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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. I have a 2009 curtsey. I spent months searching for it now and then. It still isn't that nice. And it was a freebee. Good luck and let us know what you find.
  2. When you ask a tech question like this we need to see your viewer-computer specs. Click the viewer's HELP->About... and copy and paste that info with your question. II doubt clearing the cache will do anything other than slow your viewer down. Clearing is the absolute last step in troubleshooting. Trying an alternate viewer and reloging along with changing regions are the first steps. This glitch is often the result of materials or layers messing up. So, clear materials in your HUD as the next step. Be sure you have BOM set correctly, on or off, and no alphas (if BOM on) or for sure wearing alphas (if BOM off). It can be hard to see what happens if your base classic avatar is wearing the same skin as is applied to the head and/or body. Often you can figure out the layering problem when using appliers if you temporarily apply a much darker or lighter skin. What may look like a flicker will become an obvious poke-through.
  3. Their main website is down/gone. The in-world store is selling everything at 50% off... No new Facebook posts... In-world subscriber is offline... Store is showing no employees online... They may be closing down. I would continue to try and reach them. I would check the store at different times of day to if any employees are around. But I suspect in a month or so the store will disappear. @Lionna Dumouriez The owner may have given up or something happened to Lionna. Buying things that depend on external servers is always risky.
  4. Dancing at Kinky Haze. I love this dress.
  5. When the render goes odd colors or specific textures on objects go a bright purple, it is usually the video card's driver. For a time this was very common with AMD products. But, it has happened to NVIDIA too.
  6. You are right, they are two different things. But, without skin the body is transparent. So there is nothing to render. It isn't that there is not a body, it is a matter of not being able to see it.
  7. There seems to be some confusion. If one cannot see the skin, there is no body to see... so I'm not sure what you are saying. The click and appear or disappear is likely a driver issue or you just need to relog. Is it you are them? Good question. To answer it try using a second viewer. I think most of us old-timers always have two or more viewers installed for testing. So pick one of the third-party viewers and see if you see the same problem. I suggest Firestorm for your second viewer because it is the most popular viewer in SL. Popular by 2 or 3 times more users than the LL Viewer. However, the LL Viewer is now pretty much the cutting-edge viewer. And FS 6.6.8 does have some kinks in the viewer's left and right click with this version of nVidia 531.79. The most bug-free viewer is Cool VL Viewer. But it has a v1 user interface which is a problem for me. But it is FAST and reliable. Works better on older hardware than other viewers. Catznip has the BEST inventory tools. Many of which are in no other viewer. So, if you are wanting to organize inventory this would be a good choice. Black Dragon is now the photographers' and machinima enthusiasts' choice of viewer. But it too has a unique UI. But the viewer is worth the effort to put up with its PITA UI.
  8. The CPU is slow. I assume you are running on a laptop. You might get a bit better performance by keeping the laptop plugged into power and tuning Windows for performance. You can Google how to tune Windows. Using the CPU's graphics means you will have low to moderate graphics quality in your rendering. Setting your graphics memory to the max may be a part of the problem. You only have 1GB assigned to graphics use. Windows is going to use part of that meaning you have something more like 500MB (0.5GB) available for the viewer. I would expect screen blinks, which may be long enough to look like freezes, as video memory gets swapped to disk. You can try reducing the viewer's expectation of available video memory. You can watch the Task Manager's Performance tab to see how many page faults are occurring when you run the viewer. If you are seeing a high rate of swaps, you have a memory shortage problem. You can look up your laptop model and see what the max memory limit is and maybe upgrade. CPU-Z (free) will let you see what is installed in the computer, including memory speed. If it is less than what your motherboard supports, you can upgrade.
  9. You seem to be doing everything correctly. A few people have lately had this problem. The problem may be in when they contact the Lab's support. Those that made contact and then tried to log in have had a problem. Those that tried to log in and then contacted support seem to make it in within 24 hours. While this is just my observation of a FEW people's experiences, it suggests that you will need to contact support again. I would try again to log in. Then contact support if it fails. Also, read through the Wiki's article on the Preview Grid to get an idea of how things work over there.
  10. At Kinky Haze. Playing with PS' LEns Blur.
  11. Jump over to the web search. If you are using Firestorm, joining and being a member of the group is sort of mandatory for getting quick help.
  12. I think Wastelands has in-game currency used for buying stuff in the game. Amazon River has in-game "coins" earned in various ways and used for purchasing food, weapons, etc. So... I would say yes.
  13. Never seen that. 😲 For a quick answer try Firestorm Support group in-world.
  14. The Lab sold Sansar. The new owners are using the tech developed. So not what most of us would call a waste. Unless of course, you think VR is a waste...
  15. When you ask a tech question we need the details of your viewer and computer. Otherwise, we are guessing... and even with the details, we may have to guess. Use the viewer's HELP->About... to collect the info we need. Paste that info with your question. Make sure your computer is updated and showing the correct time. Windows has software to encrypt and decrypt network data, as does Apple. The viewer uses that software in its communication. Make sure the computer is up-to-date and restart it.
  16. I went with the SpaceNavigator 3D Mouse (SN). It is now called the Space Mouse. This allows smooth movement and great intuitive control. You can see how it worked back when I was recording Content Creators' Meetings. (2018 example) It makes making videos much more fun and professional looking. The viewer has a camera recorder... Developer (Top Menu - Ctrl-Alt-Q)->Recorder->[start/stop record, start/stop play back] You'll have to play with this to see if it will help you. Isabelle Cheren has a video that may help. Smooth Cam She skipped using a SpaceNavigator. She uses Firestorm's camera settings in PhotoTools to do the smoothing. I have tweaked my camera to give me smooth camera control in SL. I love my SN. I use it to cam through events. I can leave my avatar floating in mid-air out of the way to avoid any load on the physics engine. You can find used SpaceNavigators on eBay at about half the price of new ones. I considered using a script to control the camera. But then I have to program the camera. The SN lets me just fly the camera.
  17. I never understand where people come up with and why they are concerned with "Should". If you are religious your shall and shall not's are defined. All else is someone's opinion. Why take 'their' opinion over your opinion? If you are asking if saying thanks is courteous, I think so. But that is my opinion. You are right that often saying thx is superfluous chatter serving little purpose. You have to decide what works for you. I personally like being thanked. But I don't thank people for favs. I do thank them for their comments. Diversity is part of being human.
  18. Boobie prises... check the bar for swarming ladies 😄
  19. I didn't say they were secure. I said they offer that service. I do avoid FB and Google logins and recommend people avoid them if there is any alternative.
  20. Lots of things use a Facebook or Google login. Not because they are owned by either. Because those two offer to do all the complex login tracking, password security, and handling forgotten passwords. It helps with FB and Google's user tracking. So they offer these other games/apps a deal if they use their services. Marketing... or if one is being less generous, propaganda. Mental conditioning and information control. If one does not know what SL is and has never experienced it then they have no way to compare. They go with what they have been told. We see a lot of that these days. -------------------------- It is all tied together… Meta is a foundation block in the coming new green order of sustainable living where per the WEF director, Klaus Schwab, along with one of the contributors, Ida Auken, the idea we will own nothing and be happy (2016 WEF Davos) is promoted. It seems most here see Meta only in the context of a competing game or platform like the present Facebook or IMVU. But Meta is part of a bigger agenda. Zuckerberg is into politics and part of the Davos crowd. I like Second Life because it provides levels of freedom and a free market that only exist in the game world in SL. The media is not interested in promoting freedom or the free market. Thus, we hear little about SL and a lot about FB/Meta because it supports the UN/WEF agendas. In SL we get to vote with our talents and L$. The result is a much freer virtual world and more than 200 terabytes of game content with new content being uploaded every day. It appears Meta is planning for a similar creative environment. They will have some catching up to do. But it is hard to know now what creation in Meta will look like. As corporations and government begin cooperating more tightly, we can expect more control to be exerted within FB/Meta just as the Twitter Files released by Musk show happened there and as Rogan/Zuckerberg interview revealed for the old FB. I think SL is small enough the Lab will be ignored until the later part of the Great Reset. However, one could say SL is already cueing up by limiting what we can talk about on the forum. Is that part of a larger agenda? Something to make the moderator’s lives easier? I think most likely the latter. For now, SL provides more opportunities.
  21. It is an American idiom. 'Source of eyeballs' means an audience source. Marketers advertise on TV because people are watching the shows. A show with a large audience is said to pull more eyes and thus can charge more for their ad time.
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