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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. What you describe is not a Firestorm problem. I've seen it in all viewers. With any viewer, if you stand on a slope that is steep enough your avatar will slide down. What may appear visually as stairs, maybe a ramp, flat sloped surface and is easily slid down. Because of how mesh and physics work in SL the visual and physical nature of objects is not always as it appears. I suggest you and a friend go to the same place and see if both avatars slide or only yours. Then you'll know if it is you are the build.
  2. That is really hard to say... There are modify shapes, some free some sold. Since I make my own shape, I have no sense of the proportion of No-Mod vs Mod-OK shapes available. Of course looking in the marketplace the impression is No-Mod is dominant. Digging through the freebie places, not so much. So, I would say if you spend some time looking you may find what you want, likely even. I think a good portion of residents by body parts; body, head, hands, feet. Mesh bodies are affected by shape sliders and skins, tats, underwear, and clothes are added via appliers. So, while no-mod they are very modifiable.But, probably not what you want if you plan on scripting them. However, you can animate them if that helps. Mesh clothes do mostly come as No-Mod. But, there are mesh clothing kits. With these kits, you are buying full-mod rights. I think you have a very good chance of coming up with what you want. Also, as many of the kits provide the DAE file you can modify the base mesh with Blender, Maya, or whatever. When kits are uploaded you have full-mod rights and can script them. there is a whole other aspect of SL that operates with RLV (Restrained Life Viewer). Many, most?, third=party viewers use RLV. This is a system that allows a scripted prim (HUD or worn thing) to talk to the viewer and control it One of the features of RLV is the ability for scripts to attach and detach clothing items. You may want to read through the RLV specs at Marine Kelley's blog or visit the Open Collar site and read the RLV manuals to see if they are already doing what you want. Also, it sounds like you are trying to duplicate OUTFITS. I skimmed this thread so, forgive me if I missed the point. But, Outfits are saved sets of clothing and HUD's that are worn with almost a single click.
  3. This is getting way too technical.
  4. There is no setting to solve the problem. You are dealing with CHAT LAG. The packets of chat leave your computer in the order you type them. They travel to a chat server. The chat server sees packets of text. They are NOT serialized. Your packets and everyone else's packets are flowing into the same multiple-server system. Your first packet may land in one server and the second in another. Depending on the load on the individual servers the packet landing in the least busy server may leave first. So, they can arrive in other people's viewers in reverse order. There is nothing to be done but assure your packets of text fit in a single packet. Even then the order in which people respond can get out of order. We see that all the time in busy groups and busy Nearby local chat. It was way worse a couple of years ago. Chat actually works pretty well these days.
  5. When you resize an image in PS there is an option in the dialog to hold the proportions. Disable the option. In Photoshop you can set the canvas size. Then redo the image to get the best looking 700x100 image.
  6. It may just be the body is not that well made. The tattoo is usually an Applier. So, if any part of the tat shows the texture has loaded. It should all be visible. A complete texture downloads or any partial downloads are discarded. When it isn't, as you images show, there is a problem with the mesh it is being applied to. Changing your viewer's LoD setting to 4 is a lame solution to circumvent a performance feature of SL to offset poor design. Unfortunately, a personal viewer change in LoD affects everyone as it increases the amount of data being downloaded which affects the region and asset servers. It isn't a huge impact, but a region full of avatars run by viewers with a setting of LoD 4 has a significant impact. So Drake1 is enabling poor designers by using LoD 4 full time. Long debates have raged because Firestorm uses a default of LoD 2 and designers build for 2.0 in place of the more performance minded LL Viewer default 1.5. The FS techies get on about the 0,5 increase. You may not be aware that the Lab is looking at revising Land Impact and Avatar Complexity Index costs this coming 2018. Plus they are thinking about changing the mesh uploaded to add cost when poor LoD models are used. Neither of these is certain to be implemented.
  7. IF you are going to use a different name and email address, just open a new account.
  8. I would give it a day and retry. They are having some issues with the websites. You might also try another browser. If you use Firefox, try using Chrome or Internet Explorer. The cookies used by the website may be tripping you up.
  9. Liable and slander laws do apply to things written and said in SL. So, while the ToS may not apply, you can still bring a civil action. One just has to decide if it is worth the cost. While SL is a privately owned property, they have granted us speech within the system with very few restrictions. They do try to limit abuse and bullying. Racist comments are considered abuse. The free speech arguments are being lost across the world. Hate speech is now the toe in the door for eliminating all free speech. We are moving toward only government approved speech. Germany is leading the way among supposed free speech countries in moving to limited speech and arresting people deemed by the government to have said hateful things, like ANY criticism of a foreign government leader. Comedians have already been arrested for making jokes about Erdoğan. True free speech allows almost anything to be said. The actual restrictions all pertain to false statements, crying fire in a theater is the common example, lying about people (slander) and printing false statements (libel) and others. So, stating, I think you are a promiscuous [put your derogatory term here]. Is a statement of opinion and cannot be prohibited in most 'free' countries. Nor can my saying/writing 'you are a ...' be stopped. However, one can file suit for slander/libel after the statement is made and if THEY cannot show you are undeniably the slimeball they claim, you win and they are punished, usually requiring they pay you money. The basic principle is you can think and say anything you want. But, you are also held accountable for what you say, especially if it is a lie and injures someone. We can't stop you from yelling fire in a theater. But, you most likely will be prosecuted for doing so and if anyone is harmed, they will sue you and easily win. Free countries have reactive law enforcement. Dictators use preemptive law enforcement. Freedom is not always fun. But, it is way better than the alternatives.
  10. There is no good way to examine the object if it is No-Mod. Otherwise, you can consider traveling to a sandbox and rezzing the thing. That is risky. But, you can then open it and read the scripts, which only helps if you understand Linden scripting. Adware and viruses are generally not a part of SL as they cannot load into the SL Assets. The Lab filters for problems. However, tricky as they are, griefers have figured ways to cause problems. So, various things in SL can be set to access web sites and have the page load things into your computer. Others ask for permissions being as misleading as possible. Phishing exploits are common. If at all possible, they are going to take debit permission for your account. Fortunately that requires a keyboard or mouse response. In other cases they will send you to fake SL web sites and ask you to login, stealing your ID/password. A viewer is not as vulnerable as an email program is. Like most other things, do NOT grant permissions you do not understand, do not click on things you do NOT trust, and do NOT rez questionable objects, meaning anything from a stranger or new friend.
  11. You are correct that a reset returns a script to a default state. The problem is what the programmer designed the default state to be. There is no universal default state for all scripts. I make Appliers. Almost all of the Appliers for Slink, Maitreya and others use the same basic workflow to protect their and my work. The script is given to me by Slink, Belleza, or whoever in a startup state. It is waiting for me to tell it how to use my HUD's buttons and where to paste the textures I am using, tattoo, skin, clothes, etc.. I tell it that information by writing information into a notecard according to instructions provided. With the HUD rezzed on the ground and with the Slink, Maitreya, or whatever Applier script loaded, I drop in my notecard. The Applier reads the card and pulls the information into memory then deletes the note card. Thus the UUID of my texture which could be taken from the card is hidden. The Slink maker protects their communications with their product and commerce moves ahead with a minimum of trust required between all parties. If you reset one of these Appliers, all the information from my card is cleared. The applier is then in a "default" state waiting for a card to be added. For the end user it is non-functional, appearing broke. Certainly not the default state an end user would likely expect. For various reasons other scripts do similar things. Some scripts are designed with solely the end-user in mind and can be reset without issue. My point is you cannot anticipate with any certainty what the "default" state will be.
  12. I cannot login either. Tried FS & LL viewers and different regions. I'm in SoCal.... Nothing in Grid Status... yet... I can, however, log into the Beta Grid.
  13. You have been given the best tech advice available. You don't say which viewer you are using. So, being specific is difficult. But, make sure the Inventory Filters have all been reset.
  14. You can edit a post for about an hour. You can find your posts by clicking on your name/ID in the upper right of these pages and clicking PROFILE.
  15. Opening notices is an old bug. The notices are good for a couple of hours. So, if you see one pop and click it, it will almost always open as expected. Also, a landmark (BUG-10498) in a notice will work while it is fresh. Say a notice gets sent at 10 AM and I login at 6 PM, 8 hours later, chances are good the notice attachments will not open (BUG-6542) and a Landmark will not work. It is a server thing allowing the information to time out.
  16. IP rights are highly abused whether one is talking RL or SL. So, avoid surprise when you see someone ripping off a product. With copyright and trademark there is a lot of confusion. Enough similarity to a copyrighted item in an original work has been found to violate the the original item's copyright. So, it gets complex. Then there is the fuzzy line of Fair Use of copyrighted material. That confuses people. Then there are exceptions for educational use, which further confuses people. Licensing means someone is paying the rights holder. There is usually an up front cost. Those I know about are too high to warranted for using a product in SL. But, some companies prefer the advertising exposure and allow trademarks to be freely used as long as they bare the TM of (C) symbols, like Coka Cola logos in SL. My point being is you CANNOT reverse engineer the law from what people do. Once you know the basic law you know who is legit and who is ripping of who.
  17. That is a speed problem caused by fingers... or maybe a bad keyboard... 4010MHz... is what it should have been... 4GHz
  18. There are somethings to consider. However, setting the graphics setting to LOW shoud increase your FPS. If not, I suspect the problem is outside the viewer. I assume you watch the Viewer Statistics panel to get your numbers. For troubleshooting and benchmarking you want a place with no avatars. Avatars coming and going will mess up your numbers and that can mislead you to thinking a setting change made a negative or positive difference when it was one or more avatars arriving or departing. I'm an NVIDA person. The latest from them is http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ which may give you some ideas for your R9. HDMonitor will tell you if there is a heat problem. There are a number of panels inside the viewer that can help you figure out what is wrong. Ctrl-Shift 1 - Viewer stats 2 - Scene Load Statistics 3 - Texture Console 4 - Debug Console 5 - Notifications Console 9 - Fast Timers Console The texture console will tell you when you are downloading and decrypting textures. That should correspond to the peaks in GPU use... more or less. The viewer is multi-threaded using about 20 threads with the render engine being the single biggest thread and likely to choke. If your CPU is hitting 100% while running SL something isn't right. Mine seldom gets above 50%. i5-6600k @ 4MHz. That your GPU hits 100% also says something isn't right. My 1060 hovers around 50%. If you are using SSD or have a loaded PCIe bus, that could be your problem. That is a motherboard thing. While a video card can use 16 channels and survive on 8 a crowded PCIe bus can be a problem. Look at your MB specs and see what you have for PCIe and figure out what is being used. Some MB makers put all their channels on one bus. Others have them on 3 or 4 buses. So, the total number can be hype if they are all jammed on one bus. If System Resource shows a high fault rate, there is a memory issue. Having a RAM drive that is too large can be counterproductive. Slow memory chips (system ram) can cause surges as buffers reload or page fault out. Watch the Windows System Performance Meter to see what else may be surging the video card. Good luck.
  19. Saying you want something others can see when you are not online, raises some questions. Anything you rez in-world is there whether you are online of not. Any mesh model is just a thing. So, are you thinking something other than just a 'thing'? There is a ton of stuff on how to model for SL on YouTube and Vimeo. Builders Brewery gives classes in world. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+model+for+second+life = 34 million hits.
  20. I think you win. The closest I could find is The user Turtle isn't logged in, so I can't ask if he/she has ever been asked why he/she would cross a road... However, now that question has been asked. So...
  21. You can follow the new Web Properties User GRoup here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/353-second-life-web/ In User Groups (wiki) you can find the schedule for the semi-monthly Web UG meetings. The JIRA is the best way to reach the most engineers with your request. The UG meeting is your opportunity to talk with the Lindens about your ideas.
  22. While we are glad to answer Firestorm questions, Firestorm has an in-world support group that is manned pretty much 24x7. If you are not yet a member, I suggest you join. You'll usually get quick answers and you'll be talking to experienced Firestorm users.
  23. Nalates Urriah


    The things that indicate age in RL are a bit difficult to find in SL. Gray hair is a strong indicator and it is easy to find hair of any color. Like RL hair color in SL is easy to change. So, no problem there. Style may be a bit more tricky. Any style you want is around. Finding it may be a challenge as there is so much to sort through. Glasses are another but weaker indicator. Those are easy to find. Conservative clothing, is available too. This too is a weaker indicator. You'll find designers that design the look you are after. It will take some searching. Skin... dreaded wrinkles, ugh. They are available. Finding just the right wrinkles can be trick. They are out there. But, you can learn to make skin with wrinkles or wrinkles as tattoos and make your own. Shape... making your own shape is easy. So, moving away from the common 20-year-old hard body is easy. There are tutorials available (Google) for making your avatar look like your RL self. I mean nearly exactly like. So close any of your friends would recognize it as you. One uses a picture of their face make it very realistic. I suspect most people make their avatar into an idealized image of what they like or would like to be. Even the SL Santa has a hard body.
  24. Lindal gave a good summary of the Premium costs and plans. There are various benefits to Premium Membership in addition to what she mentioned. I especially like the increased access... regions are limited to a maximum number of avatars. The limit varies based on the type of region (which is about the server hosting the region) from 20 to 50 avatars with 40 being common. The Lab is working to increases that number. This past year they increased it by 10%+/-. Along with the increases they gave Premium Members additional access. So, if a region is full at 40 the region will allow in 5 additional Premium Members pushing the max population to 45. For those of us enjoying 'events' this is great. Just this month they extended the access to 'transactions' to 90 days from 32(?). For merchants and others this is a handy thing. From time to time you get free stuff too. It is usually sort of corny but often fun. Plus there are sandboxes for Premium Members only. If you start building things you'll use the sandboxes. Then you find out what a pain the public sandboxes can be. The members sand boxes are way nicer to use. The weekly L$300 stipend and L$1,000 signing bonus returns 52x300 + 1000 = L$16,600 or about US$64 dollars. So, the annual subscription is WAY cheap. Hidden Costs... There are some costs we haven't talked about. But, all those costs are optional. If you want more L$ to spend, you can buy them or work for them or sell stuff. That is a choice. If you make L$ and want to convert it to your local RL currency (US$ in my case), you can and there is a fee. My biggest not so hidden cost is clothes... OH! and shoes!
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