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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I find that if I want to get a decent hair, skin, suit, etc. I can't do it for under $2000. However, starting out, you can find a LOT of freebies on the SL Marketplace and inworld at places like the Shelter, the Dovet, etc. and various infohubs, so you should first do your best with that before you spend a lot of money.
  2. The creation of threads, especially those in the top view all the time, should be limited. That's to prevent any one person or group from constantly, aggressively, outrageously trying to gain the mindshare and the marketshare accordingly in Second Life. Attention is a scarce resource; the real estate space of the top view threads is a scarce resource. No one person or clique should get to grab an entire platform's scarce resource. They are limited. Making two prims in world isn't the same as the arrogant attempt to grab the view and grab attention -- and power and sales that go with it -- with contant thread-mongering. Of course, one hopes that those who use this infantile method will self-discredit at some level and people will begin to ignore them. But that doesn't necessarily always happen quite that way, so I'm for limiting attention grabs like this.
  3. A lot of people have that problem today.
  4. There's a store with great top hats in the Mainland sim of Grace at St. Paul's Church plaza.
  5. You should be able to click through screens that give you an option to pick a Linden home and then get an email confirmation that you click through to go there to the location. You have to go to customer help if you aren't getting those screens to work. If you don't want the Linden home or have one already, you have to abandon it inworld before you can go buy another land, say an empty parcel on the Mainland without the house so you can pick your own.
  6. Are you on a laptop? SL is not meant to run on laptops. And many laptops seem to log you on and let you see the world, but then...you can't move. Be sure to put the draw distance in view/preferences/graphics to 64 and turn off all custom graphics options, also turn off media, that can help.
  7. No, I didn't get mine, I think the system is down today for this. Normally it distributes Tuesdays. All the group debits and ad debits went through fine though.
  8. Sometimes people die in RL and don't tell you. Other times they need a fast getaway.
  9. Don't you wish Linden Lab would offer a friend-reaching service? i.e. when someone doesn't log on for awhile, that you could file a ticket, and LL would contact them using the email they supplied when signing up (which you might not know -- and rightly so, people shouldn't give out their real emails to strangers on the Internet). Sometimes I get tenants who tell me they are dying in real life -- I'm never sure if it's true, but I think possibly it is in some cases. I sometimes have tenants with partners, they live with them for years, and all of a sudden one will dump the other and not explain and just disappear, and that person left behind suffers terribly -- they wish they could at least get an email confirmation the person is OK, but just not wishing contact. Once I had this couple who rented from me for years, they led a robust and creative life with creations, stores, events, lovely interior decorating, and one day suddenly both of them disappeared at the same time, never to be heard of again. I think of them as somehow, perhaps they drove off into the sunset and fell off a cliff, like the tragic RL couple that formed the basis for the song "The Way" by Fastball. Of course, this should be an opt-in. For example, it could be a service you pay for "add friend-reaching". The Lindens could automate it so that they didn't have to fuss with it. Of course, some people set IMs to go to email, and if you do that, IMs really shouldn't cap (and they don't, despite what many say). And that should be good enough, but some people might supply a different email for the "friend notification service".
  10. That's odd, I've never heard of this. Are you using the standard SL viewer? Which version? Version 2 has an annoyance many have complained about which is the search window closes after you teleport. But what you're describing is that you can't even click on the link and get to teleport with the search result. That shouldn't happen. I'm trying to think what this could be about. Packet loss?
  11. You only have to use the prefab that Linden binds to the land in the Linden Homes program if you opt to move into one of those sims. But there are many other sims on the Mainland that have plots available of 512 m2 that you can purchase from other residents -- some very low priced, some more high priced, depending on location. Give yourself time to shop and study the market and the surroundings before spending because you cannot get a refund. If the lot is only 512 m2, you will then have your tier, or maintenance fee covered, as part of your premium subscription. Another thing you can do is use the 512 to contribute to a group, and get a rental discount or cash-free for tier only -- I have this plan in my rental groups and you will find other Mainland groups with the same option. Yet another thing you can do is rent or buy on an island, but then your tier of 512 m2 can't be used, and it wouldn't make sense to keep your premium account. I would encourage you to shop on the Mainland because it's a buyer's market now, you can find very nice deals, and with the premium you get the stipend of $300 a week, plus access to customer service.
  12. This is the sort of complex case you really do need a lawyer for. Getting a lot of uneducated and unprofessional advice from a wildly different set of random people from all over the world is not really going to help you. Lawyers are expensive. They cost $400 a hour in New York where I live. You can find some websites by Googling that help you define your rights better and help you file the DMCA, but you have to be prepared to dig in and do it right, and use your real life name and address. In the SL situation, not everyone wants that. It's not really a matter for SL, even if related, it's not on their servers.
  13. I'm seeing some people start 7-8-10 threads all at once in the top view forum headings and it's really obnoxious and annoying. This is being done by a small coterie of people to try to keep their old forums mindshare/marketshare on top, in the view, and constantly in your face. But we're not all friends with this group, nor do we want to be. There should be a limit on how many threads you can start -- per day, month, whatever. If people had a limit, they might be less inclined to fill up the forums with their own persona but listen to others more.
  14. Second Life is a shared, collaborative space. That's how its framers (Philip Rosedale et. al) devised it. You have plenty of privacy tools on your islands or parcel to block out the physical presence of people without having to obliterate their appearance. I think it sets up a really awful society when people can obliterate others like that for any reason or no reason. While it always seems as if your own choice in this is justified, once you see tens of thousands of people doing this, it becomes a world where you cannot have basic fundamental human values that enable people to have a civil society. I don't believe that all view of content or appearance even of people I ban from my land should be a feature in the world. And it falls into the "do unto others" category.
  15. When LL says the video card isn't supported, they're not kidding. This is the list that everyone needs to check BEFORE they buy a new graphics card or computer with a certain card in it: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US It's harsh, but there it is, your card is not on there. The series 4000 is, but not that one you h ave. So you should simply take it back and try to get another one on this list. Good luck, because you may find, even if you live in the media capital of the world like I do (New York City) that not a single one of the consumer-oriented computer stores like Best Buy will have these cards, or have computers with these cards in them. You can try to order a custom Dell computer. But don't be surprised to discover that oh, these cards don't seem to go with the cheaper PCs there either and just don't seem to be available in the configurations you want online, or even after you call the live help. Keep in mind that if you do buy one of these higher-end graphic cards, be prepared for it to overheat your computer and blow out UNLESS you also buy the bigger fan needed to cool it and install that. By the time this expedition costs you $350, you start to think maybe you should get a new computer, not a new card. It's really a shame that Linden Lab will not make their software to fit what is mass produced for the consumer, rather than make the consumer run around like a chicken trying to find the right card, but it's the reality of our virtuality. What happens is that the Lindens and the close circle of techs around them custom-build their computers and they don't really have empathy for the situation of the average non-technical consumer. They aren't motivated (yet) to have this empathy because they don't need/want the world to scale quickly into the millions (yet).
  16. If you moved from 76 listings to 3, I can only respect you more. One thing I find really clutters up the Marketplace needlessly is when a merchant lists separate entry for each and every colour/texture change of one product. I believe they should simply put this in text, or put in pictures on one entry, and not burden the system with all the needless colour changes. In fact, I wish that were in the TOS because I think some people game search by putting in 100 colour changes to a product as a separate product in each instance. I'm never quite sure how it works with the product replacements myself and find the instructions not clear and easily accessed on the store itself which is where it is needed, not buried in a knowledge base. Through trial and error and asking around, I've discovered that if you have a product that you've updated by improving or adding something to it, but you don't want to call it now Product 2.0 because that would be silly and misleading. you can just delete the product out of the magic box and then put in a new one with the same name, and it will override the file online and the previous description will stay in place. If you delist the item first because you think that seems intuitive, then try to reload the item with the same name, you will wind up with a new listing that you then have to repeat the description, photos, etc. for all over again, which is a chore. And it turns out, even against the TOS on fraud grounds. The reviews are still not working. I see numbers for them, but when I click on them, nothing is there.
  17. Translation: "Some days I ran the clubhouse, other days I didn't". @Nany Yes, that's the problem with clubhouses. Sometimes you run them; other days people get fed up with your posts and AR you or even go further because you've done that to them. That's why I avioded the forums and only posted when there seemed a critical issue. Yes, the forums have been lobotomized now and are under ridiculously tight management. But that's what happens when users themselves cannot arrange self-governance fairly, and only end up encouraging vigilantism or worse. These forums can still be useful in a limited sort of way if the mods really work hard to get in early and often now and move or delete all those topics that certain cliques are posting merely as a means to mindshare and then of course marketshare. They've always done this with impunity; it's good to see that they can't now. Unless, of course, they continue to pester mods and bully other residents and the mods give up, as they have before, or unless these customers are so important to the Lindens because of the revenue their businesses bring in that they become arbitrary and selective in how they moderate (a problem in the past). I believe strongly in not having conversations about a virtual world moderated in this way because I think the only way to address the bad phenomena in any "country" is to have a free press that can cover crime, corruption, unfair privileging, incompetence, etc. But because that's not possible here, I run my own blog. And others have their own forums to go to and should use them for that purpose until such time as the system here changes. In the meantime, if the Lindens want to make the forums a bulletin board, in a sense, for very narrowly-defined topics and a very strict culture of presentation, that's fine for what it is, then I want them to police it fairly.
  18. "Twee" -- I love that word. So apt. I need to remember that word. Meanwhile, Phil Collins is sick and going off the road -- Su-su-su...
  19. No. Read the requirements here: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US 3450 is not on there any more. Even when it was in the list awhile ago, SL didn't work very well with it, I used to have it. Of course, you're always welcome to try to get SL to play on anything you can, it may be surprise you. Just put all the graphics settings as far down as they will go and eliminate all the stuff like atmospheric shadings, etc. & it may run.
  20. You should explain what your university or company affiliation is if you want to build trust. Strangers on the Internet have no special need to fill out your survey -- they're a dime a dozen in SL. There isn't any public area or board that all of SL sees. You could take out an ad on some of the infohubs but it won't be effective. Many academics and marketers before you have been frustrated by the fact that there isn't massmedia in SL and there is no way to reach the entire population or even a significant portion of it, just like you can't reach "the Internet". In Facebook, you can take out an ad and pay for that ad and attach it to Survey Monkey. In SL, you can put a notice here likely in off-topic, and then possibly go around to welcome hubs and infohubs and blogs and such and ask them to post your notice. It's work. Hard work as there isn't some instant board and instant device that will do this for you. It's like real life in that respect. Example: you can go to two public bulletin boards I maintain on the infohub sims of Ross and Iris where newbies are landing all the time and oldbies returning. You can post a notice "Fill out my survey for money!" and place a URL to Survey Monkey. You might be seen by several thousands of people over the week, maybe 10,000. Of these probably 20 might answer. Most people conducting surveys in SL use SL only as a connection and staging area, and use Survey Monkey or other survey sites offworld on the Internet to post questions and collect data. Otherwise, you have to fumble with notecards, notecard givers, and notecard takers. These are not optimal. I have seen some marketers set up survey bots with pop-up menus or put NPC-like bots on islands to ask questions. That gets costly. But you can probably find an SL service provider to set that up for you if you have a budget.
  21. You can try using "discussion" and "culture" on the events list on the viewer, but that can be laggy and cluttery. One thing I've been doing is typing "university" and "college" into the search/places list. Then I find various universities that have interesting builds, sometimes public lectures etc. One thing I've been a bit disappointed with in SL is that for all the talk of open university this and free university that, in fact, they are not open to avatars in the general public, they are only open to their RL students matriculated in real life --, with very few exceptions. I can count on one hand the number of free and open university lectures I've actually attended in SL even trying to follow this. SLED is one thing to watch, but that's a mailing list where a lot of the time the members are just complaining about how they can't copy everything full perms in Second Life due to the permissions system and copy it free to Open Sim. So I'm sorry, I can't suppor that perspective. That's actually only a few very radical and persistent educators with an agenda, but it tends to fil up the room. If you would like to go an intelligent lecture and discussion organized by a university professor, although not exactly "a course," look up the group Metanomics inworld and go to their events, they have good speakers.
  22. I do wish I could have "contacts" like a business card and "friends" who are really true friends. The lists are out of control. I look down the list sometimes and note the ones that have my build perms. Those are true friends.
  23. I find Ray Kurzweil's ideas and the concept of the Singularity to be quite totalitarian in nature. http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2009/07/why-singularism-is-fascism.html Jay Lanier is a genius and a breath of fresh air among all these tekkie collectivists. I heard him speak in real life last year, wonderfully inspiring.
  24. The General Discussion forum acted as a focal point for the community, like a clubhouse. Bingo. THAT is the problem. There isn't one community. There are many. *edited for possible harassment* Yes, it was EXACTLY like a clubhouse. And it shouldn't be -- because SL is not just for a handful of people who have time to bond with each other over their shared perspective and harangue others. It has to be an open platform for a huge variety of users. Cliquishness drives people away from the forums. *edited for possible harassment* P.S. I haven't gotten any rares in ages. Why do you think that is?
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