preset, give it a name. Now it will appear in the dropdown box below the Presets button. You must use that dropdown box to get to and use your new presets. If doing that does not work, you're wearing something that alters your camera view.
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