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Kisses Triellis

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Everything posted by Kisses Triellis

  1. I thought that when they made the new search and that is wasn't going to be based on traffic anymore that my business would do a little better...not worse! I want to know how a store is placed in search. If it's not traffic then what is it because I can tell you that's not relevance. At least not in my case! My store is "Kisses Gestures" It's clearly a gesture store and yet I'm on page 6! Which wouldn't be so bad if all the stores before mine were all gesture stores but they are not! Some are even clubs! I have the word gesture/s again and again in the description and of course it's in the name of the store and yet there are non-gesture stores ahead of me. My business has dropped from $10K to $1K a month! How do I find out how the search is being done now and how do I move up the ladder so that I am ahead of non-gesture stores?????? Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Kisses Triellis
  2. Good point Aurie...I guess I was only thinking about me lol but you are absolutely right.
  3. I'm pretty sure when people are in a SL private call you can no longer see the little white dot over their head. This of course would not be the case if they are on Skype or Yahoo voice or some similar outside program.
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