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AylaNeissa Magic

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Posts posted by AylaNeissa Magic

  1. With the bloodlines game people don't just go around biting people unknown. Bloodlines unlike a couple of other vampire systems in SL has a permission system. You either accept or decline. If you decline they can't bite you. So with bloodlines what is the big deal. There are other systems in SL that does not have the permission system in place. 


  2. I love the requirements and agree with them and they are no problem. lol I've actually seen some people snagging things from my one art account and uploading already and those are just textures and art. No biggie though I make certain ones avaiable anyway. However this will make things much easier. Maybe just maybe it will also make people aware of certain rites creators have. 

  3. Unfortunately that is one of the pitfalls for renting from a private Sims. Not all the owners will notify you if the sim is going offline. That is why it is advisable to not put anything down on a private estate that is no copy you should always put things down that are copy or put something down and take it right back into your inventory when finished. I know its a lot of time wasted to do that with no copy items but not everyone is reputable.

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