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Kelli Voom

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Everything posted by Kelli Voom

  1. well done, grandmother - still spry in your twilight years! You beat me to the punch I hope it's a wonderful place for you. To others, just released a trad in Princess Caroline - it's a bit sunken into the ground, but there's a groovy little community pool down the road!
  2. Hello, neighbors near and far! I would love to collect, here and in my old Victorian home, the ghost stories and legends of Bellisseria for people to explore. The (???)(???) Ghost that haunted some of the earlier communities? Mermaids or selkie sightings off the coastline? UFOs? Mischievous squirrels and/or jackalopes? Mysterious phenomena of all sorts are welcome, either stories or photos, whatever you'd wish to share. I plan on opening my home as a sort of museum of the Mysterious, a combination of inspirations from Gravity Falls, Night Vale, Doctor Who, etc. I already have a decent amount of oddities filling the space, and plan on hiding all sorts of secrets and hidden clues and easter eggs about. But I would also love to fill the space with newspaper headlines and photographs from the community. If you have a spooky tale or a photo to share, please drop it here, or drop me a line inworld. I will photoshop them into newspaper stories and rotate them through. The place is still a big work in progress, and we may move locations in the near future, but you're welcome to drop by. We're in Middle Totting right now, right next to a nice little tavern called 'Beer Bellis' (232, 69, 32) Thanks in advance for all the weird and wonderful! Keep Bellisseria Weird
  3. That's because it's not named for the landscape, but for the names of the Mighty Mien. There are also regions named Nott, Beauregard, Caduceus, Bren... One of the Moles is a special kind of Critter
  4. I'm so fond of the new Linden homes - the community, the adventure, all the lovely little nooks to explore. I was fortunate enough to get a boathouse during the second wave - and though I had my heart set on a cozy little traditional lot, I've grown accustomed to the lonely life at sea That said, I recognize there are so many folk still waiting for a place to call their own, to hang their hat - but I wanted to offer my home /lab as a place to crash for those without. Like a free Airbnb off the coast of Belliseria. I'm around so rarely, and I'd hate to leave the house sitting empty and unused! if it can give some other folks a sense of home and hearth before they can secure their own, then I welcome it! There is a guestbook if you'd like to drop a hello or a suggestion, a bedroom upstairs, and a little rowboat that you can use to explore the waters around the area. If I'm home, don't be shy, feel free to come in and strike up a conversation Deno (130, 183, 22)
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