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Casandra Kumsung

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Posts posted by Casandra Kumsung

  1. Does not work, just simply moves with what ever I attached it to. Want it to stay on the ground and move like it is roling not moving up and down,  when I push it.  Thought this would be diffent than pulling and much simpler. 

  2. I have an animation where the avatar is bent over with hands on the handles.  I assume I need some strict to make the cart act like it is being pushed.   Seems to me the avatars default walking but bent over is all I need except for the way the cart behaves.  Set it physical and make it move sluggishly?


    Gave up on the pony cart. Do not know how to do something like that from scratch and the car script is not right.

  3. Thank you very much and big hugs and kisses.


    I did not have my plow a physical I just asked if it was necessary. Do do not know know why it falls apart.  I tested the primary script with a couple of prims linked and it worked. They followed ok without falling apart.  I tried to put the second ball in and I do not move but I assume I have to have a second avatar on the second one for it to work.
    Thanks again.  I am sure I can get this to work with my janitors cart. 

    Maybe it falls apart because of something in my plow.  Will unlink and link it again.  The janitor cart has much more prims.  Kind of cute but does not do anything.  Now if I can push it might sell more!

    Take a break. I am at work too.  And have not been getting stable sleep for a few weeks. The refiancing has fallen through and I have to start all over.


  4. Sorry never done this before.  Are you refering to the script //Double Walk Lead -- Rolig Loon -- March 2012 you put in?

    I do not know what commands that are needed to activate and deacavate the default walk and stand.  I have "made" an ao but all I had to do was to put in my animations.  Is the commands in the AO what I need. 

    Sorry to bother you.  Do not know where to start.

    So I put this at the top.

    Or put all the script in ?


    stop_anim()     // Cancel all current active avatar animations{    integer list_pos = 0;    list Anims2stop = llGetAnimationList(llAvatarOnSitTarget());    integer list_length = (Anims2stop !=[]);    if(list_length > 0)    {        while(list_pos < list_length)        {            llStopAnimation(llList2String(Anims2stop, list_pos));            list_pos++;        }    }}



    To stop the animations?



  5. Good no wonder I could not find it. I made no changed to this script is was just one I found. Thanks will give it a try.

     Except where do I put this llStartAnimation("name of the animation goes here"?  


    Oh it also occured to me that when the pony stops I need the pony stand animation.  No place for that. It starts to look like an ao. 

    Wish I could see the script from one of the many pony carts out there!

  6. I am trying to get an avatar to pull a plow and one behind the plow pushing it. The avatar pulling it will "control" it so the one pushing is just walking behind, (if that will work). This seems to be close but when I attached the post ball to it and sat the plow went to piecesLiterallyWhat happened. I am not this good a the control scripting mostly I did business programming a long time ago.

  7. I  gather than but do not have the slightest idea how to get started.  I have tried pose balls and all I do is to sit and I cannot move.  I put the contents of a pony ao in the pose ball and same thing.

    I have attached the plow and it just moves around of course. I have made it physical and that does not work.

    I think now is it much simpler than a car script but everything I tried did not work.

    Tried the car script and that was chaos 

    I assume the plow, horse wagon and kids wagon has to be physical? 

    Other than that I cannot get it to work.  I am sure that having the avatar sit in the seat in the wagon is all I have to do for that so that is not the problem.  It is getting the avatar to pull it or walk behind when the horse is pulling it.  I have seen and used many of pony carts with riders, but have not seen one with modify so I cannot get the scripts used. Or one with the "rider" walking behind like the plow.

    I tried the script on the link but when I linked the pose ball to the plow  the plow went to pieces! If I can get the pulling correct then I am sure the person behind it will be about the same.  Pulling the wagon is also the same. I have done scripts where an avatar it moved, but not pulled by another one.

    I  have the pony walk and stand animation and made a animation of someone pushing the plow, or at least bent over holding the handles. I assume the normal walking will take care of the rest.

  8. I assume it is a vehicle script like this simple car script. But do not know how to deal with the stand and walking instead of sitting. I assume it "becomes" an AO. What do I do instead of this command?

    key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget();

    The pulling wagon is for two uses one a pony girl/boy the other a toy wagon for a child.  The wagon will have at least one rider ie driver.  I have seen ponycarts that pull people but never the scripts for them.

    The push cart is a janitor cart and a plow.  Seems to me it will work for both.

    Any help would be very nice. I have done lots of scripting but nothing like this.

    If you have a simpler Vehicle script that would do better than this please post it.



    // Encog's Magic Wagon
    // Very simple vehicle script

    float forward_power = 15; //Power used to go forward (1 to 30)
    float reverse_power = -15; //Power ued to go reverse (-1 to -30)
    float turning_ratio = 2.0; //How sharply the vehicle turns. Less is more sharply. (.1 to 10)
    string sit_message = "Ride"; //Sit message
    string not_owner_message = "You are not the owner of this vehicle ..."; //Not owner message

    // forward-back,left-right,updown
    llSitTarget(<0.2,0,0.45>, ZERO_ROTATION );

    llSetCameraEyeOffset(<-8, 0.0, 5.0>);
    llSetCameraAtOffset(<1.0, 0.0, 2.0>);


    llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1.0);
    llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 0.1);
    llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <1000.0, 2.0, 1000.0>);
    llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <10.0, 10.0, 1000.0>);

    changed(integer change)

    if (change & CHANGED_LINK)

    key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
    if (agent)
    if (agent != llGetOwner())
    llSay(0, not_owner_message);
    llPushObject(agent, <0,0,50>, ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE);

    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);





    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
    if (perm)

    control(key id, integer level, integer edge)
    integer reverse=1;
    vector angular_motor;

    //get current speed
    vector vel = llGetVel();
    float speed = llVecMag(vel);

    //car controls
    if(level & CONTROL_FWD)
    llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <forward_power,0,0>);
    if(level & CONTROL_BACK)
    llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <reverse_power,0,0>);
    reverse = -1;

    angular_motor.z -= speed / turning_ratio * reverse;

    angular_motor.z += speed / turning_ratio * reverse;

    llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, angular_motor);

    } //end control

    } //end default
  9. I use Phoenix and SL viewer 2 is crazy. I cannot find my inventory, how to tp to home. Destinations is just a list, my avatar is a bunch of pictures.  Where is everything?  Why do they make it so difficult?  


    No wonder few are using it.

    Linden put it back so we can find stuff. It seems to be set up for neebees, just point and click.

  10. Crashes once in while new one and older one. Just closes no warning.  Just started a few weeks ago.  I have a new computer.  Just wondering if anyone had the same problem.  Use it for RLV but do not like viewer 2.   I build and they moved stuff around to much it was frustrating to use.

  11. In a dos bat file you can run the bat file with parameters. ie "clean.bat 2 34 48 "

    I need to be able to change parameters ie /23  23 49 48

    23 being a number used like a time

    49  another number being used in the script

    and 48 another number being used else where

    Is this possible?  I could not find any examples of how to do this.

    There is a  way with one command but means a lot of if then elses!


  12. Sorry slipping

    This I thru together. 



    integer dialog_channel= 8; // set a dialog channel
    // list menu = [ "Out", "In"];

    vector startPosition;
    float groundLevel;
    vector gVecLocalOffset2 = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>;
    integer flag ;


    rotation vRotchild1;

    float displacement = 0;
    gVecLocalOffset2 = <0,0,-displacement>;

    vRotchild1 = (rotation)((string)llGetPrimitiveParams(  [PRIM_ROTATION] ));

    {   // #1  Default

       llListen( dialog_channel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
     touch_start(integer total_number)
          vRotchild1 = (rotation)((string)llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_ROTATION] ));
          //     llTargetOmega(,0.3,PI);

        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice )

  13. I made a wheel that revolves continuously but when I move it it revolves wrong. 

    How to get it to revolve continuously in the same way no matter where it is moved?   I know how to rotate an object keeping it in proper preference but not revolve continuously.




  14. Interesting question, because my experience h changed.   I am been in SL since 2006.  Was a dancer for 6 months and made over $20,000 in tips, which I used to upload textures to make and sell stuff.  For a while I just explored and spend the money on clothes and avatars.  Then I got interested in building and was teaching myself GIMP.   Eventually I started selling stuff. 

    Am making about on average about $200L a day.  

    So now with time I have been making friends.  Usually I hang out with someone for a while and then never see them again.  Most people last a few weeks it seems.  We old timers seem to never get tired of SL!  I still keep SL and RL separate and will not talk about RL or answer any questions.  I do not want "relationships" in SL have enough problems with them in RL.!

    I still explore, SL is never changing.  Am amazed on the improvements in skins and the "new" sculpted prims.  Cannot believe how real the ocean looks now!

    Hope Linden does not screw up and loose it or sell to Microsoft.  If Microsoft gets SL they will trash it.  They hate any competition with their Internet Explorer and the millions it makes for them in advertising. 

    SL has the potential to supplement or replace internet browsers if Linden can make it more compatible with video cards and faster on slow connections.

    I work in a Community College and Linden is missing an opportunity.   We could have a campus teach courses, counselors can talk to students and show videos.  Many like me prefer the 3D experience over the flat internet browser. 

    I sent my supervisor a letter about SL with a list of colleges and businesses in it, but never heard a word. No doubt thought I was a nut promoting a computer game for a college.

    Linden needs to promote to colleges and schools.  Give big discounts for land and islands for public schools.  And helpt them get started maybe include  with land or island a building ready to go.



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