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Cammy Snowbear

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Everything posted by Cammy Snowbear

  1. Hallo trau mich kaum schon auf große sims. Egal ob es dort leer ist oder nicht. Aber ich scheine irgendwie immer lag zu haben. Bzw beim rein raus zoom wenn ich dann auf meinen avi zoome gehts einigermaßen. aber sonst fuehlen sich die großen sims irgendwie immer schwer an. bzw das der pc damit nicht so gut klar kommt. bin schon am gruebeln ob ich ne neue grafikkarte holen soll. hab euch mal die daten gepostet  nutze firestorm viewer (aktuell) cache usw auch gesäubert irgend ne idee?
  2. hi ich hatte mir neue mesh haare geholt und sobald ich etwas raus zoome sieht es so aus als hätte ich keine an obwohl sie an sind. hier mal die pics   habt ihr ne idee was ich machen kann?
  3. hi hatte meinen PC aufgeruestet. auf 8kern cpu, Sapphire Radeon R9 290x vapor und 1000 watt corsair. aber irgendwie scheint es bei allen viewern probleme mit mesh zu geben. wobei meine meshes schon angezeigt werden aber z.b hier auf diesem bild dann wieder nicht oder chaotisch. habt ihr ne idee was ich machen kann? waere diese karte gut genug fuer sl?
  4. hello i decided to upgrade my computer since sl became a bit laggy. i had the ati radeon hd 6870 for along time now. i asked in a pc forum and the guys recommended me to get the card Ati Radeon R9 290x Vapor. and upgrade to 8 core cpu. which i did. i m using 12 gb ram. win 8.1 enterprise 64x but somehow sl runs quite slow. it seems to lag still and i cant explain why. here is the picture how i have the settings. do you believe the card is strong enough to run it?
  5. what i dont get is. at beginning there were at least 2 sales or more every day. never without. which makes less sense. if there would be none at start either i could understand. maybe its the products etc. althought people kept saying its good. so i really dont get what is going on there or if its worth to keep creating stuff. when there is suddenly such stoppage.
  6. hello I kinda hesitated to talk about it but here we go. i ve been creating cloth back than. recently i came across a girl who told me i shouldn' t have. and just need to upgrade and sell them as solo pieces instead of full outfits as i did long ago. so i reworked a few clothings and created new ones as well. and she seemed to be right every day was a sale or more. well needless to say suddenly since i would say 1,5 -2 weeks now? not 1 single sale. while there were quite many before. which makes me a bit speechless and pondering if i should go on. or maybe people dont want it or etc etc. many crazy ideas running through my merchant head. lol any ideas?
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